4 ld c, $51 ; Note that we are alive.
11 ld a, $04 ;start timer, 4.096KHz
35 db $0D,$0A,$1B,"[1mFPGABoy Diagnostic ROM",$1B,"[0m",$0D,$0A,0
37 section "fuq",HOME[$100]
45 ld c, $0F ; ack the irq
67 ; Memory tester: writes h ^ l to all addresses from C000 to DF80.
72 ld hl, $C001 ; Write loop
84 ld hl, $C001 ; Read loop
100 ld hl, testokstr ; Say we're OK
103 .memfail: ; Say we failed (sadface)
104 ; decrement hl the easy way
120 db "Testing memory from $C000 to $DF80...",0
124 db " Test failed at $",0
126 puthex: ; Put two hex nibbles to the serial console.
141 ; Wait for switches to be flipped on and off again.
165 db "Diagnostic ROM complete; flip switches to nonzero and then to zero to reset. Expect A.",$0D,$0A,0
167 ; Core instruction basic acceptance tests.
248 db "Testing instructions... ",0
266 db " test failed.",$0D,$0A,0
270 ; Serial port manipulation functions.