--- /dev/null
+# the following are SML-NJ specific defines
+SML = sml
+l1c: FORCE
+ echo 'use "compile-l1c.sml";' | ${SML}
+ find . -type d -name .cm | xargs rm -rf
+ ${RM} parse/*.lex.* parse/*.grm.*
+ find . -type f | grep '~$$' | xargs ${RM}
+ ${RM} bin/l1c.heap.*
+TAGS: clean
+ ${RM} TAGS
+ bin/create-tags *.cm *.sml */*.lex */*.grm */*.sml
--- /dev/null
+ * Author: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+Welcome to 15-411 F08!
+This is some starter code for the L1 compiler you have to build for
+the Lab1. It contains a lexer, parser, translator, and even a code
+generator, except that the code generator creates pseudo assembly
+language with fictitious instructions and an unlimited number of
+registers. We took some care to use good style (according to the
+instructor); you may consider this a model for your own coding. Feel
+free to modify any and all of this code as you see fit.
+Bug reports to the instructor Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu> are
+particularly welcome and will be noted in the extra credit category.
+SML Notes
+There are many different compilers for SML, perhaps the most
+popular ones are
+ SML/NJ -- http://www.smlnj.org/
+ MLton -- http://www.mlton.org/
+ Poly/ML -- http://www.polyml.org/
+In this class we will be using SML/NJ v110.59. Please make sure your
+code compiles under specifically this version on the lab machines
+where it is the default and can be invoked simply with "sml" in a
+If you develop your implementation on other machines, similar versions
+of SML/NJ are likely to be compatible, but you should certainly check
+your code on the lab machines.
+For (almost universal) Standard Basis Libraries, see
+http://www.standardml.org/Basis/index.html. Further resources, such
+as documentation for ML-Lex and ML-Yacc, and documentation for the SML/NJ
+specific libraries which are used in the starter code, can be found at
+ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15411-f08/resources.html
+Source Files
+The following are the source files for the L1 compiler
+README -- this file
+Makefile -- makefile for the compiler
+ For a quick test
+ % make l1c (generates file bin/l1c.heap.<os-tag>)
+ % bin/l1c --verbose ../tests/test1.c
+ should generate ../tests/test1.s in pseudo assembly
+ % make clean (removes generated files)
+ % make TAGS (creates file TAGS, for Emacs tags commands)
+compile-l1c.sml -- SML commands that will create bin/l1c.heap.<os-tag>
+bin/l1c -- the script that will run the exported SML heap
+sources.cm -- lists all source files, including libraries,
+ and lexer and grammar specifications
+ For a quick test
+ % sml
+ - CM.make "sources.cm";
+ - Top.test "--verbose ../tests/test1.c";
+ should generate ../tests/test1.s in pseudo assembly
+parse/ast.sml -- definition and printer for abstract syntax trees (AST's)
+parse/l1.lex -- L1 lexer
+parse/l1.grm -- L1 grammar
+parse/parse.sml -- L1 parser
+parse/parsestate.sml -- L1 parser support for error messages
+type/typechecker.sml -- (trivial) type-checker for AST
+trans/temp.sml -- functions to generate and track temp's
+trans/tree.sml -- definition and pretty printer for IR trees
+trans/trans.sml -- translation from AST to IR trees
+codegen/assem.sml -- pseudo assembly format for this starter code
+codegen/codegen.sml -- pseudo code generator
+util/errormsg.sml -- error message utilities
+util/flag.sml -- library for defining flags
+util/mark.sml -- library for tracking source file positions
+util/safe-io.sml -- I/O utilities
+util/symbol.sml -- symbol table library
+util/word32.sml -- machine word utilities for two's complement interpretation
+top/top.sml -- top level function for export to binary and testing
+Debugging Hints
+You can use
+ - Top.test "--verbose --dump-ast --dump-ir --dump-assem file.l1";
+to print information from all the phases of the current compiler.
+If you want to see the internal representations, you can call directly
+on SML's top level:
+ - val ast = Parse.parse "file.l1";
+ - val ir = Trans.translate ast;
+ - val assem = Codegen.codgen ir;
+This will use SML's internal printing function to print the data
+structures. However, not everything will show.
+"-" means that the type is opaque. Sometimes you can replace an opaque
+ signature ascription ":>" with a transparent one ":" to see the info.
+ For reasons of general hygiene, however, you should change it back
+ before handing in.
+"#" means that the printing depth is exceeded. Use
+ - Control.Print.printDepth := 100;
+ to increase the depth if you need to see more.
+"..." means that the printing length is exceeded. Use
+ - Control.Print.printLength := 1000;
+ to increase the length if you need to see more.
+Library Hints
+See util/symbol.sml for some uses of libraries provided with SML/NJ
+(and some other SML implementations). BinaryMapFn and
+BinarySetFn are likely of general use. To see their interface,
+you can check http://www.smlnj.org/doc/smlnj-lib/Manual/toc.html.
+I found binary maps and binary sets to be occasionally helpful.
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/csh -f
+if (-e TAGS) rm -i TAGS
+foreach f ($*)
+ echo "\f" >> TAGS
+ echo "$f,0" >> TAGS
+ end
--- /dev/null
+sml @SMLcmdname=$0 @SMLload=bin/l1c.heap.x86-linux $*
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Assembly Code Generator for FAKE assembly
+ * Author: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Based on code by: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *
+ * Implements a "convenient munch" algorithm
+ *)
+signature CODEGEN =
+ val codegen : Tree.stm list -> x86.insn list
+structure Codegen :> CODEGEN =
+ structure T = Tree
+ structure X = x86
+ (* munch_exp : prex86oper -> T.exp -> prex86insn list *)
+ (* munch_exp d e
+ * generates instructions to achieve d <- e
+ * d must be TEMP(t) or REG(r)
+ *)
+ fun munch_exp d (T.CONST(n)) = [X.MOVL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.TEMP(t)) = [X.MOVL(d, X.TEMP t)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.ADD, e1, T.CONST n)) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.ADDL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.ADD, T.CONST n, e1)) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.ADDL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.ADD, e1, e2)) = let val t1 = Temp.new () in (munch_exp d e1) @ (munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e2) @ [X.ADDL(d, X.TEMP t1)] end
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.SUB, T.CONST 0w0, e1)) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.NEG d]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.SUB, e1, T.CONST(n))) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.SUBL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.SUB, e1, e2)) = let val t1 = Temp.new () in (munch_exp d e1) @ (munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e2) @ [X.SUBL(d, X.TEMP t1)] end
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MUL, T.TEMP t, T.CONST n)) = [X.IMUL3(d, X.TEMP t, n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MUL, T.CONST n, T.TEMP t)) = [X.IMUL3(d, X.TEMP t, n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MUL, e1, T.CONST n)) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.IMUL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MUL, T.CONST n, e1)) = (munch_exp d e1) @ [X.IMUL(d, X.CONST n)]
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MUL, e1, e2)) = let val t1 = Temp.new () in (munch_exp d e1) @ (munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e2) @ [X.IMUL(d, X.TEMP t1)] end
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.DIV, e1, e2)) = let val t1 = Temp.new () in (munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e1) @ (munch_exp d e2) @ [X.MOVL (X.REG X.EAX, X.TEMP t1), X.CLTD, X.IDIVL d, X.MOVL (d, X.REG X.EAX)] end
+ | munch_exp d (T.BINOP(T.MOD, e1, e2)) = let val t1 = Temp.new () in (munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e1) @ (munch_exp d e2) @ [X.MOVL (X.REG X.EAX, X.TEMP t1), X.CLTD, X.IDIVL d, X.MOVL (d, X.REG X.EDX)] end
+ (* munch_stm : T.stm -> AS.instr list *)
+ (* munch_stm stm generates code to execute stm *)
+ fun munch_stm (T.MOVE(T.TEMP(t1), e2)) =
+ munch_exp (X.TEMP t1) e2
+ | munch_stm (T.MOVE(_, _)) =
+ raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Incorrect first operand for T.MOVE?"
