if (cp_busy) begin
outstall = 1;
+ if (!cp_ack) begin
+ /* XXX undefined instruction trap */
+ $display("WARNING: Possible CDP undefined instruction");
+ end
`DECODE_MRCMCR: if (!inbubble) begin
if (cp_busy) begin
outstall = 1;
+ if (!cp_ack) begin
+ $display("WARNING: Possible MRCMCR undefined instruction: cp_ack %d, cp_busy %d",cp_ack, cp_busy);
+ end
$display("MRCMCR: ack %d, busy %d", cp_ack, cp_busy);
default: begin end
+ /* Coprocessor input. */
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ cp_req = 0;
+ cp_rnw = 1'bx;
+ cp_write = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ casez (insn)
+ `DECODE_CDP: if(!inbubble) begin
+ cp_req = 1;
+ end
+ `DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin
+ cp_req = 1;
+ cp_rnw = insn[20] /* L */;
+ if (insn[20] == 0 /* store to coprocessor */)
+ cp_write = op0;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ /* Register output logic. */
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ next_write_reg = write_reg;
+ next_write_num = write_num;
+ next_write_data = write_data;
+ next_outcpsr = lsm_state == 4'b0010 ? outcpsr : cpsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = cpsrup;
+ casez(insn)
+ `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if (!inbubble) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'bx;
+ next_write_num = 4'bxxxx;
+ next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ case(swp_state)
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ `SWP_WRITING: begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'b1;
+ next_write_num = insn[15:12];
+ next_write_data = insn[22] ? {24'b0, swp_oldval[7:0]} : swp_oldval;
+ end
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end
+ `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'bx;
+ next_write_num = 4'bxxxx;
+ next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ case(lsrh_state)
+ `LSRH_MEMIO: begin
+ next_write_num = insn[15:12];
+ next_write_data = lsrh_rddata;
+ if(insn[20]) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ `LSRH_BASEWB: begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'b1;
+ next_write_num = insn[19:16];
+ next_write_data = addr;
+ end
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'bx;
+ next_write_num = 4'bxxxx;
+ next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ case(lsr_state)
+ `LSR_MEMIO: begin
+ next_write_reg = insn[20] /* L */;
+ next_write_num = insn[15:12];
+ if(insn[20] /* L */) begin
+ next_write_data = insn[22] /* B */ ? {24'h0, align_rddata[7:0]} : align_rddata;
+ end
+ end
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ `LSR_BASEWB: begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'b1;
+ next_write_num = insn[19:16];
+ next_write_data = addr;
+ end
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'bx;
+ next_write_num = 4'bxxxx;
+ next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ case(lsm_state)
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ `LSM_MEMIO: begin
+ if(insn[20]) begin
+ next_write_reg = !rw_wait;
+ next_write_num = cur_reg;
+ next_write_data = rd_data;
+ end else
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ end
+ `LSM_BASEWB: begin
+ next_write_reg = insn[21] /* writeback */;
+ next_write_num = insn[19:16];
+ next_write_data = insn[23] ? op0 + {26'b0, prev_offset} : op0 - {26'b0, prev_offset};
+ if(cur_reg == 4'hF && insn[22]) begin
+ next_outcpsr = spsr;
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
+ end
+ end
+ next_write_reg = 1'b0;
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'bx;
+ next_write_num = 4'bxxxx;
+ next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ next_outcpsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ next_outcpsrup = 1'bx;
