* An implementation of a pipelined algorithm to calculate the Mandelbrot set
* in real time on an FPGA.
+/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
`define XRES 640
`define YRES 480
always @(posedge clk)
{ovf,out} <=
- (((y[12] ? (x ) : 0) +
- (y[11] ? (x >> 1) : 0) +
- (y[10] ? (x >> 2) : 0)) +
- (((y[9] ? (x >> 3) : 0) +
- (y[8] ? (x >> 4) : 0)) +
- ((y[7] ? (x >> 5) : 0) +
- (y[6] ? (x >> 6) : 0))))+
- (((y[5] ? (x >> 7) : 0) +
- (y[4] ? (x >> 8) : 0) +
- (y[3] ? (x >> 9) : 0)) +
- ((y[2] ? (x >> 10): 0) +
- (y[1] ? (x >> 11): 0) +
- (y[0] ? (x >> 12): 0)));
+ (((y[12] ? (x ) : 0) +
+ (y[11] ? (x[12:1]) : 0) +
+ (y[10] ? (x[12:2]) : 0)) +
+ (((y[9] ? (x[12:3]) : 0) +
+ (y[8] ? (x[12:4]) : 0)) +
+ ((y[7] ? (x[12:5]) : 0) +
+ (y[6] ? (x[12:6]) : 0))))+
+ (((y[5] ? (x[12:7]) : 0) +
+ (y[4] ? (x[12:8]) : 0) +
+ (y[3] ? (x[12:9]) : 0)) +
+ ((y[2] ? (x[12:10]): 0) +
+ (y[1] ? (x[12:11]): 0) +
+ (y[0] ? (x[12]): 0)));
sign <= xsign ^ ysign;
wire [14:0] ri, diff;
wire [15:0] twocdiff;
wire r2sign, i2sign, risign, dsign;
- wire [13:0] bigsum;
+ wire [14:0] bigsum;
wire bigsum_ovf;
reg [12:0] xd, yd;
Multiplier i2m(clk, i[12:0], i[12:0], isign, isign, i2[12:0], i2sign, i2[13]);
Multiplier rim(clk, r[12:0], i[12:0], rsign, isign, ri[13:1], risign, ri[14]);
- assign bigsum = r2[12:0] + i2[12:0];
- assign bigsum_ovf = bigsum[13] | r2[13] | i2[13];
+ assign bigsum = r2[13:0] + i2[13:0];
+ assign bigsum_ovf = bigsum[14];
assign twocdiff = r2 - i2;
assign diff = twocdiff[15] ? -twocdiff : twocdiff;
wire [13:0] nx, ny;
wire rxsign, rysign;
- assign nx = x + xofs;
- assign ny = y + yofs;
+ assign nx = {2'b0,x} + {2'b0,xofs};
+ assign ny = {2'b0,y} + {2'b0,yofs};
assign rx = (nx[13] ? -nx[12:0] : nx[12:0]) << scale;
assign rxsign = nx[13];
assign ry = (ny[13] ? -ny[12:0] : ny[12:0]) << scale;
wire xsprop[`MAXOUTN:0], ysprop[`MAXOUTN:0];
wire [7:0] curiter[`MAXOUTN:0];
- reg [14:0] initx, inity, initr, initi;
+ reg [12:0] initx, inity;
+ reg [14:0] initr, initi;
reg [7:0] initci, initb;
reg initxs, initys, initrs, initis;
// Values after the number of iterations denoted by the subscript.
- reg [14:0] stagex [2:1], stagey [2:1], stager [2:1], stagei [2:1];
+ reg [12:0] stagex [2:1], stagey [2:1];
+ reg [14:0] stager [2:1], stagei [2:1];
reg [7:0] stageci [2:1], stageb [2:1];
reg stagexs [2:1], stageys [2:1], stagers [2:1], stageis [2:1];
inity <= (state[2]) ? ry :
(state[0]) ? stagey[1] :
(state[1]) ? stagey[2] : 0;
- initr <= (state[2]) ? rx :
+ initr <= (state[2]) ? {2'b0,rx} :
(state[0]) ? stager[1] :
(state[1]) ? stager[2] : 0;
- initi <= (state[2]) ? ry :
+ initi <= (state[2]) ? {2'b0,ry} :
(state[0]) ? stagei[1] :
(state[1]) ? stagei[2] : 0;
initxs <= (state[2]) ? rxsign :
3'b001: state <= 3'b010;
3'b010: state <= 3'b100;
3'b100: state <= 3'b001;
+ default: begin $display("invalid state"); $finish; end
// Data output handling
module MandelTop(
+`ifdef verilator
+ input pixclk, mclk,
input gclk, output wire dcmok,
output wire vs, hs,
output wire [2:0] red, green, output [1:0] blue,
input left, right, up, down, rst, cycle, logooff,
input [2:0] scale);
+`ifdef verilator
wire pixclk, mclk, clk;
wire dcm1ok, dcm2ok;
assign dcmok = dcm1ok && dcm2ok;
wire border;
wire [11:0] x, y;
reg [13:0] xofs = -`XRES/2, yofs = -`YRES/2;
wire [1:0] mandelb, logob;
SyncGen sync(pixclk, vs, hs, x, y, realx, realy, border);
- Mandelbrot mandel(mclk, pixclk, x, y, xofs, yofs, cycle ? colorcycle : 0, scale, mandelr, mandelg, mandelb);
+ Mandelbrot mandel(mclk, pixclk, x, y, xofs, yofs, cycle ? colorcycle : 8'b0, scale, mandelr, mandelg, mandelb);
Logo logo(pixclk, realx, realy, logoenb, logor, logog, logob);
assign {red,green,blue} =