`define INSN_JPCC_imm 8'b110xx010
`define INSN_ALU_A 8'b00xxx111
`define INSN_JP_HL 8'b11101001
+`define INSN_JR_imm 8'b00011000
+`define INSN_JRCC_imm 8'b001xx000
`define INSN_cc_NZ 2'b00
`define INSN_cc_Z 2'b01
`INSN_JP_HL: begin
+ `INSN_JR_imm,`INSN_JRCC_imm: begin
+ case (cycle)
+ 0: begin
+ rd <= 1;
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ if (opcode[5]) begin // i.e., JP cc,nn
+ /* We need to check the condition code to bail out. */
+ case (opcode[4:3])
+ `INSN_cc_NZ: if (registers[`REG_F][7]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_Z: if (~registers[`REG_F][7]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_NC: if (registers[`REG_F][4]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_C: if (~registers[`REG_F][4]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ 2: begin
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
{registers[`REG_PCH],registers[`REG_PCL]} <=
+ `INSN_JR_imm,`INSN_JRCC_imm: begin
+ case (cycle)
+ 0: begin /* type F */ end
+ 1: tmp <= rdata;
+ 2: {registers[`REG_PCH],registers[`REG_PCL]} <=
+ {registers[`REG_PCH],registers[`REG_PCL]} +
+ {tmp[7]?8'hFF:8'h00,tmp};
+ endcase
+ end
ld hl, .xorhlfail
jp nz, .fail
+ ; Test JP (HL)
+ ld hl, .jphl
+ jp [hl]
+ ld hl, .jphlfail
+ jp .fail
+ rst $00
+ ; Test JR
+ ld a, $FF
+ ld b, $00
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.jr
+ ld hl, .jrfail
+ jp .fail
+ rst $00
; Test CP.
ld hl, .cpfail
ld a, $10
db $FF
db "XOR [HL] test failed.",$0D,$0A,0
+ db "JP [HL] test failed.",$0D,$0A,0
+ db "JR test failed.",$0D,$0A,0
db "CP test failed.",$0D,$0A,0