reg [21:0] cache_tags [15:0];
reg [31:0] cache_data [15:0 /* line */] [15:0 /* word */];
- reg [4:0] i;
+ integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1)
if (cache_fill_pos != 0 && ((prev_rd_addr != {rd_addr[31:6], 6'b0}) || cache_hit)) /* If this wasn't from the same line, or we've moved on somehow, reset the fill circuitry. */
cache_fill_pos <= 0;
else if (rd_req && !cache_hit) begin
- if (bus_ready) begin /* Started the fill, and we have data. */
+ if (bus_ack && bus_ready) begin /* Started the fill, and we have data. */
$display("ICACHE: FILL: rd addr %08x; bus addr %08x; bus data %08x", rd_addr, bus_addr, bus_rdata);
cache_data[rd_idx][cache_fill_pos] <= bus_rdata;
cache_fill_pos <= cache_fill_pos + 1;
if (cache_fill_pos == 15) begin /* Done? */
cache_tags[rd_idx] <= rd_tag;
cache_valid[rd_idx] <= 1;
- end
+ $display("ICACHE: Fill complete for line %x, tag %x", rd_idx, rd_tag);
+ end else
+ cache_valid[rd_idx] <= 0;