33 SECTION "config", HOME[$0]
34 myMAC: db $12, $34, $56, $78, $9A, $00
35 myIP: db $0A, $00, $00, $02
36 myMask: db $FF, $00, $00, $00
37 myGW: db $0A, $00, $00, $01
39 SECTION "boot", HOME[$100]
44 db $CE,$ED,$66,$66,$CC,$0D,$00,$0B,$03,$73,$00,$83 ;<<< no $00,$c3,$50,$01
45 db $00,$0C,$00,$0D,$00,$08,$11,$1F,$88,$89,$00,$0E,$DC,$CC,$6E,$E6
46 db $DD,$DD,$D9,$99,$BB,$BB,$67,$63,$6E,$0E,$EC,$CC,$DD,$DC,$99,$9F
47 db $BB,$B9,$33,$3E ; Standard Nintendo DO NOT CHANGE...
49 db "GB Ethernet " ; Cart name 16bytes
50 db $00,$00,$00 ; Not used
51 db $00 ; Cart type ROM Only
54 db $cf,$08 ; Maker ID Matthew Johnson
56 db $87 ; Complement check (Important)
57 db $ff,$ff ; Cheksum, fix this if you are going to
61 PUTSIL "Ethernet test ROM"
62 .lp: xor a ; Rest state machines
64 ld a, [ETH_STATUS] ; New shit?
85 PUTSI "getpacket: Got "
88 PUTSIL " byte packet from hardware."
95 PUTSI "ether_input: Packet to "
125 ; Verify the destination MAC.
136 PUTSIL "ether_input: It's to us!"
140 .notus: PUTSIL "ether_input: Not to us..."
144 ; SERIAL ROUTINES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
192 puthex: ; Put two hex nibbles to the serial console.
214 hex: db "0123456789ABCDEF"