2 * Takes a interference graph and generates an ordering for coloring
3 * Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
4 * Author: Chris Lu <czl@aundrew.cmu.edu>
9 structure OperSet : ORD_SET
10 where type Key.ord_key = x86.oper
11 structure LiveMap : ORD_MAP
12 where type Key.ord_key = int
13 structure TempMap : ORD_MAP
14 where type Key.ord_key = Temp.temp
16 type igraph = OperSet.set TempMap.map
17 type ordering = Temp.temp list
19 val colororder : Igraph.graph * Temp.temp list -> ordering
22 structure ColorOrder :> COLORORDER =
27 structure OperSet = Igraph.OperSet
28 structure LiveMap = Igraph.LiveMap
29 structure TempMap = Igraph.TempMap
31 type igraph = OperSet.set TempMap.map
32 type ordering = Temp.temp list
34 fun colororder (graph,temps) =
36 val initialWeights = TempMap.mapi (fn (t, _) => (t, 0)) graph
38 fun sortWeights weights = (* Sort the weights such that the largest is at left, ready to be grabbed. *)
39 ListMergeSort.sort (fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => a < b) weights
41 (* Chooses one temporary to pick, and updates the weights. *)
42 fun orderOne (weights : (Temp.temp * int) list) : Temp.temp * (Temp.temp * int) list =
44 val sorted = sortWeights weights
45 val (chosen, w) = List.hd sorted (* Grab the temp with the highest weight. *)
46 val remaining = List.tl sorted
47 val neighbors = (* Grab all the neighbors for some given temp. *)
49 (valOf (TempMap.find (graph, chosen))))
55 (fn X.TEMP t' => (T.eq (t, t'))
66 (* Recursively order until we run out of things to order. *)
67 fun keepOrdering (nil : (Temp.temp * int) list) : Temp.temp list = nil
68 | keepOrdering (weights) =
70 val (chosen, newWeights) = orderOne weights
72 chosen :: (keepOrdering newWeights)
75 val ordered = keepOrdering (TempMap.listItems initialWeights)
77 ordered @ (List.filter (fn a => not (List.exists (fn b => Temp.eq (a,b)) ordered)) temps)