+ if (insn[20] == 1 /* load from coprocessor */)
+ if (insn[15:12] != 4'hF /* Fuck you ARM */) begin
+ next_write_reg = 1'b1;
+ next_write_num = insn[15:12];
+ next_write_data = cp_read;
+ end else begin
+ next_outcpsr = {cp_read[31:28], cpsr[27:0]};
+ next_outcpsrup = 1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
always @(*)
addr = prevaddr;
data_size = 3'bxxx;
st_read = 4'hx;
do_rd_data_latch = 0;
- next_write_reg = write_reg;
- next_write_num = write_num;
- next_write_data = write_data;
next_outbubble = inbubble;
next_regs = regs;
- cp_req = 1'b0;
- cp_rnw = 1'bx;
- cp_write = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
offset = prev_offset;
- next_outcpsr = lsm_state == 4'b0010 ? outcpsr : cpsr;
- next_outcpsrup = cpsrup;
lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
lsrh_rddata_s1 = 16'hxxxx;
lsrh_rddata_s2 = 8'hxx;
wr_req = 1'b1;
wr_data = insn[22] ? {4{op1[7:0]}} : op1;
- next_write_reg = 1'b1;
- next_write_num = insn[15:12];
- next_write_data = insn[22] ? {24'b0, swp_oldval[7:0]} : swp_oldval;
default: begin end
`LSRH_MEMIO: begin
rd_req = insn[20];
wr_req = ~insn[20];
- next_write_num = insn[15:12];
- next_write_data = lsrh_rddata;
- if(insn[20]) begin
- next_write_reg = 1'b1;
- end
- `LSRH_BASEWB: begin
next_outbubble = 1'b0;
- next_write_reg = 1'b1;
- next_write_num = insn[19:16];
- next_write_data = addr;
- end
- `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin
- end
+ `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin end
default: begin end
`LSR_MEMIO: begin
rd_req = insn[20] /* L */ || insn[22] /* B */;
wr_req = !insn[20] /* L */ && !insn[22]/* B */;
- next_write_reg = insn[20] /* L */;
- next_write_num = insn[15:12];
- if(insn[20] /* L */) begin
- next_write_data = insn[22] /* B */ ? {24'h0, align_rddata[7:0]} : align_rddata;
- end
if (insn[22] /* B */ && !insn[20] /* L */) begin
do_rd_data_latch = 1;
rd_req = 0;
wr_req = 0;
next_outbubble = 0;
- next_write_reg = 1'b1;
- next_write_num = insn[19:16];
- next_write_data = addr;
rd_req = 0;
cur_reg = insn[23] ? cur_reg : 4'hF - cur_reg;
- if(cur_reg == 4'hF && insn[22]) begin
- next_outcpsr = spsr;
- next_outcpsrup = 1;
- end
offset = prev_offset + 6'h4;
offset_sel = insn[24] ? offset : prev_offset;
raddr = insn[23] ? op0 + {26'b0, offset_sel} : op0 - {26'b0, offset_sel};
- if(insn[20]) begin
- next_write_reg = !rw_wait;
- next_write_num = cur_reg;
- next_write_data = rd_data;
- end
if (rw_wait) begin
next_regs = regs;
cur_reg = prev_reg; /* whoops, do this one again */
wr_data = (cur_reg == 4'hF) ? (pc + 12) : st_data;
busaddr = raddr;
- `LSM_BASEWB: begin
next_outbubble = 0;
- next_write_reg = insn[21] /* writeback */;
- next_write_num = insn[19:16];
- next_write_data = insn[23] ? op0 + {26'b0, prev_offset} : op0 - {26'b0, prev_offset};
- end
`LSM_WBFLUSH: begin end
default: $stop;
`DECODE_LDCSTC: begin end
`DECODE_CDP: if(!inbubble) begin
- cp_req = 1;
if (cp_busy) begin
next_outbubble = 1;
- if (!cp_ack) begin
- /* XXX undefined instruction trap */
- $display("WARNING: Possible CDP undefined instruction");
- end
`DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin
- cp_req = 1;
- cp_rnw = insn[20] /* L */;
- if (insn[20] == 0 /* store to coprocessor */)
- cp_write = op0;
- else begin
- if (insn[15:12] != 4'hF /* Fuck you ARM */) begin
- next_write_reg = 1'b1;
- next_write_num = insn[15:12];
- next_write_data = cp_read;
- end else begin
- next_outcpsr = {cp_read[31:28], cpsr[27:0]};
- next_outcpsrup = 1;
- end
- end
if (cp_busy) begin
next_outbubble = 1;
- if (!cp_ack) begin
- $display("WARNING: Possible MRCMCR undefined instruction: cp_ack %d, cp_busy %d",cp_ack, cp_busy);
- end
default: begin end