+ | munch_stm (T.RETURN(e)) =
+ let
+ val t = Temp.new ()
+ in
+ munch_exp (X.TEMP t) e
+ end
+ fun codegen nil = nil
+ | codegen (stm::stms) = munch_stm stm @ codegen stms
--- /dev/null
+(* colorizer
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * colors a graph and returns a list of nodes with associated colors
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew>
+ *)
+signature COLORIZER =
+ type tiberium = Temp.temp list
+ type colorlist = (Temp.temp * int) list
+ type igraph = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ val colorize : tiberium -> igraph -> colorlist
+structure Colorizer :> COLORIZER =
+ type tiberium = Temp.temp list
+ type colorlist = (Temp.temp * int) list
+ type igraph = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ structure X = x86
+ (* val color_single : igraph -> Temp.temp * colorlist -> colorlist
+ * color_single graph (temp, regs) => takes an interference graph, the temp to be colored, and the
+ * already-colored nodes, colors the temp, and adds it to the list
+ * this is a helper function for the foldr in colorize
+ *)
+ fun color_single (graph: igraph) (temp, regs) =
+ let
+ (* Grab the list of interfering operands from the graph *)
+ val interfere = case List.find (fn (temp',_) => Temp.compare (temp', temp) = EQUAL) graph
+ of SOME(_, l) => l
+ | NONE => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Temporary not found in graph"
+ (* Grab the subset of those that are already colorized *)
+ val colorized =
+ List.filter
+ (fn (t,_) =>
+ List.exists
+ (fn X.TEMP t' => Temp.compare (t, t') = EQUAL
+ | _ => false)
+ interfere
+ ) regs
+ (* Grab the subset of those that are fixed colors *)
+ val fixeds =
+ List.filter
+ (fn X.REG _ => true
+ | _ => false)
+ interfere
+ (* Grab the register number of the already-colorized ones *)
+ val ints =
+ (List.map
+ (fn (_,i) => i)
+ colorized)
+ @ (List.map
+ (fn X.REG X.EAX => 0
+ | X.REG X.EDX => 3
+ | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Bad kind of specreg")
+ fixeds)
+ (* Greedy-colorize -- pick the lowest number that isn't used by a neighbor *)
+ fun greedy i l =
+ if (List.exists (fn a => a = i) l)
+ then greedy (i+1) l
+ else i
+ val newcolor = greedy 0 ints
+ val () = print (" Assigned color "^(Int.toString newcolor)^" to temp "^(Temp.name temp)^"\n")
+ in
+ (temp, (greedy 0 ints)) :: regs
+ end
+ (* val colorize : tiberium -> igraph -> colorlist
+ * colorizes a graph given the graph representation and the order in which to color
+ * nodes, returns a list of nodes numbered with their respective color *)
+ fun colorize order graph = foldl (color_single graph) nil order
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * Takes a interference graph and generates an ordering for coloring
+ * Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature COLORORDER =
+ type tiberium = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ type rockets = Temp.temp list
+ val colororder : tiberium -> rockets
+structure ColorOrder :> COLORORDER =
+ structure T = Temp
+ structure X = x86
+ type tiberium = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ type rockets = Temp.temp list
+ fun colororder (graph : tiberium) : rockets =
+ let
+ val () = print ("Ordering colors...\n");
+ val initialWeights = map (fn (t, _) => (t, 0)) graph
+ fun sortWeights weights = (* Sort the weights such that the largest is at left, ready to be grabbed. *)
+ ListMergeSort.sort (fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => a < b) weights
+ (* Chooses one temporary to pick, and updates the weights. *)
+ fun orderOne (weights : (Temp.temp * int) list) : Temp.temp * (Temp.temp * int) list =
+ let
+ val sorted = sortWeights weights
+ val (chosen, w) = List.hd sorted (* Grab the temp with the highest weight. *)
+ val () = print (" Chose "^(Temp.name chosen)^" with weight "^(Int.toString w)^"\n");
+ val remaining = List.tl sorted
+ val neighbors = (* Grab all the neighbors for some given temp. *)
+ List.hd
+ (List.map (fn (_, neighbors) => neighbors)
+ (List.filter (fn (t, _) => T.compare (t, chosen) = EQUAL) graph))
+ val () = List.app
+ (fn (X.TEMP t) => (print (" Neighbor "^(Temp.name t)^"\n"))
+ | (X.REG X.EAX) => (print " Fixed color EAX\n")
+ | (X.REG X.EDX) => (print " Fixed color EDX\n")
+ | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Unknown neighbor type -- const?"
+ ) neighbors;
+ val newWeights =
+ List.map
+ (fn (t, wt) =>
+ (t,
+ if (List.exists
+ (fn X.TEMP t' => (T.compare (t, t') = EQUAL)
+ | _ => false)
+ neighbors)
+ then (wt + 1)
+ else wt
+ )
+ ) remaining
+ in
+ (chosen, newWeights)
+ end
+ (* Recursively order until we run out of things to order. *)
+ fun keepOrdering (nil : (Temp.temp * int) list) : Temp.temp list = nil
+ | keepOrdering (weights) =
+ let
+ val (chosen, newWeights) = orderOne weights
+ in
+ chosen :: (keepOrdering newWeights)
+ end
+ in
+ (keepOrdering initialWeights)
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* interference graph generator
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * Takes a list of interfering temps and generates the interference graph
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew>
+ *)
+signature IGRAPH =
+ type tiberium = x86.oper list list
+ type rockets = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ val gengraph : tiberium -> rockets
+structure Igraph :> IGRAPH =
+ type tiberium = x86.oper list list
+ type rockets = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
+ structure X = x86
+ (* val canonicalize : rockets -> rockets
+ * canonicalize a => puts a in the canonical form by eliminating repeat nodes and edges
+ * does so by sorting them first, then eliminating consecutive temps
+ *)
+ fun canonicalize orig =
+ let
+ val sorig = ListMergeSort.sort (fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => X.cmpoper (a,b) = LESS) orig
+ fun merge ((x, xl)::(y, yl)::rl) = (case X.cmpoper (x,y) of EQUAL => merge ((x, xl @ yl)::rl) | _ => (x, xl) :: merge ((y, yl)::rl))
+ | merge (a::nil) = [a]
+ | merge nil = nil
+ val ml = merge sorig
+ fun uniq l =
+ let
+ val sl = ListMergeSort.sort (fn (a,b) => X.cmpoper (a,b) = LESS) l
+ fun merge' (x::y::rl) = (case X.cmpoper (x,y) of EQUAL => merge' (x::rl) | _ => x :: merge' (y::rl))
+ | merge' (x::nil) = [x]
+ | merge' nil = nil
+ in
+ merge' sl
+ end
+ in
+ List.map (fn (a, x) => (a, uniq x)) ml
+ end
+ (* val proc_one : Temp.temp list * rockets -> rockets
+ * helper function to convert a list of interfering registers to a graph
+ *)
+ fun proc_one x =
+ List.map
+ (fn item1 => (item1, (List.filter (fn item2 => X.cmpoper(item1, item2) <> EQUAL) x)))
+ x
+ (* val gengraph : tiberium -> rockets
+ * generates the interference graph from a list of interfering temps
+ * by creating separate interference graphs for each line, concatenating them,
+ * and putting them in canonical form
+ *)
+ fun gengraph x =
+ let
+ val igraph' = canonicalize (List.concat (List.map proc_one x))
+ in
+ foldr
+ (fn ((a,l),b) => case a
+ of X.REG(_) => b
+ | X.TEMP(t) => (t,l)::b
+ | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "I'm a doooodyyyheaadddd"
+ )
+ nil
+ igraph'
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * Turns pseudoasm into liveness-annotated pseudoasm
+ * Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature LIVENESS =
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = x86.oper list list
+ val liveness : tiberium -> rockets
+structure Liveness :> LIVENESS =
+ structure T = Temp
+ structure X = x86
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = x86.oper list list
+ (* This does not 'follow the rules'.
+ *
+ * Since this is a straight line, we can just fold starting at the right,
+ * and accumulate variables. Thus, the accumulator has two parts: one to
+ * represent all of the line / liveness pairs that we've accumulated so far;
+ * and one to represent what was live at the previous line.
+ *)
+ fun mashinstr ((instr : x86.insn), (curtemps, output) : x86.oper list * rockets) : x86.oper list * rockets =
+ let
+ (* Removes an element from a list. *)
+ fun blast (X.TEMP(elt)) l =
+ List.filter (fn a => case a of X.TEMP(b) => (T.compare (b, elt)) <> EQUAL | _ => true) l
+ | blast (X.REG(reg)) l =
+ List.filter (fn a => case a of X.REG(b) => b <> reg | _ => true) l
+ | blast _ l = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Why have we declared a CONST as live?"
+ (* Adds an element to a list iff the element doesn't exist already. *)
+ fun addonce (X.CONST(_)) l = l
+ | addonce oper l = oper :: blast oper l
+ val newtemps =
+ case instr
+ of X.DIRECTIVE(_) => curtemps
+ | X.COMMENT(_) => curtemps
+ | X.MOVL(dest, src) => addonce src (blast dest curtemps)
+ | X.SUBL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
+ | X.IMUL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
+ | X.IMUL3(dest, src, _) => addonce src (blast dest curtemps)
+ | X.ADDL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
+ | X.LEAL(dest, src1, src2) => addonce src1 (addonce src2 (blast dest curtemps))
+ | X.IDIVL(src) => addonce src (addonce (X.REG X.EAX) (addonce (X.REG X.EDX) curtemps))
+ | X.CLTD => blast (X.REG X.EDX) (addonce (X.REG X.EAX) curtemps)
+ | X.NEG(src) => (* meh *) curtemps
+ | X.RET => addonce (X.REG X.EAX) curtemps
+(* | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Unable to compute liveness for unused instruction form";*)
+ in
+ (newtemps, newtemps :: output)
+ end
+ fun liveness (instrs : tiberium) : rockets =
+ let
+ val (_, livelist) = foldr mashinstr (nil, nil) instrs
+ in
+ livelist
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* peephole optimizer
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * optimizes away redundant insns such as:
+ mov a, b
+ mov a, b
+ mov a, b
+ mov b, a
+ mov a, a
+ neg a
+ neg a
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew>
+ *)
+signature PEEPHOLE =
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = x86.insn list
+ val peephole : tiberium -> rockets
+structure Peephole :> PEEPHOLE =
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = x86.insn list
+ structure X = x86
+ (* val peephole : tiberium -> rockets *)
+ fun peephole ((insn1 as X.MOVL(a1,b1))::(insn2 as X.MOVL(a2,b2))::l) =
+ if(x86.opereq(a1, b1) orelse (x86.opereq(a1, a2) andalso x86.opereq(b1, b2))) then
+ peephole (insn2::l)
+ else if(x86.opereq(a2, b2) orelse (x86.opereq(a1, b2) andalso x86.opereq(b1, a2))) then
+ peephole (insn1::l)
+ else
+ insn1::(peephole (insn2::l))
+ | peephole ((insn as X.MOVL(a,b))::l) = if x86.opereq(a, b) then peephole l else insn::(peephole l)
+ | peephole ((insn1 as X.NEG(a))::(insn2 as X.NEG(b))::l) = if x86.opereq(a, b) then peephole l else insn1::(peephole (insn2::l))
+ | peephole (a::l) = a::(peephole l)
+ | peephole nil = nil
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * Takes a list of mappings of temporaries to colors and a pseudoasm listing,
+ * then produces x86 code.
+ * Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature SOLIDIFY =
+ type colorings = (Temp.temp * int) list
+ type asm = x86.insn list
+ val solidify : colorings -> asm -> asm
+structure Solidify :> SOLIDIFY =
+ structure X = x86
+ structure T = Temp
+ type colorings = (Temp.temp * int) list
+ type asm = x86.insn list
+ exception Spilled
+ fun solidify (regmap : colorings) (instrs : asm) : asm =
+ let
+ (* r14d and r15d is reserved for spilling *)
+ val maxreg = X.regtonum X.R13D
+ fun numtoreg n =
+ if (n > maxreg)
+ then raise Spilled
+ else X.numtoreg n
+ fun temptonum (t: T.temp) : int =
+ (List.hd
+ (List.map (fn (_, n) => n)
+ (List.filter (fn (a, _) => (Temp.compare (a, t) = EQUAL)) regmap)))
+ fun temptoreg (t: T.temp) : x86.reg =
+ numtoreg (temptonum t)
+ handle Empty =>
+ (let
+ val () = print (" Uncolored temp "^(Temp.name t)^" -- dead code?\n")
+ in
+ X.R15D (*If we don't care about the output, then it is cool to explode this; R15D is guaranteed not to be used across builtin blocks.*)
+ end)
+ val spillreg1 = X.R14D
+ val spillreg2 = X.R15D
+ val prologue = [X.DIRECTIVE "\tpush %rbx\n\tpush %r12\n\tpush %r13\n\tpush %r14\n\tpush %r15"] (* Could be done better. *)
+ val epilogue = [X.DIRECTIVE "\tpop %r15\n\tpop %r14\n\tpop %r13\n\tpop %r12\n\tpop %rbx"]
+ val numreg = foldr (Int.max) 0 (map (fn (_, n) => n) regmap) (* Number of registers used. *)
+ val nspilled = Int.max (numreg - maxreg, 0) (* Number of spilled registers. *)
+ fun isspilled (X.TEMP temp) = (((temptonum temp) > maxreg) handle Empty => false) (* Whether a register is spilled *)
+ | isspilled _ = false
+ fun stackpos (reg: int) = (reg - maxreg) * ~4 (* Stack position of some register number *)
+ fun spill (X.TEMP temp, xreg: x86.reg) = (* Spill a register if need be. *)
+ if (isspilled (X.TEMP temp))
+ then [X.MOVL (X.REL (X.RSP, stackpos (temptonum temp)), X.REG xreg)]
+ else nil
+ | spill _ = nil (* Nothing else can be spilled. *)
+ fun unspill (X.TEMP temp, xreg: x86.reg) = (* Unspill a register if need be. *)
+ if (isspilled (X.TEMP temp))
+ then [X.MOVL (X.REG xreg, X.REL (X.RSP, stackpos (temptonum temp)))]
+ else nil
+ | unspill _ = nil
+ fun realoper (X.TEMP temp) = X.REG (temptoreg temp) (* Makes a operand 'real'. *)
+ | realoper r = r
+ fun stackoper (X.TEMP temp) =
+ if not (isspilled (X.TEMP temp)) then raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "stackoper on unspilled temp?"
+ else X.REL (X.RSP, stackpos (temptonum temp))
+ | stackoper _ = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "stackoper on not temp?"
+ fun transform (X.DIRECTIVE s) = [X.DIRECTIVE s]
+ | transform (X.COMMENT s) = [X.COMMENT s]
+ | transform (X.MOVL (dest, src)) =
+ if (isspilled dest)
+ then
+ unspill (src, spillreg1) @
+ [ X.MOVL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => stackoper dest,
+ realoper src handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1)]
+ else
+ [ X.MOVL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "But we said that wasn't spilled?",
+ realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src)]
+ | transform (X.SUBL (dest, src)) =
+ unspill (src, spillreg1) @
+ unspill (dest, spillreg2) @
+ [ X.SUBL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg2,
+ realoper src handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1)] @
+ spill (dest, spillreg2)
+ | transform (X.IMUL (dest, src)) =
+ unspill (dest, spillreg1) @
+ [ X.IMUL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1,
+ realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src)] @
+ spill (dest, spillreg1)
+ | transform (X.IMUL3 (dest, src, const)) =
+ [ X.IMUL3(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1,
+ realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src,
+ const)] @
+ spill (dest, spillreg1)
+ | transform (X.ADDL (dest, src)) = (* You can have either operand spilled, but not both. Pick one. *)
+ if (isspilled dest)
+ then
+ unspill (src, spillreg1) @
+ [ X.ADDL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => stackoper dest,
+ realoper src handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1)]
+ else
+ [ X.ADDL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "But we said that wasn't spilled?",
+ realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src)]
+ | transform (X.LEAL (dest, src1, src2)) =
+ unspill (src1, spillreg1) @
+ unspill (src2, spillreg2) @
+ [ X.LEAL(
+ realoper dest handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1,
+ realoper src1 handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg1,
+ realoper src2 handle Spilled => X.REG spillreg2)] @
+ spill (dest, spillreg1)
+ | transform (X.IDIVL (src)) = [ X.IDIVL(realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src)]
+ | transform (X.NEG (src)) = [ X.NEG(realoper src handle Spilled => stackoper src)]
+ | transform (X.CLTD) = [ X.CLTD ]
+ | transform (X.RET) = epilogue @ [X.RET]
+(* | transform _ = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError ("Unimplemented transform")*)
+ in
+ List.concat (prologue :: (map transform instrs))
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* stringifier
+ * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+ * turns a list of x86 insns into the assembly code to generate them
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew>
+ *)
+signature STRINGIFY =
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = string
+ val stringify : tiberium -> rockets
+structure Stringify :> STRINGIFY =
+ type tiberium = x86.insn list
+ type rockets = string
+ structure X = x86
+ (* val stringify : tiberium -> rockets
+ * turns a x86 instruction list into a string of assembly code for these instructions *)
+ fun stringify' (X.MOVL (r1, r2)) = "\tmovl " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.SUBL (r1, r2)) = "\tsubl " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.IMUL (r1, r2)) = "\timul " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.IMUL3 (r1, r2, k)) = "\timul " ^ X.prettyprint_oper (X.CONST k) ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.ADDL (r1, r2)) = "\taddl " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ ", " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.LEAL (r1, r2, r3)) = "\tleal (" ^ X.prettyprint_oper r2 ^ "," ^ X.prettyprint_oper r3 ^ "), " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.IDIVL (r1)) = "\tidivl " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.NEG (r1)) = "\tneg " ^ X.prettyprint_oper r1 ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.RET) = "\tret\n"
+ | stringify' (X.CLTD) = "\tcltd\n"
+ | stringify' (X.DIRECTIVE(s)) = s ^ "\n"
+ | stringify' (X.COMMENT(s)) = "\t// " ^ s ^ "\n"
+ (* val stringify : tiberium -> rockets *)
+ fun stringify l = foldr (fn (a,b) => (stringify' a) ^ b) ("") l
--- /dev/null
+signature X86 =
+ datatype reg =
+ EAX | EBX | ECX | EDX | ESI | EDI | EBP | RSP | R8D | R9D | R10D | R11D | R12D | R13D | R14D | R15D
+ datatype oper = REG of reg | TEMP of Temp.temp | CONST of Word32.word | REL of (reg * int)
+ datatype insn =
+ DIRECTIVE of string |
+ COMMENT of string |
+ MOVL of oper * oper |
+ SUBL of oper * oper |
+ IMUL of oper * oper |
+ IMUL3 of oper * oper * Word32.word |
+ ADDL of oper * oper |
+ LEAL of oper * oper * oper |
+ IDIVL of oper |
+ NEG of oper |
+ CLTD |
+ val cmpoper : oper * oper -> order
+ val opereq : oper * oper -> bool
+ val regname : reg -> string
+ val regtonum : reg -> int
+ val numtoreg : int -> reg
+ val prettyprint_oper : oper -> string
+ val prettyprint : insn -> string
+structure x86 :> X86 =
+ datatype reg =
+ EAX | EBX | ECX | EDX | ESI | EDI | EBP | RSP | R8D | R9D | R10D | R11D | R12D | R13D | R14D | R15D
+ datatype oper = REG of reg | TEMP of Temp.temp | CONST of Word32.word | REL of (reg * int)
+ datatype insn =
+ DIRECTIVE of string |
+ COMMENT of string |
+ MOVL of oper * oper |
+ SUBL of oper * oper |
+ IMUL of oper * oper |
+ IMUL3 of oper * oper * Word32.word |
+ ADDL of oper * oper |
+ LEAL of oper * oper * oper |
+ IDIVL of oper |
+ NEG of oper |
+ CLTD |
+ fun regname EAX = "eax"
+ | regname EBX = "ebx"
+ | regname ECX = "ecx"
+ | regname EDX = "edx"
+ | regname ESI = "esi"
+ | regname EDI = "edi"
+ | regname EBP = "ebp"
+ | regname RSP = "rsp"
+ | regname R8D = "r8d"
+ | regname R9D = "r9d"
+ | regname R10D = "r10d"
+ | regname R11D = "r11d"
+ | regname R12D = "r12d"
+ | regname R13D = "r13d"
+ | regname R14D = "r14d"
+ | regname R15D = "r15d"
+ fun regtonum EAX = 0
+ | regtonum EBX = 1
+ | regtonum ECX = 2
+ | regtonum EDX = 3
+ | regtonum ESI = 4
+ | regtonum EDI = 5
+ | regtonum R8D = 6
+ | regtonum R9D = 7
+ | regtonum R10D = 8
+ | regtonum R11D = 9
+ | regtonum R12D = 10
+ | regtonum R13D = 11
+ | regtonum R14D = 12
+ | regtonum R15D = 13
+ | regtonum EBP = 14 (* Dummy numbers -- not permitted for allocation, but there so that we can compare *)
+ | regtonum RSP = 15
+ fun numtoreg 0 = EAX
+ | numtoreg 1 = EBX
+ | numtoreg 2 = ECX
+ | numtoreg 3 = EDX
+ | numtoreg 4 = ESI
+ | numtoreg 5 = EDI
+ | numtoreg 6 = R8D
+ | numtoreg 7 = R9D
+ | numtoreg 8 = R10D
+ | numtoreg 9 = R11D
+ | numtoreg 10 = R12D
+ | numtoreg 11 = R13D
+ | numtoreg 12 = R14D
+ | numtoreg 13 = R15D
+ | numtoreg n = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError ("numtoreg: Unknown register "^(Int.toString n))
