--- /dev/null
+module BlockRAM(
+ input clk,
+ input [31:0] bus_addr,
+ output wire [31:0] bus_rdata,
+ input [31:0] bus_wdata,
+ input bus_rd,
+ input bus_wr,
+ output wire bus_ready
+ );
+ /* This module is mapped in physical memory from 0x00000000 to
+ * 0x00004000. rdata and ready must be driven to zero if the
+ * address is not within the range of this module.
+ */
+ wire decode = (addr & ~32'h00003FFF) == 32'h00004000;
+ wire [13:2] ramaddr = addr & 14'h3FFC; /* mask off lower two bits
+ * for word alignment */
+ reg [31:0] data [0:(16384 / 4 - 1)];
+ reg [31:0] temprdata;
+ reg [13:2] lastread;
+ assign bus_rdata = (bus_rd && decode) ? temprdata : 32'h0;
+ assign bus_ready = decode &&
+ (bus_wr || (bus_rd && (lastread == ramaddr)));
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (bus_wr && decode)
+ data[ramaddr] <= bus_wdata;
+ /* This is not allowed to be conditional -- stupid Xilinx
+ * blockram. */
+ temprdata <= data[ramaddr];
+ lastread <= ramaddr;
+ end