output reg cp_req,
input cp_ack,
input cp_busy,
- output cp_rnw, /* 1 = read from CP, 0 = write to CP */
+ output reg cp_rnw, /* 1 = read from CP, 0 = write to CP */
input [31:0] cp_read,
output reg [31:0] cp_write,
reg [3:0] next_regsel, cur_reg, prev_reg;
reg next_writeback;
- wire next_outbubble;
- wire next_write_reg;
- wire [3:0] next_write_num;
- wire [31:0] next_write_data;
+ reg next_outbubble;
+ reg next_write_reg;
+ reg [3:0] next_write_num;
+ reg [31:0] next_write_data;
reg [1:0] lsr_state = 2'b01, next_lsr_state;
reg [31:0] align_s1, align_s2, align_rddata;