+ fun regcmp (r1, r2) = Int.compare (regtonum r1, regtonum r2)
+ fun cmpoper (REG(reg1), REG(reg2)) = regcmp (reg1, reg2)
+ | cmpoper (TEMP(temp1), TEMP(temp2)) = Temp.compare (temp1,temp2)
+ | cmpoper (CONST(const1), CONST(const2)) = Word32.compare (const1, const2)
+ | cmpoper (REL (r1, i1), REL (r2, i2)) =
+ let
+ val regorder = regcmp (r1, r2)
+ val intorder = Int.compare (i1, i2)
+ in
+ if (regorder = EQUAL) then intorder
+ else regorder
+ end
+ | cmpoper (CONST _, _) = LESS
+ | cmpoper (REG _, _) = LESS
+ | cmpoper (REL _, _) = LESS
+ | cmpoper (_, _) = GREATER
+ fun opereq (a, b) = cmpoper (a, b) = EQUAL
+ fun moreDifferentToString (i) =
+ if (i >= 0) then Int.toString i
+ else "-" ^ (Int.toString (~i))
+ fun prettyprint_oper (REG r) = "%" ^ (regname r)
+ | prettyprint_oper (TEMP t) = Temp.name t
+ | prettyprint_oper (CONST c) = "$0x" ^ (Word32.toString c)
+ | prettyprint_oper (REL (r, i)) = (moreDifferentToString i) ^ "(%" ^ (regname r) ^ ")"
+ fun prettyprint (DIRECTIVE(str)) = str ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (COMMENT(str)) = "// " ^ str ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (MOVL(src, dst)) = "\tMOVL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (SUBL(src, dst)) = "\tSUBL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (IMUL(src, dst)) = "\tIMUL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (IMUL3(dst, tmp, const)) = "\tIMUL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper (CONST const)) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper tmp) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (ADDL(src, dst)) = "\tADDL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ ", " ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (LEAL(src1, src2, dst)) = "\tLEAL\t(" ^ (prettyprint_oper src1) ^ "," ^ (prettyprint_oper src2) ^ ")," ^ (prettyprint_oper dst) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (IDIVL(src)) = "\tIDIVL\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (NEG (src)) = "\tNEG\t" ^ (prettyprint_oper src) ^ "\n"
+ | prettyprint (CLTD) = "\tCLTD\n"
+ | prettyprint (RET) = "\tRET\n"
+(* | prettyprint _ = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError ("prettyprint: unknown instruction")*)
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Helper for compilation
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+CM.make "sources.cm";
+SMLofNJ.exportFn ("bin/l1c.heap", Top.main);
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Abstract Syntax Trees
+ * Author: Alex Vaynberg
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *
+ * Uses pretty printing library
+ * structure PP -- see util/pp.sml
+ *)
+signature AST =
+ type ident = Symbol.symbol
+ datatype oper =
+ | NEGATIVE (* unary minus *)
+ datatype exp =
+ Var of ident
+ | ConstExp of Word32.word
+ | OpExp of oper * exp list
+ | Marked of exp Mark.marked
+ and stm =
+ Assign of ident * exp
+ | Return of exp
+ type program = stm list
+ (* print as source, with redundant parentheses *)
+ structure Print :
+ sig
+ val pp_exp : exp -> string
+ val pp_stm : stm -> string
+ val pp_program : program -> string
+ end
+structure Ast :> AST =
+ type ident = Symbol.symbol
+ datatype oper =
+ | NEGATIVE (* unary minus *)
+ datatype exp =
+ Var of ident
+ | ConstExp of Word32.word
+ | OpExp of oper * exp list
+ | Marked of exp Mark.marked
+ and stm =
+ Assign of ident * exp
+ | Return of exp
+ type program = stm list
+ (* print programs and expressions in source form
+ * using redundant parentheses to clarify precedence
+ *)
+ structure Print =
+ struct
+ fun pp_ident id = Symbol.name id
+ fun pp_oper PLUS = "+"
+ | pp_oper MINUS = "-"
+ | pp_oper TIMES = "*"
+ | pp_oper DIVIDEDBY = "/"
+ | pp_oper MODULO = "%"
+ | pp_oper NEGATIVE = "-"
+ fun pp_exp (Var(id)) = pp_ident id
+ | pp_exp (ConstExp(c)) = Word32Signed.toString c
+ | pp_exp (OpExp(oper, [e])) =
+ pp_oper oper ^ "(" ^ pp_exp e ^ ")"
+ | pp_exp (OpExp(oper, [e1,e2])) =
+ "(" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ " " ^ pp_oper oper
+ ^ " " ^ pp_exp e2 ^ ")"
+ | pp_exp (Marked(marked_exp)) =
+ pp_exp (Mark.data marked_exp)
+ fun pp_stm (Assign (id,e)) =
+ pp_ident id ^ " = " ^ pp_exp e ^ ";"
+ | pp_stm (Return e) =
+ "return " ^ pp_exp e ^ ";"
+ fun pp_stms nil = ""
+ | pp_stms (s::ss) = pp_stm s ^ "\n" ^ pp_stms ss
+ fun pp_program ss = "{\n" ^ pp_stms ss ^ "}"
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * L1 grammar
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+structure A = Ast
+(* for simplicity, we only mark expressions, not statements *)
+(* mark e with region (left, right) in source file *)
+fun mark (e, (left, right)) = A.Marked (Mark.mark' (e, ParseState.ext (left, right)))
+(* create lval from expression; here just an id *)
+(* generates error if not an identifier *)
+fun make_lval (A.Var(id)) ext = id
+ | make_lval (A.Marked(marked_exp)) ext =
+ make_lval (Mark.data marked_exp) (Mark.ext marked_exp)
+ | make_lval _ ext = ( ErrorMsg.error ext "not a variable" ;
+ Symbol.bogus )
+(* expand_asnop (exp1, "op=", exp2) region = "exp1 = exp1 op exps"
+ * or = "exp1 = exp2" if asnop is "="
+ * generates error if exp1 is an lval (identifier)
+ * syntactically expands a compound assignment operator
+ *)
+fun expand_asnop (exp1, NONE, exp2) (left, right) =
+ A.Assign(make_lval exp1 NONE, exp2)
+ | expand_asnop (exp1, SOME(oper), exp2) (left, right) =
+ A.Assign(make_lval exp1 NONE,
+ mark(A.OpExp(oper, [exp1, exp2]), (left, right)))
+%header (functor L1LrValsFn (structure Token : TOKEN))
+ | SEMI
+ | INTNUM of Word32.word
+ | IDENT of Symbol.symbol
+ | UNARY | ASNOP (* dummy *)
+ program of A.program
+ | stms of A.stm list
+ | stm of A.stm
+ | simp of A.stm
+ | return of A.stm
+ | exp of A.exp
+ | asnop of A.oper option
+%verbose (* print summary of errors *)
+%pos int (* positions *)
+%start program
+%eop EOF
+%noshift EOF
+%name L1
+%right UNARY
+%left LPAREN
+program : LBRACE stms return RBRACE
+ (stms@[return])
+return : RETURN exp SEMI (A.Return exp)
+stms : ([])
+ | stm stms (stm :: stms)
+stm : simp SEMI (simp)
+simp : exp asnop exp %prec ASNOP
+ (expand_asnop (exp1, asnop, exp2) (exp1left, exp2right))
+exp : LPAREN exp RPAREN (exp)
+ | INTNUM (mark (A.ConstExp(INTNUM),(INTNUMleft,INTNUMright)))
+ | IDENT (mark (A.Var(IDENT), (IDENTleft,IDENTright)))
+ | exp PLUS exp (mark (A.OpExp (A.PLUS, [exp1,exp2]), (exp1left,exp2right)))
+ | exp MINUS exp (mark (A.OpExp (A.MINUS, [exp1,exp2]), (exp1left,exp2right)))
+ | exp STAR exp (mark (A.OpExp (A.TIMES, [exp1,exp2]), (exp1left,exp2right)))
+ | exp SLASH exp (mark (A.OpExp (A.DIVIDEDBY, [exp1,exp2]), (exp1left,exp2right)))
+ | exp PERCENT exp (mark (A.OpExp (A.MODULO, [exp1,exp2]), (exp1left,exp2right)))
+ | MINUS exp %prec UNARY (mark (A.OpExp (A.NEGATIVE, [exp]), (MINUSleft,expright)))
+asnop : ASSIGN (NONE)
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Lexer
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+structure A = Ast
+structure S = Symbol
+type pos = int
+type svalue = Tokens.svalue
+type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Tokens.token
+type lexresult = (svalue,pos) Tokens.token
+ val commentLevel = ref 0
+ val commentPos = ref 0
+ fun enterComment yypos =
+ ( commentLevel := !commentLevel + 1 ;
+ commentPos := yypos )
+ fun exitComment () =
+ ( commentLevel := !commentLevel - 1 ;
+ !commentLevel = 0 )
+ fun number (yyt, yyp) =
+ let
+ val ext = ParseState.ext (yyp, yyp + size yyt)
+ val numOpt = Word32Signed.fromString yyt
+ handle Overflow =>
+ ( ErrorMsg.error ext
+ ("integral constant `" ^ yyt ^ "' too large") ;
+ NONE )
+ in
+ case numOpt
+ of NONE => ( ErrorMsg.error ext
+ ("cannot parse integral constant `" ^ yyt ^ "'");
+ Tokens.INTNUM (Word32Signed.ZERO, yyp, yyp + size yyt) )
+ | SOME n => Tokens.INTNUM (n,yyp,yyp + size yyt)
+ end
+ fun eof () =
+ ( if (!commentLevel > 0)
+ then (ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (!commentPos,!commentPos)) "unterminated comment")
+ else ();
+ Tokens.EOF (0,0) ) (* bogus position information; unused *)
+%header (functor L1LexFn(structure Tokens : L1_TOKENS));
+id = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*;
+decnum = [0-9][0-9]*;
+ws = [\ \t\012];
+<INITIAL> {ws}+ => (lex ());
+<INITIAL> \n => (ParseState.newline(yypos); lex());
+<INITIAL> "{" => (Tokens.LBRACE (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "}" => (Tokens.RBRACE (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "(" => (Tokens.LPAREN (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> ")" => (Tokens.RPAREN (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> ";" => (Tokens.SEMI (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "=" => (Tokens.ASSIGN (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "+=" => (Tokens.PLUSEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "-=" => (Tokens.MINUSEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "*=" => (Tokens.STAREQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "/=" => (Tokens.SLASHEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "%=" => (Tokens.PERCENTEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "+" => (Tokens.PLUS (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "-" => (Tokens.MINUS (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "*" => (Tokens.STAR (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "/" => (Tokens.SLASH (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "%" => (Tokens.PERCENT (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "return" => (Tokens.RETURN (yypos, yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> {decnum} => (number (yytext, yypos));
