+ `LSM_BASEWB: begin end
+ `LSM_WBFLUSH: begin end
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ st_read = 4'hx;
+ do_rd_data_latch = 0;
+ next_outbubble = inbubble;
+ lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ lsrh_rddata_s1 = 16'hxxxx;
+ lsrh_rddata_s2 = 8'hxx;
+ next_swp_oldval = swp_oldval;
+ /* XXX shit not given about endianness */
+ casez(insn)
+ `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_outbubble = rw_wait;
+ case(swp_state)
+ if(!rw_wait)
+ next_swp_oldval = rd_data;
+ `SWP_WRITING: begin end
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end
+ `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_outbubble = rw_wait;
+ /* rotate to correct position */
+ case(insn[6:5])
+ 2'b01: begin /* unsigned half */
+ lsrh_rddata = {16'b0, raddr[1] ? rd_data[31:16] : rd_data[15:0]};
+ end
+ 2'b10: begin /* signed byte */
+ lsrh_rddata_s1 = raddr[1] ? rd_data[31:16] : rd_data[15:0];
+ lsrh_rddata_s2 = raddr[0] ? lsrh_rddata_s1[15:8] : lsrh_rddata_s1[7:0];
+ lsrh_rddata = {{24{lsrh_rddata_s2[7]}}, lsrh_rddata_s2};
+ end
+ 2'b11: begin /* signed half */
+ lsrh_rddata = raddr[1] ? {{16{rd_data[31]}}, rd_data[31:16]} : {{16{rd_data[15]}}, rd_data[15:0]};
+ end
+ default: begin
+ lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
+ end
+ endcase
+ case(lsrh_state)
+ `LSRH_MEMIO: begin end
+ next_outbubble = 1'b0;
+ `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin end
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_outbubble = rw_wait;
+ /* rotate to correct position */
+ align_s1 = raddr[1] ? {rd_data[15:0], rd_data[31:16]} : rd_data;
+ align_s2 = raddr[0] ? {align_s1[7:0], align_s1[31:8]} : align_s1;
+ /* select byte or word */
+ align_rddata = insn[22] ? {24'b0, align_s2[7:0]} : align_s2;
+ case(lsr_state)
+ if (insn[22] /* B */ && !insn[20] /* L */)
+ do_rd_data_latch = 1;
+ `LSR_STRB_WR: begin end
+ next_outbubble = 0;
+ `LSR_WBFLUSH: begin end
+ default: begin end
+ endcase
+ end
+ /* XXX ldm/stm incorrect in that stupid case where one of the listed regs is the base reg */
+ `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin
+ next_outbubble = rw_wait;
+ case(lsm_state)
+ `LSM_SETUP: begin end
+ `LSM_MEMIO: begin end