wire decode = (bus_addr & ~32'h00003FFF) == 32'h00000000;
/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
- wire [13:2] ramaddr = bus_addr & 32'h3FFC; /* mask off lower two bits
+ wire [13:0] ramaddr = bus_addr & 32'h3FFC; /* mask off lower two bits
* for word alignment */
/* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
- reg [31:0] data [0:(16384 / 4 - 1)];
+ reg [31:0] data [(16384 / 4 - 1):0];
- reg [31:0] temprdata;
- reg [13:2] lastread;
+ reg [31:0] temprdata = 0;
+ reg [13:0] lastread = 14'h3FFF;
assign bus_rdata = (bus_rd && decode) ? temprdata : 32'h0;
assign bus_ready = decode &&
(bus_wr || (bus_rd && (lastread == ramaddr)));
+ initial
+ $readmemh("ram.hex", data);
always @(posedge clk)
if (bus_wr && decode)
- data[ramaddr] <= bus_wdata;
+ data[ramaddr[13:2]] <= bus_wdata;
/* This is not allowed to be conditional -- stupid Xilinx
* blockram. */
- temprdata <= data[ramaddr];
+ temprdata <= data[ramaddr[13:2]];
lastread <= ramaddr;
input stall,
input jmp,
input [31:0] jmppc,
- output wire bubble,
- output wire [31:0] insn,
- output reg [31:0] pc);
+ output reg bubble = 1,
+ output reg [31:0] insn = 0,
+ output reg [31:0] pc = 0);
reg [31:0] prevpc;
+ reg [31:0] nextpc;
prevpc = 32'hFFFFFFFC; /* ugh... the first pc we request will be this +4 */
always @(negedge Nrst)
prevpc <= 32'hFFFFFFFC;
- always @(*)
+ always @(*)
if (!Nrst)
- pc = 32'hFFFFFFFC;
+ nextpc = 32'hFFFFFFFC;
else if (stall) /* don't change any internal state */
- pc = prevpc;
+ nextpc = prevpc;
else if (jmp)
- pc = jmppc;
+ nextpc = jmppc;
- pc = prevpc + 32'h4;
+ nextpc = prevpc + 32'h4;
- assign bubble = stall | rd_wait;
assign rd_addr = pc;
assign rd_req = !stall;
- assign insn = rd_data;
always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
if (!rd_wait || !Nrst)
- prevpc <= pc;
+ prevpc <= nextpc;
+ if (!stall)
+ begin
+ bubble <= rd_wait;
+ insn <= rd_data;
+ pc <= nextpc;
+ end
+ end
output reg [31:0] rd_data,
/* bus interface */
- output reg bus_req,
+ output wire bus_req,
input bus_ack,
output reg [31:0] bus_addr,
input [31:0] bus_rdata,
reg [4:0] i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1)
+ begin
cache_valid[i[3:0]] = 0;
+ cache_tags[i[3:0]] = 0;
+ end
wire [5:0] rd_didx = rd_addr[5:0];
wire [3:0] rd_didx_word = rd_didx[5:2];
module Issue(
input clk,
- input Nrst,
+ input Nrst, /* XXX not used yet */
input stall, /* pipeline control */
input flush,
input [31:0] inpc,
input [31:0] cpsr,
- output reg outstall, /* stage outputs */
- output reg outbubble,
- output reg [31:0] outpc,
- output reg [31:0] outinsn
+ output reg outstall = 0, /* stage outputs */
+ output reg outbubble = 1,
+ output reg [31:0] outpc = 0,
+ output reg [31:0] outinsn = 0
/* XXX other? */
reg waiting_regs;
wire waiting = waiting_cpsr | waiting_regs;
+ initial
+ begin
+ cpsr_inflight[0] = 0;
+ cpsr_inflight[1] = 0;
+ regs_inflight[0] = 0;
+ regs_inflight[1] = 0;
+ end
always @(*)
waiting_cpsr = use_cpsr & (cpsr_inflight[0] | cpsr_inflight[1]);
waiting_regs = |(use_regs & (regs_inflight[0] | regs_inflight[1]));
+ outstall = waiting && !inbubble; /* Happens in an always @*, because it is an exception. */
/* Actually do the issue. */
- always @(*)
- outstall = waiting;
always @(posedge clk)
cpsr_inflight[0] <= cpsr_inflight[1]; /* I'm not sure how well selects work with arrays, and that seems like a dumb thing to get anusulated by. */
- cpsr_inflight[1] <= (waiting | inbubble) ? 0 : def_cpsr;
+ cpsr_inflight[1] <= (waiting || inbubble || !condition_met) ? 0 : def_cpsr;
regs_inflight[0] <= regs_inflight[1];
- regs_inflight[1] <= (waiting | inbubble) ? 0 : def_regs;
+ regs_inflight[1] <= (waiting || inbubble || !condition_met) ? 0 : def_regs;
outbubble <= inbubble | waiting | !condition_met;
outpc <= inpc;
outinsn <= insn;
wire icache_rd_req;
wire icache_rd_wait;
wire [31:0] icache_rd_data;
+ wire stall_cause_issue;
+ wire stall_in_fetch = stall_cause_issue;
+ wire stall_in_issue = 0;
+ wire bubble_out_fetch;
+ wire bubble_out_issue;
+ wire [31:0] insn_out_fetch;
+ wire [31:0] insn_out_issue;
+ wire [31:0] pc_out_fetch;
+ wire [31:0] pc_out_issue;
+ assign bubbleshield = bubble_out_issue;
+ assign insn = insn_out_issue;
+ assign pc = pc_out_issue;
BusArbiter busarbiter(.bus_req(bus_req), .bus_ack(bus_ack));
.Nrst(1 /* XXX */),
.rd_addr(icache_rd_addr), .rd_req(icache_rd_req),
.rd_wait(icache_rd_wait), .rd_data(icache_rd_data),
- .stall(0 /* XXX */), .jmp(0 /* XXX */), .jmppc(0 /* XXX */),
- .bubble(bubbleshield), .insn(insn), .pc(pc));
+ .stall(stall_in_fetch), .jmp(0 /* XXX */), .jmppc(0 /* XXX */),
+ .bubble(bubble_out_fetch), .insn(insn_out_fetch),
+ .pc(pc_out_fetch));
+ Issue issue(
+ .clk(clk),
+ .Nrst(1 /* XXX */),
+ .stall(stall_in_issue), .flush(0 /* XXX */),
+ .inbubble(bubble_out_fetch), .insn(insn_out_fetch),
+ .inpc(pc_out_fetch), .cpsr(0 /* XXX */),
+ .outstall(stall_cause_issue), .outbubble(bubble_out_issue),
+ .outpc(pc_out_issue), .outinsn(insn_out_issue));
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ $display("Clock-time dump:");
+ $display("Fetch stage: Bubble output: %d, Instruction: %08x, PC: %08x", bubble_out_fetch, insn_out_fetch, pc_out_fetch);
+ $display("Issue stage: Stall output: %d, Bubble output: %d, Instruction: %08x, PC: %08x", stall_cause_issue, bubble_out_issue, insn_out_issue, pc_out_issue);
+ end