+<INITIAL> {id} => (let
+ val id = Symbol.symbol yytext
+ in
+ Tokens.IDENT (id, yypos, yypos + size yytext)
+ end);
+<INITIAL> "/*" => (YYBEGIN COMMENT; enterComment yypos; lex());
+<INITIAL> "*/" => (ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (yypos, yypos)) "unbalanced comments";
+ lex());
+<INITIAL> . => (ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (yypos,yypos))
+ ("illegal character: \"" ^ yytext ^ "\"");
+ lex ());
+<COMMENT> "/*" => (enterComment yypos; lex());
+<COMMENT> "*/" => (if exitComment () then YYBEGIN INITIAL else (); lex());
+<COMMENT> \n => (ParseState.newline yypos; lex ());
+<COMMENT> . => (lex());
+<COMMENT_LINE> \n => (ParseState.newline yypos; YYBEGIN INITIAL; lex());
+<COMMENT_LINE> . => (lex());
--- /dev/null
+functor L1LexFn(structure Tokens : L1_TOKENS)=
+ struct
+ structure UserDeclarations =
+ struct
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Lexer
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+structure A = Ast
+structure S = Symbol
+type pos = int
+type svalue = Tokens.svalue
+type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Tokens.token
+type lexresult = (svalue,pos) Tokens.token
+ val commentLevel = ref 0
+ val commentPos = ref 0
+ fun enterComment yypos =
+ ( commentLevel := !commentLevel + 1 ;
+ commentPos := yypos )
+ fun exitComment () =
+ ( commentLevel := !commentLevel - 1 ;
+ !commentLevel = 0 )
+ fun number (yyt, yyp) =
+ let
+ val ext = ParseState.ext (yyp, yyp + size yyt)
+ val numOpt = Word32Signed.fromString yyt
+ handle Overflow =>
+ ( ErrorMsg.error ext
+ ("integral constant `" ^ yyt ^ "' too large") ;
+ NONE )
+ in
+ case numOpt
+ of NONE => ( ErrorMsg.error ext
+ ("cannot parse integral constant `" ^ yyt ^ "'");
+ Tokens.INTNUM (Word32Signed.ZERO, yyp, yyp + size yyt) )
+ | SOME n => Tokens.INTNUM (n,yyp,yyp + size yyt)
+ end
+ fun eof () =
+ ( if (!commentLevel > 0)
+ then (ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (!commentPos,!commentPos)) "unterminated comment")
+ else ();
+ Tokens.EOF (0,0) ) (* bogus position information; unused *)
+end (* end of user routines *)
+exception LexError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *)
+structure Internal =
+ struct
+datatype yyfinstate = N of int
+type statedata = {fin : yyfinstate list, trans: string}
+(* transition & final state table *)
+val tab = let
+val s = [
+ (0,
+ (1,
+ (3,
+ (5,
+ (10,
+ (12,
+ (13,
+ (14,
+ (15,
+ (16,
+ (20,
+ (22,
+ (26,
+ (28,
+ (30,
+ (35,
+ (38,
+ (42,
+ (44,
+(0, "")]
+fun f x = x
+val s = map f (rev (tl (rev s)))
+exception LexHackingError
+fun look ((j,x)::r, i: int) = if i = j then x else look(r, i)
+ | look ([], i) = raise LexHackingError
+fun g {fin=x, trans=i} = {fin=x, trans=look(s,i)}
+in Vector.fromList(map g
+[{fin = [], trans = 0},
+{fin = [], trans = 1},
+{fin = [], trans = 1},
+{fin = [], trans = 3},
+{fin = [], trans = 3},
+{fin = [], trans = 5},
+{fin = [], trans = 5},
+{fin = [(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 8),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 6),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 54),(N 67)], trans = 10},
+{fin = [(N 54)], trans = 10},
+{fin = [(N 54),(N 67)], trans = 12},
+{fin = [(N 54)], trans = 13},
+{fin = [(N 54)], trans = 14},
+{fin = [(N 54)], trans = 15},
+{fin = [(N 54)], trans = 16},
+{fin = [(N 48),(N 54)], trans = 10},
+{fin = [(N 16),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 14),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 51),(N 67)], trans = 20},
+{fin = [(N 51)], trans = 20},
+{fin = [(N 39),(N 67)], trans = 22},
+{fin = [(N 28)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 63)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 57)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 35),(N 67)], trans = 26},
+{fin = [(N 22)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 33),(N 67)], trans = 28},
+{fin = [(N 19)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 37),(N 67)], trans = 30},
+{fin = [(N 25)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 60)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 12),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 10),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 41),(N 67)], trans = 35},
+{fin = [(N 31)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 65),(N 67)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 2),(N 67)], trans = 38},
+{fin = [(N 2)], trans = 38},
+{fin = [(N 4)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 77)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 77)], trans = 42},
+{fin = [(N 70)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 77)], trans = 44},
+{fin = [(N 73)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 75)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 81)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 79)], trans = 0}])
+structure StartStates =
+ struct
+ datatype yystartstate = STARTSTATE of int
+(* start state definitions *)
+type result = UserDeclarations.lexresult
+ exception LexerError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *)
+fun makeLexer yyinput =
+let val yygone0=1
+ val yyb = ref "\n" (* buffer *)
+ val yybl = ref 1 (*buffer length *)
+ val yybufpos = ref 1 (* location of next character to use *)
+ val yygone = ref yygone0 (* position in file of beginning of buffer *)
+ val yydone = ref false (* eof found yet? *)
+ val yybegin = ref 1 (*Current 'start state' for lexer *)
+ val YYBEGIN = fn (Internal.StartStates.STARTSTATE x) =>
+ yybegin := x
+fun lex () : Internal.result =
+let fun continue() = lex() in
+ let fun scan (s,AcceptingLeaves : Internal.yyfinstate list list,l,i0) =
+ let fun action (i,nil) = raise LexError
+ | action (i,nil::l) = action (i-1,l)
+ | action (i,(node::acts)::l) =
+ case node of
+ Internal.N yyk =>
+ (let fun yymktext() = substring(!yyb,i0,i-i0)
+ val yypos = i0+ !yygone
+ open UserDeclarations Internal.StartStates
+ in (yybufpos := i; case yyk of
+ (* Application actions *)
+ 10 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.LPAREN (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 12 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.RPAREN (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 14 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.SEMI (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 16 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.ASSIGN (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 19 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.PLUSEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 2 => (lex ())
+| 22 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.MINUSEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 25 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.STAREQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 28 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.SLASHEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 31 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.PERCENTEQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 33 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.PLUS (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 35 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.MINUS (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 37 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.STAR (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 39 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.SLASH (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 4 => (ParseState.newline(yypos); lex())
+| 41 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.PERCENT (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 48 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.RETURN (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 51 => let val yytext=yymktext() in number (yytext, yypos) end
+| 54 => let val yytext=yymktext() in let
+ val id = Symbol.symbol yytext
+ in
+ Tokens.IDENT (id, yypos, yypos + size yytext)
+ end end
+| 57 => (YYBEGIN COMMENT; enterComment yypos; lex())
+| 6 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.LBRACE (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 60 => (ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (yypos, yypos)) "unbalanced comments";
+ lex())
+| 63 => (YYBEGIN COMMENT_LINE; lex())
+| 65 => (YYBEGIN COMMENT_LINE; lex())
+| 67 => let val yytext=yymktext() in ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (yypos,yypos))
+ ("illegal character: \"" ^ yytext ^ "\"");
+ lex () end
+| 70 => (enterComment yypos; lex())
+| 73 => (if exitComment () then YYBEGIN INITIAL else (); lex())
+| 75 => (ParseState.newline yypos; lex ())
+| 77 => (lex())
+| 79 => (ParseState.newline yypos; YYBEGIN INITIAL; lex())
+| 8 => let val yytext=yymktext() in Tokens.RBRACE (yypos, yypos + size yytext) end
