-/*** a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord - write a physical word of
- *** data to the onboard serial eeprom (not the BIOS prom, but the
- *** nvram in the card that stores, among other things, the MAC
- *** address).
- ***/
-static int
-a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(int ioaddr, int address, unsigned short value)
- {
- /** Select register window **/
- _set_window(ioaddr, winEepromBios0);
- /** Verify Eeprom not busy **/
- while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
- /** Issue WriteEnable, and wait for completion. **/
- _outw(0x30, ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
- while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
- /** Issue EraseRegister, and wait for completion. **/
- _outw(address + ((0x03)<<6), ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
- while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
- /** Send the new data to the eeprom, and wait for completion. **/
- _outw(value, ioaddr + regEepromData_0_w);
- _outw(0x30, ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
- while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
- /** Burn the new data into the eeprom, and wait for completion. **/
- _outw(address + ((0x01)<<6), ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
- while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
- return 0;
- }
-/*** a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom - write data to the serial eeprom,
- *** and re-compute the eeprom checksum.
- ***/
-static int
-a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom(int ioaddr, int address, unsigned short value)
- {
- int cksum = 0,v;
- int i;
- int maxAddress, cksumAddress;
- if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
- {
- maxAddress=0x1f;
- cksumAddress=0x20;
- }
- else
- {
- maxAddress=0x16;
- cksumAddress=0x17;
- }
- /** Write the value. **/
- if (a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(ioaddr, address, value) == -1)
- return -1;
- /** Recompute the checksum. **/
- for(i=0;i<=maxAddress;i++)
- {
- v = a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(ioaddr, i);
- cksum ^= (v & 0xFF);
- cksum ^= ((v>>8) & 0xFF);
- }
- /** Write the checksum to the location in the eeprom **/
- if (a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(ioaddr, cksumAddress, cksum) == -1)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }