input [2:0] scale,
output reg [2:0] red, green, output reg [1:0] blue);
-`define MAXOUTN 12
+`define MAXOUTN 11
wire [12:0] rx, ry;
wire [13:0] nx, ny;
wire [7:0] initci, initb;
wire initxs, initys, initrs, initis;
- reg [14:0] loopx, loopy, loopr, loopi;
- reg [7:0] loopci, loopb;
- reg loopxs, loopys, looprs, loopis;
+ // Values after the number of iterations denoted by the subscript.
+ reg [14:0] stagex [2:1], stagey [2:1], stager [2:1], stagei [2:1];
+ reg [7:0] stageci [2:1], stageb [2:1];
+ reg stagexs [2:1], stageys [2:1], stagers [2:1], stageis [2:1];
- reg state = 0;
+ reg [2:0] state = 3'b001; // One-hot encoded state.
// On pixclk = 1,
// A new value to be loaded comes in, and a value in need of loopback comes out.
// On pixclk = 0,
// A new value in need of loopback comes in, and a completed value comes out.
- assign initx = state ? rx : loopx;
- assign inity = state ? ry : loopy;
- assign initr = state ? rx : loopr;
- assign initi = state ? ry : loopi;
- assign initxs = state ? rxsign : loopxs;
- assign initys = state ? rysign : loopys;
- assign initrs = state ? rxsign : looprs;
- assign initis = state ? rysign : loopis;
- assign initb = state ? 8'b11111111 : loopb;
- assign initci = state ? 8'b00000000 : loopci;
+ assign initx = state[0] ? rx :
+ state[1] ? stagex[1] :
+ stagex[2];
+ assign inity = state[0] ? ry :
+ state[1] ? stagey[1] :
+ stagey[2];
+ assign initr = state[0] ? rx :
+ state[1] ? stager[1] :
+ stager[2];
+ assign initi = state[0] ? ry :
+ state[1] ? stagei[1] :
+ stagei[2];
+ assign initxs = state[0] ? rxsign :
+ state[1] ? stagexs[1] :
+ stagexs[2];
+ assign initys = state[0] ? rysign :
+ state[1] ? stageys[1] :
+ stageys[2];
+ assign initrs = state[0] ? rxsign :
+ state[1] ? stagers[1] :
+ stagers[2];
+ assign initis = state[0] ? rysign :
+ state[1] ? stageis[1] :
+ stageis[2];
+ assign initb = state[0] ? 8'b11111111 :
+ state[1] ? stageb[1] :
+ stageb[2];
+ assign initci = state[0] ? 8'b00000000 :
+ state[1] ? stageb[1] :
+ stageb[2];
reg [7:0] out;
- reg pixclksync;
- always @(negedge mclk)
- pixclksync <= ~pixclk;
+ reg typethea = 0; // Whether we have typed the A.
+ reg statekick = 0; // State needs to be kicked back to 3'b010 on the next mclk.
+ // This is guaranteed to converge after two pixclks.
+ //always @(negedge mclk)
+ // if (pixclk && !typethea) begin
+ // typethea <= 1;
+ // statekick <= 1;
+ // end else if (typethea) begin // This is the edge of the falling anus.
+ // typethea <= 0;
+ // statekick <= 0;
+ // end
always @(posedge mclk)
- if (!state) begin
- out <= ~mb[`MAXOUTN] + colorofs;
- end else begin
+ // Data output handling
+ if (state[0]) begin
{red, green, blue} <= {out[0],out[3],out[6],out[1],out[4],out[7],out[2],out[5]};
- loopx <= xprop[`MAXOUTN];
- loopy <= yprop[`MAXOUTN];
- loopr <= mr[`MAXOUTN];
- loopi <= mi[`MAXOUTN];
- loopxs <= xsprop[`MAXOUTN];
- loopys <= ysprop[`MAXOUTN];
- looprs <= mrs[`MAXOUTN];
- loopis <= mis[`MAXOUTN];
- loopb <= mb[`MAXOUTN];
- loopci <= curiter[`MAXOUTN];
- state <= ~pixclksync;
+ if (state[2]) begin
+ out <= ~mb[`MAXOUTN] + colorofs;
+ end
+ if (state[1]) begin // PnR0 in, PnR2 out
+ stagex[2] <= xprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagey[2] <= yprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stager[2] <= mr[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagei[2] <= mi[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagexs[2] <= xsprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageys[2] <= ysprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagers[2] <= mrs[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageis[2] <= mis[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageb[2] <= mb[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageci[2] <= curiter[`MAXOUTN];
+ end
+ if (state[0]) begin // PnR2 in, PnR1 out
+ stagex[1] <= xprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagey[1] <= yprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stager[1] <= mr[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagei[1] <= mi[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagexs[1] <= xsprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageys[1] <= ysprop[`MAXOUTN];
+ stagers[1] <= mrs[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageis[1] <= mis[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageb[1] <= mb[`MAXOUTN];
+ stageci[1] <= curiter[`MAXOUTN];
+ end
+ if (statekick) // If a pixclk has happened, the state should be reset.
+ state <= 3'b010;
+ else // Otherwise, just poke it forward.
+ state <= {state[1], state[0], state[2]};
MandelUnit mu0(
MandelUnit mub(mclk,
xprop[10], yprop[10], xsprop[10], ysprop[10], mr[10], mi[10], mrs[10], mis[10], mb[10], curiter[10],
xprop[11], yprop[11], xsprop[11], ysprop[11], mr[11], mi[11], mrs[11], mis[11], mb[11], curiter[11]);
- MandelUnit muc(mclk,
- xprop[11], yprop[11], xsprop[11], ysprop[11], mr[11], mi[11], mrs[11], mis[11], mb[11], curiter[11],
- xprop[12], yprop[12], xsprop[12], ysprop[12], mr[12], mi[12], mrs[12], mis[12], mb[12], curiter[12]);
input left, right, up, down, rst, cycle, logooff,
input [2:0] scale);
+ wire pixclk, mclk, gclk2, clk;
+ wire dcm1ok, dcm2ok;
+ assign dcmok = dcm1ok && dcm2ok;
+ IBUFG typeA(.O(clk), .I(gclk));
+ pixDCM dcm( // CLKIN is 50MHz xtal, CLKFX_OUT is 25MHz
+ .CLKIN_IN(clk),
+ .CLKFX_OUT(pixclk),
+ .LOCKED_OUT(dcm1ok)
+ );
+ mandelDCM dcm2(
+ .CLKIN_IN(clk),
+ .CLKFX_OUT(mclk),
+ .LOCKED_OUT(dcm2ok)
+ );
wire border;
- wire pixclk;
- wire [7:0] zero = 8'b0;
- wire clk;
wire [11:0] x, y;
reg [13:0] xofs = -`XRES/2, yofs = -`YRES/2;
reg [5:0] slowctr = 0;
wire [2:0] mandelr, mandelg, logor, logog;
wire [1:0] mandelb, logob;
- pixDCM dcm( // CLKIN is 50MHz xtal, CLKFX_OUT is 25MHz
- .CLKIN_IN(gclk),
- .CLKFX_OUT(pixclk),
- .LOCKED_OUT(dcmok)
- );
SyncGen sync(pixclk, vs, hs, x, y, realx, realy, border);
- Mandelbrot mandel(clk, pixclk, x, y, xofs, yofs, cycle ? colorcycle : 0, scale, mandelr, mandelg, mandelb);
+ Mandelbrot mandel(mclk, pixclk, x, y, xofs, yofs, cycle ? colorcycle : 0, scale, mandelr, mandelg, mandelb);
Logo logo(pixclk, realx, realy, logoenb, logor, logog, logob);
assign {red,green,blue} =