+| 81 => (lex())
+| _ => raise Internal.LexerError
+ ) end )
+ val {fin,trans} = Unsafe.Vector.sub(Internal.tab, s)
+ val NewAcceptingLeaves = fin::AcceptingLeaves
+ in if l = !yybl then
+ if trans = #trans(Vector.sub(Internal.tab,0))
+ then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves
+) else let val newchars= if !yydone then "" else yyinput 1024
+ in if (size newchars)=0
+ then (yydone := true;
+ if (l=i0) then UserDeclarations.eof ()
+ else action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves))
+ else (if i0=l then yyb := newchars
+ else yyb := substring(!yyb,i0,l-i0)^newchars;
+ yygone := !yygone+i0;
+ yybl := size (!yyb);
+ scan (s,AcceptingLeaves,l-i0,0))
+ end
+ else let val NewChar = Char.ord(Unsafe.CharVector.sub(!yyb,l))
+ val NewState = Char.ord(Unsafe.CharVector.sub(trans,NewChar))
+ in if NewState=0 then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves)
+ else scan(NewState,NewAcceptingLeaves,l+1,i0)
+ end
+ end
+ val start= if substring(!yyb,!yybufpos-1,1)="\n"
+then !yybegin+1 else !yybegin
+ in scan(!yybegin (* start *),nil,!yybufpos,!yybufpos)
+ end
+ in lex
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Parsing
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *
+ * Glueing together the pieces produced by ML-Lex and ML-Yacc
+ *)
+signature PARSE =
+ (* parse filename = ast
+ * will raise ErrorMsg.Error in case of lexing or parsing error
+ *)
+ val parse : string -> Ast.program
+structure Parse :> PARSE =
+ structure L1LrVals = L1LrValsFn (structure Token = LrParser.Token)
+ structure L1Lex = L1LexFn (structure Tokens = L1LrVals.Tokens)
+ structure L1Parse = Join (structure ParserData = L1LrVals.ParserData
+ structure Lex = L1Lex
+ structure LrParser = LrParser)
+ (* Main parsing function *)
+ fun parse filename =
+ SafeIO.withOpenIn filename (fn instream =>
+ let
+ val _ = ErrorMsg.reset() (* no errors, no messages so far *)
+ val _ = ParseState.setfile filename (* start at position 0 in filename *)
+ fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.error (ParseState.ext (p1,p2)) s
+ val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify
+ (L1Lex.makeLexer (fn _ => TextIO.input instream))
+ (* 0 = no error correction, 15 = reasonable lookahead for correction *)
+ val (absyn, _) = L1Parse.parse(0, lexer, parseerror, ())
+ val _ = if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors
+ then raise ErrorMsg.Error
+ else ()
+ in
+ absyn
+ end)
+ handle L1Lex.LexError => ( ErrorMsg.error NONE "lexer error" ;
+ raise ErrorMsg.Error )
+ | LrParser.ParseError => raise ErrorMsg.Error (* always preceded by msg *)
+ | e as IO.Io _ => ( ErrorMsg.error NONE (exnMessage e);
+ raise ErrorMsg.Error )
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Parse State System
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Annotations: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *
+ * This tracks filename and newline characters
+ * so character positions in lexer tokens
+ * can be converted to line.column format for error messages
+ *)
+signature PARSE_STATE =
+ sig
+ (* setfile(filename) sets current filename and resets newline positions *)
+ val setfile : string -> unit
+ (* newline(pos) adds pos to current newline positions *)
+ val newline : int -> unit
+ (* returns the current position information based on two integer offsets *)
+ val ext : int * int -> Mark.ext option
+ end
+structure ParseState :> PARSE_STATE =
+ val currFilename = ref "";
+ val currLines = ref (nil : int list);
+ fun setfile (filename) =
+ (currFilename := filename;
+ currLines := nil)
+ fun newline pos =
+ (currLines := pos :: !currLines)
+ (* look (pos, newline_positions, line_number) = (line, col)
+ * pos is buffer position
+ * newline_positions is (reverse) list of newline positions in file
+ * line_number is lenght of newline_positions
+ *)
+ fun look (pos, a :: rest, n) =
+ (* a is end of line n *)
+ if a < pos then (n+1, pos-a)
+ else look (pos, rest, n-1)
+ | look (pos, nil, n) =
+ (* first line pos is off by 1 *)
+ (1, pos-1)
+ (* ext (leftpos, rightpos) = SOME((leftline, leftcol), (rightline, rightcol), filename)
+ * return NONE for invalid position (0,0)
+ *)
+ fun ext (0, 0) = NONE
+ | ext (left, right) =
+ SOME (look (left, !currLines, List.length (!currLines)),
+ look (right, !currLines, List.length (!currLines)),
+ !currFilename)
--- /dev/null
+Group is
+ $/basis.cm
+ $/smlnj-lib.cm
+ $/ml-yacc-lib.cm
+ util/mark.sml
+ util/flag.sml
+ util/symbol.sml
+ util/errormsg.sml
+ util/safe-io.sml
+ util/word32.sml
+ parse/ast.sml
+ parse/parsestate.sml
+ parse/l1.lex
+ parse/l1.grm
+ parse/parse.sml
+ type/typechecker.sml
+ trans/temp.sml
+ trans/tree.sml
+ trans/trans.sml
+ codegen/x86.sml
+ codegen/liveness.sml
+ codegen/igraph.sml
+ codegen/colororder.sml
+ codegen/solidify.sml
+ codegen/coloring.sml
+ codegen/stringifier.sml
+ codegen/peephole.sml
+ codegen/codegen.sml
+ top/top.sml
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Top Level Environment
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature TOP =
+ (* main function for standalone executable
+ * use with SMLofNJ.exportFn("heapfilename", Top.main)
+ *)
+ val main : string * string list -> OS.Process.status
+ (* test "arguments"; is the same as executing a saved
+ * heap with arguments on the command line
+ *)
+ val test : string -> OS.Process.status
+structure Top :> TOP =
+ structure G = GetOpt (* from $/smlnj-lib/Util/getopt-sig.sml *)
+ fun say s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n")
+ fun newline () = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "\n")
+ exception EXIT
+ (* see flag explanations below *)
+ val flag_verbose = Flag.flag "verbose"
+ val flag_ast = Flag.flag "ast"
+ val flag_ir = Flag.flag "ir"
+ val flag_assem = Flag.flag "assem"
+ fun reset_flags () =
+ List.app Flag.unset [flag_verbose, flag_ast,
+ flag_ir, flag_assem];
+ val options = [{short = "v", long=["verbose"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_verbose),
+ help="verbose messages"},
+ {short = "", long=["dump-ast"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_ast),
+ help="pretty print the AST"},
+ {short = "", long=["dump-ir"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_ir),
+ help="pretty print the IR"},
+ {short = "", long=["dump-assem"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_assem),
+ help="pretty print the assembly before register allocaction"}
+ ]
+ fun stem s =
+ let
+ val (prefix, suffix) =
+ Substring.splitr (fn c => c <> #".") (Substring.full s)
+ in
+ if Substring.isEmpty prefix (* no "." in string s *)
+ then s (* return whole string *)
+ else Substring.string (Substring.trimr 1 prefix)
+ end
+ fun main (name, args) =
+ let
+ val header = "Usage: compile [OPTION...] SOURCEFILE\nwhere OPTION is"
+ val usageinfo = G.usageInfo {header = header, options = options}
+ fun errfn msg = (say (msg ^ "\n" ^ usageinfo) ; raise EXIT)
+ val _ = Temp.reset (); (* reset temp variable counter *)
+ val _ = reset_flags (); (* return all flags to default value *)
+ val _ = if List.length args = 0 then
+ (say usageinfo; raise EXIT)
+ else ()
+ val (opts, files) =
+ G.getOpt {argOrder = G.Permute,
+ options = options,
+ errFn = errfn}
+ args
+ val source =
+ case files
+ of [] => errfn "Error: no input file"
+ | [filename] => filename
+ | _ => errfn "Error: more than one input file"
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say ("Parsing... " ^ source)
+ val ast = Parse.parse source
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_ast
+ (fn () => say (Ast.Print.pp_program ast)) ()
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Checking..."
+ val _ = TypeChecker.typecheck ast
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Translating..."
+ val ir = Trans.translate ast
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_ir (fn () => say (Tree.Print.pp_program ir)) ()
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Generating proto-x86_64 code..."
+ val assem = Codegen.codegen ir
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_assem
+ (fn () => List.app (TextIO.print o x86.prettyprint) assem) ()
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Analyzing liveness..."
+ val liveness = Liveness.liveness assem;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Graphing..."
+ val igraph = Igraph.gengraph liveness;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Ordering..."
+ val order = ColorOrder.colororder igraph;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Coloring..."
+ val colors = Colorizer.colorize order igraph;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Solidifying x86_64 code..."
+ val x86 = Solidify.solidify colors assem;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Peepholing..."
+ val x86p = Peephole.peephole x86;
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Stringifying..."
+ val x86d = [x86.DIRECTIVE(".file\t\"" ^ source ^ "\""),
+ x86.DIRECTIVE(".globl _l1_main"),
+ x86.DIRECTIVE("_l1_main:")]
+ @ x86p
+ @ [x86.DIRECTIVE ".ident\t\"15-411 L1 compiler v2 by czl@ and jwise@\""]
+ val code = Stringify.stringify x86d
+ val afname = stem source ^ ".s"
+ val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say ("Writing assembly to " ^ afname ^ " ...")
+ val _ = SafeIO.withOpenOut afname (fn afstream =>
+ TextIO.output (afstream, code))
+ in
+ OS.Process.success
+ end
+ handle ErrorMsg.Error => ( say "Compilation failed" ; OS.Process.failure )
+ | EXIT => OS.Process.failure
+ | ErrorMsg.InternalError s => ( say ("Internal compiler error: "^s^"\n"); OS.Process.failure)
+ | e => (say ("Unrecognized exception " ^ exnMessage e); OS.Process.failure)
+ fun test s = main ("", String.tokens Char.isSpace s)
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Temporaries
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature TEMP =
+ type temp
+ val reset : unit -> unit (* resets temp numbering *)
+ val new : unit -> temp (* returns a unique new temp *)
+ val name : temp -> string (* returns the name of a temp *)
+ val compare : temp * temp -> order (* comparison function *)
+structure Temp :> TEMP =
+ type temp = int
+ local
+ val counter = ref 1
+ in
+ (* warning: calling reset() may jeopardize uniqueness of temps! *)
+ fun reset () = ( counter := 1 )
+ fun new () = !counter before ( counter := !counter + 1 )
+ end
+ fun name t = "+t" ^ Int.toString t
+ fun compare (t1,t2) = Int.compare (t1,t2)
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * AST -> IR Translator
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified by: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature TRANS =
+ (* translate abstract syntax tree to IR tree *)
+ val translate : Ast.program -> Tree.stm list
+structure Trans :> TRANS =
+ structure A = Ast
+ structure T = Tree
+ fun trans_oper A.PLUS = T.ADD
+ | trans_oper A.MINUS = T.SUB
+ | trans_oper A.TIMES = T.MUL
+ | trans_oper A.DIVIDEDBY = T.DIV
+ | trans_oper A.MODULO = T.MOD
+ | trans_oper A.NEGATIVE = T.SUB (* unary to binary! *)
+ and trans_exp env (A.Var(id)) =
+ (* after type-checking, id must be declared; do not guard lookup *)
+ T.TEMP (Symbol.look' env id)
+ | trans_exp env (A.ConstExp c) = T.CONST(c)
+ | trans_exp env (A.OpExp(oper, [e1, e2])) =
+ T.BINOP(trans_oper oper, trans_exp env e1, trans_exp env e2)
+ | trans_exp env (A.OpExp(A.NEGATIVE, [e])) =
+ T.BINOP(trans_oper A.NEGATIVE, T.CONST(Word32Signed.ZERO), trans_exp env e)
+ | trans_exp env (A.Marked(marked_exp)) =
+ trans_exp env (Mark.data marked_exp)
+ (* anything else should be impossible *)
+ (* translate the statement *)
+ (* trans_stms : Temp.temp Symbol.table -> A.stm list -> Tree.stm list *)
+ fun trans_stms env (A.Assign(id,e)::stms) =
+ let val t = Temp.new()
+ val env' = Symbol.bind env (id, t)
+ in
+ T.MOVE(T.TEMP(t), trans_exp env e)
+ :: trans_stms env' stms
+ end
+ | trans_stms env (A.Return e::nil) =
+ (* after type-checking, return must be last statement *)
+ T.RETURN (trans_exp env e) :: nil
+ fun translate p = trans_stms Symbol.empty p
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * IR Trees
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature TREE =
+ datatype binop = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD
+ datatype exp =
+ CONST of Word32.word
+ | TEMP of Temp.temp
+ | BINOP of binop * exp * exp
+ and stm =
+ MOVE of exp * exp
+ | RETURN of exp
+ type program = stm list
+ structure Print :
+ sig
+ val pp_exp : exp -> string
+ val pp_stm : stm -> string
+ val pp_program : program -> string
+ end
+structure Tree :> TREE =
+ datatype binop = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD
+ datatype exp =
+ CONST of Word32.word
+ | TEMP of Temp.temp
+ | BINOP of binop * exp * exp
+ and stm =
+ MOVE of exp * exp
+ | RETURN of exp
+ type program = stm list
+ structure Print =
+ struct
+ fun pp_binop ADD = "+"
+ | pp_binop SUB = "-"
+ | pp_binop MUL = "*"
+ | pp_binop DIV = "/"
+ | pp_binop MOD = "%"
+ fun pp_exp (CONST(x)) = Word32Signed.toString x
+ | pp_exp (TEMP(t)) = Temp.name t
+ | pp_exp (BINOP (binop, e1, e2)) =
+ "(" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ " " ^ pp_binop binop ^ " " ^ pp_exp e2 ^ ")"
+ fun pp_stm (MOVE (e1,e2)) =
+ pp_exp e1 ^ " <-- " ^ pp_exp e2
+ | pp_stm (RETURN e) =
+ "return " ^ pp_exp e
+ fun pp_program (nil) = ""
+ | pp_program (stm::stms) = pp_stm stm ^ "\n" ^ pp_program stms
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * TypeChecker
+ * Author: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *
+ * Simple typechecker that is based on a unit Symbol.table
+ * This is all that is needed since there is only an integer type present
+ *)
+signature TYPE_CHECK =
+ (* prints error message and raises ErrorMsg.error if error found *)
+ val typecheck : Ast.program -> unit
+structure TypeChecker :> TYPE_CHECK =
+ structure A = Ast
+ (* tc_exp : unit Symbol.table -> Ast.exp -> Mark.ext option -> unit *)
+ fun tc_exp env (A.Var(id)) ext =
+ (case Symbol.look env id
+ of NONE => ( ErrorMsg.error ext ("undefined variable `" ^ Symbol.name id ^ "'") ;
+ raise ErrorMsg.Error )
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | tc_exp env (A.ConstExp(c)) ext = ()
+ | tc_exp env (A.OpExp(oper,es)) ext =
+ (* Note: it is syntactically impossible in this language to
+ * apply an operator to an incorrect number of arguments
+ * so we only check each of the arguments
+ *)
+ List.app (fn e => tc_exp env e ext) es
+ | tc_exp env (A.Marked(marked_exp)) ext =
+ tc_exp env (Mark.data marked_exp) (Mark.ext marked_exp)
+ (* tc_stms : unit Symbol.table -> Ast.program -> unit *)
+ fun tc_stms env nil = ()
+ | tc_stms env (A.Assign(id,e)::stms) =
+ ( tc_exp env e NONE ;
+ tc_stms (Symbol.bind env (id, ())) stms )
+ | tc_stms env (A.Return(e)::nil) =
+ tc_exp env e NONE
+ | tc_stms env (A.Return _ :: _) =
+ ( ErrorMsg.error NONE ("`return' not last statement") ;
+ raise ErrorMsg.Error )
+ fun typecheck prog = tc_stms Symbol.empty prog
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Error messages
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Annotations: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Modified: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature ERRORMSG =
+ (* clears out all errors from the system *)
+ val reset : unit -> unit
+ (* global flag that indicates whether there were errors *)
+ val anyErrors : bool ref
+ (* sets the error flag and prints out an error message, does NOT raise ERROR *)
+ val error : Mark.ext option -> string -> unit
+ (* same, but does not increment error count *)
+ val warn : Mark.ext option -> string -> unit
+ (* generic code stopping exception *)
+ exception Error
+ exception InternalError of string
+structure ErrorMsg :> ERRORMSG =
+ (* Initial values of compiler state variables *)
+ val anyErrors = ref false
+ fun reset() = ( anyErrors := false )
+ fun msg str ext note =
+ (anyErrors := true;
+ Option.map (TextIO.print o Mark.show) ext;
+ List.app TextIO.print [":", str, ":", note, "\n"])
+ fun error ext note = (anyErrors := true; msg "error" ext note)
+ fun warn ext note = msg "warning" ext note
+ (* Print the given error message and then abort compilation *)
+ exception Error
+ exception InternalError of string
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Simple structure for cleanly handling input parameters
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Annotations: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature FLAG =
+ type flag
+ val flag : string -> flag (* create a new flag that is not set *)
+ val not : flag -> flag (* reverses the meaning of flag being set *)
+ val set : flag -> unit (* set a flag *)
+ val unset : flag -> unit (* unset a flag *)
+ val isset : flag -> bool (* check if the flag is set *)
+ val guard : flag -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ (* return a function that runs only if flag is set *)
+ val guards : flag list -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ (* return a function that runs only if all flags are set *)
+ val someguards : flag list -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ (* return a func that runs if one of flags is set *)
+ (* get a function that runs the first one if flag is set, or second one if it is not *)
+ val branch : flag -> ('a -> 'b) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+ val show : flag -> string (* returns string that contains the setting of the flag *)
+structure Flag :> FLAG =
+ datatype flag = FLAG of {name : string, value : bool ref, post : bool -> bool}
+ fun flag name = FLAG {name = name, value = ref false, post = fn b => b}
+ fun set (FLAG f) = #value f := true
+ fun unset (FLAG f) = #value f := false
+ fun not (FLAG {name, value, post}) =
+ FLAG {name = name, value = value, post = fn b => Bool.not (post b)}
+ fun isset (FLAG f) = (#post f) (! (#value f))
+ fun guard fl f x = if isset fl then f x else ()
+ fun guards fls f x = if List.all isset fls then f x else ()
+ fun someguards fls f x = if List.exists isset fls then f x else ()
+ fun branch fl (f, g) = if isset fl then f else g
+ fun show (FLAG f) = "flag " ^ #name f ^ " = " ^ Bool.toString (! (#value f))
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Positional Markers
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ * Annotations / bugfixes: Alex Vaynberg <alv@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature MARK =
+ type ext = (int * int) * (int * int) * string (* position *)
+ val show : ext -> string (* converts the data into human readable form *)
+ type 'a marked (* value with positional information *)
+ (* INTRODUCTION FUNCTIONS for type 'a marked *)
+ (* put together a value and positional information *)
+ val mark : 'a * ext -> 'a marked
+ (* put together a value and an option of positional information *)
+ val mark' : 'a * ext option -> 'a marked
+ (* mark the value with no positional information *)
+ val naked : 'a -> 'a marked
+ (* ELIMINATION FUNCTIONS for type a' marked *)
+ (* data: remove the markings *)
+ val data : 'a marked -> 'a
+ (* ext: retrieve positional information from marked value*)
+ val ext : 'a marked -> ext option
+ (* wrap:
+ * returns SOME of positional information unit that contains each one in the list
+ * NONE if such wrap is not possible (spans several files, etc.)
