assign outstall = (waiting && !inbubble && !flush) || stall;
reg delayedflush = 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (flush && outstall /* halp! I can't do it now, maybe later? */)
+ always @(posedge clk/* or negedge Nrst*/)
+ if (!Nrst)
+ delayedflush <= 0;
+ else if (flush && outstall /* halp! I can't do it now, maybe later? */)
delayedflush <= 1;
else if (!outstall /* anything has been handled this time around */)
delayedflush <= 0;
/* Actually do the issue. */
- always @(posedge clk)
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
if (waiting)
$display("ISSUE: Stalling instruction %08x because %d/%d", insn, waiting_cpsr, waiting_regs);
- if (!stall)
+ if (!Nrst) begin
+ cpsr_inflight[0] <= 0;
+ cpsr_inflight[1] <= 0;
+ regs_inflight[0] <= 0;
+ regs_inflight[1] <= 0;
+ outbubble <= 1;
+ end else if (!stall)
cpsr_inflight[0] <= cpsr_inflight[1]; /* I'm not sure how well selects work with arrays, and that seems like a dumb thing to get anusulated by. */
cpsr_inflight[1] <= (waiting || inbubble || !condition_met) ? 0 : def_cpsr;
module RegFile(
input clk,
+ input Nrst,
input [3:0] read_0,
output wire [31:0] rdata_0,
input [3:0] read_1,
reg [31:0] regfile [0:15];
+ integer i;
initial begin
- regfile[4'h0] = 32'h00000005;
- regfile[4'h1] = 32'h00000050;
- regfile[4'h2] = 32'h00000500;
- regfile[4'h3] = 32'h00005000;
- regfile[4'h4] = 32'h00050000;
- regfile[4'h5] = 32'h00500000;
- regfile[4'h6] = 32'h05000000;
- regfile[4'h7] = 32'h50000000;
- regfile[4'h8] = 32'hA0000000;
- regfile[4'h9] = 32'h0A000000;
- regfile[4'hA] = 32'h00A00000;
- regfile[4'hB] = 32'h000A0000;
- regfile[4'hC] = 32'h0000A000;
- regfile[4'hD] = 32'h00000A00;
- regfile[4'hE] = 32'h000000A0;
- regfile[4'hF] = 32'h00000000; /* Start off claiming we are in user mode. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1)
+ regfile[i] = 0;
assign rdata_0 = ((read_0 == write_reg) && write) ? write_data : regfile[read_0];
assign rdata_3 = ((read_3 == write_reg) && write) ? write_data : regfile[read_3];
assign spsr = regfile[4'hF];
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (write)
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
+ if (!Nrst) begin
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1)
+ regfile[i] <= 0;
+ end else if (write)
regfile[write_reg] <= write_data;
`define BUS_ICACHE 1
`define BUS_DCACHE 0
-module System(input clk
+module System(input clk, input rst
`ifdef verilator
, output wire [8:0] sys_odata,
Fetch fetch(
- .Nrst(1'b1 /* XXX */),
+ .Nrst(~rst),
.rd_addr(icache_rd_addr), .rd_req(icache_rd_req),
.rd_wait(icache_rd_wait), .rd_data(icache_rd_data),
.stall(stall_cause_issue), .jmp(jmp), .jmppc(jmppc),
Issue issue(
- .Nrst(1'b1 /* XXX */),
+ .Nrst(~rst),
.stall(stall_cause_execute), .flush(execute_out_backflush | writeback_out_backflush),
.inbubble(bubble_out_fetch), .insn(insn_out_fetch),
.inpc(pc_out_fetch), .cpsr(writeback_out_cpsr),
.outpc(pc_out_issue), .outinsn(insn_out_issue));
RegFile regfile(
- .clk(clk),
+ .clk(clk), .Nrst(~rst),
.read_0(regfile_read_0), .read_1(regfile_read_1), .read_2(regfile_read_2), .read_3(regfile_read_3),
.rdata_0(regfile_rdata_0), .rdata_1(regfile_rdata_1), .rdata_2(regfile_rdata_2), .rdata_3(regfile_rdata_3),
.rdata_0(regfile_rdata_0), .rdata_1(regfile_rdata_1), .rdata_2(regfile_rdata_2));
Execute execute(
- .clk(clk), .Nrst(1'b0),
+ .clk(clk), .Nrst(~rst),
.stall(stall_cause_memory), .flush(writeback_out_backflush),
.inbubble(bubble_out_issue), .pc(pc_out_issue), .insn(insn_out_issue),
.cpsr(decode_out_cpsr), .spsr(decode_out_spsr), .op0(decode_out_op0), .op1(decode_out_op1),
assign cp_insn = insn_out_execute;
Memory memory(
- .clk(clk), .Nrst(1'b0),
+ .clk(clk), .Nrst(~rst),
/* stall? */ .flush(writeback_out_backflush),
.busaddr(dcache_addr), .rd_req(dcache_rd_req), .wr_req(dcache_wr_req),
.rw_wait(dcache_rw_wait), .wr_data(dcache_wr_data), .rd_data(dcache_rd_data),