output reg outbubble = 1,
output reg [31:0] outcpsr = 0,
output reg [31:0] outspsr = 0,
+ output reg outcpsrup = 0,
output reg write_reg = 1'bx,
output reg [3:0] write_num = 4'bxxxx,
output reg [31:0] write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx,
reg next_outbubble;
reg [31:0] next_outcpsr, next_outspsr;
+ reg next_outcpsrup;
reg next_write_reg;
reg [3:0] next_write_num;
outbubble <= next_outbubble;
outcpsr <= next_outcpsr;
outspsr <= next_outspsr;
+ outcpsrup <= next_outcpsrup;
write_reg <= next_write_reg;
write_num <= next_write_num;
write_data <= next_write_data;
next_outbubble = inbubble | flush | delayedflush;
next_outcpsr = cpsr;
next_outspsr = spsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = 0;
next_write_reg = 0;
next_write_num = 4'hx;
next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
outstall = outstall | ((!prevstall | !mult_done) && !inbubble);
next_outbubble = next_outbubble | !mult_done | !prevstall;
next_outcpsr = insn[20] /* S */ ? {mult_result[31] /* N */, mult_result == 0 /* Z */, 1'b0 /* C */, cpsr[28] /* V */, cpsr[27:0]} : cpsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = insn[20] /* S */;
next_write_reg = 1;
next_write_num = insn[19:16] /* Rd -- why the fuck isn't this the same place as ALU */;
next_write_data = mult_result;
next_write_data = spsr;
next_write_data = cpsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
`DECODE_ALU_MSR, /* MSR (Transfer register to PSR) */
`DECODE_ALU_MSR_FLAGS: /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits only) */
+ begin
if ((cpsr[4:0] == `MODE_USR) || (insn[16] /* that random bit */ == 1'b0)) /* flags only */
if (insn[22] /* Ps */)
next_outcpsr = op0;
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
+ end
`DECODE_ALU_SWP, /* Atomic swap */
`DECODE_ALU_BX, /* Branch */
`DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, /* Halfword transfer - register offset */
next_outcpsr = ((insn[15:12] == 4'b1111) && insn[20]) ? spsr : alu_outcpsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = insn[20] /* S */;
`DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED, /* Undefined. I hate ARM */
`DECODE_LDRSTR, /* Single data transfer */
input [31:0] op2,
input [31:0] spsr,
input [31:0] cpsr,
+ input cpsrup,
input write_reg,
input [3:0] write_num,
input [31:0] write_data,
output reg [3:0] out_write_num = 4'bxxxx,
output reg [31:0] out_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx,
output reg [31:0] outspsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx,
- output reg [31:0] outcpsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx
+ output reg [31:0] outcpsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx,
+ output reg outcpsrup = 1'hx
reg [31:0] addr, raddr, prev_raddr, next_regdata, next_outcpsr;
+ reg next_outcpsrup;
reg [31:0] prevaddr;
reg [3:0] next_regsel, cur_reg, prev_reg;
reg next_writeback;
prev_raddr <= raddr;
outcpsr <= next_outcpsr;
outspsr <= spsr;
+ outcpsrup <= next_outcpsrup;
swp_state <= next_swp_state;
lsm_state <= next_lsm_state;
lsr_state <= next_lsr_state;
cp_write = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
offset = prev_offset;
next_outcpsr = lsm_state == 4'b0010 ? outcpsr : cpsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = cpsrup;
lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
lsrh_rddata_s1 = 16'hxxxx;
lsrh_rddata_s2 = 8'hxx;
cur_reg = insn[23] ? cur_reg : 4'hF - cur_reg;
if(cur_reg == 4'hF && insn[22]) begin
next_outcpsr = spsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
offset = prev_offset + 6'h4;
next_write_reg = 1'b1;
next_write_num = insn[15:12];
next_write_data = cp_read;
- end else
+ end else begin
next_outcpsr = {cp_read[31:28], cpsr[27:0]};
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
+ end
if (cp_busy) begin
outstall = 1;
input [31:0] cpsr,
input [31:0] spsr,
+ input cpsrup,
output reg regfile_write,
output reg [3:0] regfile_write_reg,
reg [31:0] last_outcpsr = 0, last_outspsr = 0;
always @(*)
- if (inbubble)
+ if (inbubble || !cpsrup)
outcpsr = last_outcpsr;
outcpsr = cpsr;
always @(*)
- if (inbubble)
+ if (inbubble || !cpsrup)
outspsr = last_outspsr;
outspsr = spsr;
wire [31:0] execute_out_write_data;
wire [31:0] execute_out_op0, execute_out_op1, execute_out_op2;
wire [31:0] execute_out_cpsr, execute_out_spsr;
+ wire execute_out_cpsrup;
wire jmp_out_execute, jmp_out_writeback;
wire [31:0] jmppc_out_execute, jmppc_out_writeback;
wire [3:0] memory_out_write_num;
wire [31:0] memory_out_write_data;
wire [31:0] memory_out_cpsr, memory_out_spsr;
+ wire memory_out_cpsrup;
wire [31:0] writeback_out_cpsr, writeback_out_spsr;
.jmp(jmp_out_execute), .jmppc(jmppc_out_execute),
.outpc(pc_out_execute), .outinsn(insn_out_execute),
.outop0(execute_out_op0), .outop1(execute_out_op1), .outop2(execute_out_op2),
- .outcpsr(execute_out_cpsr), .outspsr(execute_out_spsr));
+ .outcpsr(execute_out_cpsr), .outspsr(execute_out_spsr), .outcpsrup(execute_out_cpsrup));
assign execute_out_backflush = jmp;
assign cp_insn = insn_out_execute;
.st_read(regfile_read_3), .st_data(regfile_rdata_3),
.inbubble(bubble_out_execute), .pc(pc_out_execute), .insn(insn_out_execute),
.op0(execute_out_op0), .op1(execute_out_op1), .op2(execute_out_op2),
- .spsr(execute_out_spsr), .cpsr(execute_out_cpsr),
+ .spsr(execute_out_spsr), .cpsr(execute_out_cpsr), .cpsrup(execute_out_cpsrup),
.write_reg(execute_out_write_reg), .write_num(execute_out_write_num), .write_data(execute_out_write_data),
.outstall(stall_cause_memory), .outbubble(bubble_out_memory),
.outpc(pc_out_memory), .outinsn(insn_out_memory),
.out_write_reg(memory_out_write_reg), .out_write_num(memory_out_write_num),
.cp_req(cp_req), .cp_ack(cp_ack), .cp_busy(cp_busy), .cp_rnw(cp_rnw), .cp_read(cp_read), .cp_write(cp_write),
- .outcpsr(memory_out_cpsr), .outspsr(memory_out_spsr) /* XXX data_size */);
+ .outcpsr(memory_out_cpsr), .outspsr(memory_out_spsr), .outcpsrup(memory_out_cpsrup) /* XXX data_size */);
Terminal terminal(
.write_reg(memory_out_write_reg), .write_num(memory_out_write_num), .write_data(memory_out_write_data),
- .cpsr(memory_out_cpsr), .spsr(memory_out_spsr),
+ .cpsr(memory_out_cpsr), .spsr(memory_out_spsr), .cpsrup(memory_out_cpsrup),
.regfile_write(regfile_write), .regfile_write_reg(regfile_write_reg), .regfile_write_data(regfile_write_data),
.outcpsr(writeback_out_cpsr), .outspsr(writeback_out_spsr),
.jmp(jmp_out_writeback), .jmppc(jmppc_out_writeback));