+ *)
+ val wrap : ext option list -> ext option
+ (* map: make your function keep positional information *)
+ val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a marked -> 'b marked
+ (* map': similar to map, but f can now use positional information
+ * and preserve it at the same time
+ *)
+ val map' : ('a marked -> 'b) -> 'a marked -> 'b marked
+structure Mark :> MARK =
+ type ext = (int * int) * (int * int) * string
+ fun pos (row, 0) = Int.toString row
+ | pos (row, col) = Int.toString row ^ "." ^ Int.toString col
+ fun show (l, r, file) = file ^ ":" ^ pos l ^ "-" ^ pos r
+ type 'a marked = 'a * ext option
+ fun mark (d, e) = (d, SOME e)
+ fun mark' (d, e) = (d, e)
+ fun naked d = (d, NONE)
+ fun data (d, e) = d
+ fun ext (d, e) = e
+ fun extmin ((l1, c1), (l2, c2)) =
+ if l1 < l2 then (l1, c1)
+ else
+ if l1 > l2 then (l2, c2)
+ else (l1, Int.min (c1, c2))
+ fun extmax ((l1, c1), (l2, c2)) =
+ if l1 > l2 then (l1, c1)
+ else
+ if l1 > l2 then (l2, c2)
+ else (l1, Int.min (c1, c2))
+ fun wrap [] = NONE
+ | wrap (e :: []) = e
+ | wrap (e :: el) =
+ (case wrap el of
+ | SOME (el1, el2, elf) =>
+ (case e of
+ SOME (e1, e2, ef) =>
+ if String.compare (ef, elf) = EQUAL then
+ SOME (extmin (e1, el1), extmax (e2, el2), ef)
+ else NONE
+ | NONE => SOME (el1, el2, elf)))
+ fun map f (d, e) = (f d, e)
+ fun map' f (m as (d, e)) = (f m, e)
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Safe(r) I/O functions
+ * Author: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+signature SAFE_IO =
+ (* withOpenIn fileName (fn instream => body) = result
+ opens fileName for input to obtain instream and evaluates body.
+ The file is closed during normal and abnormal exit of body.
+ *)
+ val withOpenIn : string -> (TextIO.instream -> 'a) -> 'a
+ (* withOpenOut fileName (fn outstream => body) = result
+ opens fileName for output to obtain outstream and evaluates body.
+ The file is closed during normal and abnormal exit of body.
+ *)
+ val withOpenOut : string -> (TextIO.outstream -> 'a) -> 'a
+structure SafeIO :> SAFE_IO =
+ (* result of a computation *)
+ datatype 'a Result = Value of 'a | Exception of exn
+ (* withOpenIn fileName (fn instream => body) = result
+ opens fileName for input to obtain instream and evaluates body.
+ The file is closed during normal and abnormal exit of body.
+ *)
+ fun withOpenIn (fileName) (scope) =
+ let
+ val instream = TextIO.openIn fileName
+ (* val _ = fileOpenMsg (fileName) *)
+ val result = Value (scope instream) handle exn => Exception (exn)
+ (* val _ = fileCloseMsg (fileName) *)
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn instream
+ in
+ case result
+ of Value (x) => x
+ | Exception (exn) => raise exn
+ end
+ (* withOpenOut fileName (fn outstream => body) = result
+ opens fileName for input to obtain outstream and evaluates body.
+ The file is closed during normal and abnormal exit of body.
+ *)
+ fun withOpenOut (fileName) (scope) =
+ let
+ val outstream = TextIO.openOut fileName
+ (* val _ = fileOpenMsg (fileName) *)
+ val result = Value (scope outstream) handle exn => Exception (exn)
+ (* val _ = fileCloseMsg (fileName) *)
+ val _ = TextIO.closeOut outstream
+ in
+ case result
+ of Value (x) => x
+ | Exception (exn) => raise exn
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * The symbol tables
+ * Author: Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv+@cs.cmu.edu>
+ *)
+(* uses, from $/smlnj-lib/Util/
+ structure HashTable
+ structure HashString
+ functor BinaryMapFn
+ functor BinarySetFn
+signature SYMBOL =
+ type symbol
+ val compare : symbol * symbol -> order (* compare symbols by their creation time
+ * GREATER if they can not be compared
+ *)
+ val bogus : symbol (* a dummy symbol, less than others *)
+ val is_bogus : symbol -> bool
+ val reset : unit -> unit (* resets the hash table in which the symbols are stored *)
+ val symbol : string -> symbol (* generates a new symbol with given name *)
+ val name : symbol -> string (* returns a name associated with symbol *)
+ (* symbol tables -- allows association of any type with each symbol *)
+ type 'a table
+ val empty : 'a table (* empty table *)
+ val digest : (symbol * 'a) list -> 'a table (* prefilled table *)
+ val bind : 'a table -> symbol * 'a -> 'a table (* insert new item into table *)
+ val look : 'a table -> symbol -> 'a option (* return the value from the table *)
+ val look' : 'a table -> symbol -> 'a (* returns value from table, raise Option if not found *)
+ val count : 'a table -> int (* returns the number of items in the table *)
+ val elems : 'a table -> 'a list (* return all the data as a list *)
+ val elemsi : 'a table -> (symbol * 'a) list (* return the symbols with the associated data *)
+ val keys : 'a table -> symbol list (* just the symbols *)
+ (* symbol set -- similar to a () Symbol.table, elements can be removed *)
+ type set
+ val null : set (* empty set *)
+ val singleton : symbol -> set (* generate a set with one item *)
+ val add : set -> symbol -> set (* add a symbol *)
+ val remove : set -> symbol -> set (* remove a symbol *)
+ val member : set -> symbol -> bool (* is the symbol in the set? *)
+ val showmems : set -> string (* returns the string of delimited names, for debugging *)
+structure Symbol :> SYMBOL =
+ type symbol = string * int
+ val bogus = ("?", ~1)
+ fun is_bogus (_, ~1) = true
+ | is_bogus _ = false
+ fun compare ((n, i), (n', i')) =
+ if i < 0 orelse i' < 0 then GREATER
+ else Int.compare (i, i')
+ local
+ exception Symbol
+ val nexts = ref 0
+ fun initht () =
+ HashTable.mkTable (HashString.hashString, fn (x, y) => String.compare (x, y) = EQUAL)
+ (128, Symbol)
+ val ht = ref (initht ())
+ in
+ fun reset () = (nexts := 0;
+ ht := initht ())
+ fun symbol name =
+ (case HashTable.find (!ht) name of
+ SOME i => (name, i)
+ | NONE => let
+ val i = !nexts before nexts := !nexts + 1
+ in
+ HashTable.insert (!ht) (name, i);
+ (name, i)
+ end)
+ end
+ fun name (n, i) = n
+ structure Map = BinaryMapFn (struct
+ type ord_key = symbol
+ val compare = compare
+ end)
+ type 'a table = 'a Map.map
+ val empty = Map.empty
+ fun digest l = List.foldr (fn ((s, v), m) => Map.insert (m, s, v)) empty l
+ fun bind t (s, x) = Map.insert (t, s, x)
+ fun look t s = Map.find (t, s)
+ fun look' t s = Option.valOf (look t s)
+ fun count t = Map.numItems t
+ fun elems t = Map.listItems t
+ fun elemsi t = Map.listItemsi t
+ fun keys t = Map.listKeys t
+ fun delimit' [] s = s
+ | delimit' [x] s = s ^ x
+ | delimit' (x :: xs) s = delimit' xs (s ^ x ^ ", ")
+ fun delimit l = delimit' l "[" ^ "]"
+ structure Set = BinarySetFn (struct
+ type ord_key = symbol
+ val compare = compare
+ end)
+ type set = Set.set
+ val null = Set.empty
+ val singleton = Set.singleton
+ fun add S s = Set.add (S, s)
+ fun remove S s = Set.delete (S, s)
+ fun member S s = Set.member (S, s)
+ fun showmems S = delimit (List.map name (Set.listItems S))
--- /dev/null
+(* L1 Compiler
+ * Utilities for signed modular arithmetic
+ * Author: Frank Pfenning
+ *)
+ * There are two useful structure in the SML Basis Library
+ * Int32, with 2's complement arithmetic,
+ * but it raises Overflow instead of doing modular arithmetic
+ * Word32, with unsigned modular arithmetic
+ *
+ * This structure implements some signed operations on Word32
+ *)
+signature WORD32_SIGNED =
+ val TMAX : Word32.word (* largest signed positive word, 2^31-1 *)
+ val TMIN : Word32.word (* smallest signed negative word -2^31 *)
+ val ZERO : Word32.word (* 0 *)
+ val fromString : string -> Word32.word option (* parse from string, no sign *)
+ (* raises Overflow if not 0 <= n < 2^32 *)
+ val toString : Word32.word -> string (* print to string, with sign *)
+structure Word32Signed :> WORD32_SIGNED =
+ val TMIN = Word32.<<(Word32.fromInt(1), Word.fromInt(Word32.wordSize-1))
+ val TMAX = Word32.-(TMIN, Word32.fromInt(1))
+ val ZERO = Word32.fromInt(0)
+ fun neg w = Word32.>(w, TMAX)
+ (* fromString does not allow leading "-" *)
+ fun fromString (str) =
+ (* scanString might also raise Overflow *)
+ StringCvt.scanString (Word32.scan StringCvt.DEC) str
+ fun toString (w) =
+ if neg w
+ then "-" ^ Word32.fmt StringCvt.DEC (Word32.~(w))
+ else Word32.fmt StringCvt.DEC w