wire [31:0] pc_out_issue;
wire [31:0] pc_out_execute;
wire [31:0] pc_out_memory;
+ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
+ wire [31:0] ic__rd_addr_0a; // From fetch of Fetch.v
+ wire [31:0] ic__rd_data_1a; // From icache of ICache.v
+ wire ic__rd_req_0a; // From fetch of Fetch.v
+ wire ic__rd_wait_0a; // From icache of ICache.v
+ // End of automatics
wire execute_out_backflush;
wire writeback_out_backflush;
BusArbiter busarbiter(.bus_req(bus_req), .bus_ack(bus_ack));
- ICache icache(
+ /* XXX reset? */
- /* XXX reset? */
- .rd_addr(icache_rd_addr), .rd_req(icache_rd_req),
- .rd_wait(icache_rd_wait), .rd_data(icache_rd_data),
- .bus_req(bus_req_icache), .bus_ack(bus_ack_icache),
- .bus_addr(bus_addr_icache), .bus_rdata(bus_rdata),
- .bus_wdata(bus_wdata_icache), .bus_rd(bus_rd_icache),
- .bus_wr(bus_wr_icache), .bus_ready(bus_ready));
+ .bus_req(bus_req_icache),
+ .bus_ack(bus_ack_icache),
+ .bus_addr(bus_addr_icache),
+ .bus_rdata(bus_rdata),
+ .bus_wdata(bus_wdata_icache),
+ .bus_rd(bus_rd_icache),
+ .bus_wr(bus_wr_icache),
+ .bus_ready(bus_ready),
+ ); */
+ ICache icache(/*AUTOINST*/
+ // Outputs
+ .ic__rd_wait_0a (ic__rd_wait_0a),
+ .ic__rd_data_1a (ic__rd_data_1a[31:0]),
+ .bus_req (bus_req_icache), // Templated
+ .bus_addr (bus_addr_icache), // Templated
+ .bus_wdata (bus_wdata_icache), // Templated
+ .bus_rd (bus_rd_icache), // Templated
+ .bus_wr (bus_wr_icache), // Templated
+ // Inputs
+ .clk (clk), // Templated
+ .ic__rd_addr_0a (ic__rd_addr_0a[31:0]),
+ .ic__rd_req_0a (ic__rd_req_0a),
+ .bus_ack (bus_ack_icache), // Templated
+ .bus_rdata (bus_rdata), // Templated
+ .bus_ready (bus_ready)); // Templated
DCache dcache(
.bus_wdata(bus_wdata), .bus_rd(bus_rd), .bus_wr(bus_wr),
- Fetch fetch(
+ /* Fetch AUTO_TEMPLATE (
- .rd_addr(icache_rd_addr), .rd_req(icache_rd_req),
- .rd_wait(icache_rd_wait), .rd_data(icache_rd_data),
- .stall(stall_cause_issue), .jmp(jmp), .jmppc(jmppc),
- .bubble(bubble_out_fetch), .insn(insn_out_fetch),
- .pc(pc_out_fetch));
+ .stall_0a(stall_cause_issue),
+ .jmp_0a(jmp),
+ .jmppc_0a(jmppc),
+ .bubble_1a(bubble_out_fetch),
+ .insn_1a(insn_out_fetch),
+ .pc_1a(pc_out_fetch),
+ );
+ */
+ Fetch fetch(
+ // Outputs
+ .ic__rd_addr_0a (ic__rd_addr_0a[31:0]),
+ .ic__rd_req_0a (ic__rd_req_0a),
+ .bubble_1a (bubble_out_fetch), // Templated
+ .insn_1a (insn_out_fetch), // Templated
+ .pc_1a (pc_out_fetch), // Templated
+ // Inputs
+ .clk (clk), // Templated
+ .Nrst (~rst), // Templated
+ .ic__rd_wait_0a (ic__rd_wait_0a),
+ .ic__rd_data_1a (ic__rd_data_1a[31:0]),
+ .stall_0a (stall_cause_issue), // Templated
+ .jmp_0a (jmp), // Templated
+ .jmppc_0a (jmppc)); // Templated
Issue issue(