output reg [31:0] op2,
output reg carry,
- output [3:0] read_0,
- output [3:0] read_1,
- output [3:0] read_2,
+ output reg [3:0] read_0,
+ output reg [3:0] read_1,
+ output reg [3:0] read_2,
input [31:0] rdata_0,
input [31:0] rdata_1,
input [31:0] rdata_2
- wire [31:0] regs0, regs1, regs2, rpc;
- wire [31:0] op0_out, op1_out, op2_out;
- wire carry_out;
+ wire [31:0] regs0, regs1, regs2;
+ reg [31:0] rpc;
+ reg [31:0] op0_out, op1_out, op2_out;
+ reg carry_out;
/* shifter stuff */
wire [31:0] shift_oper;
wire [31:0] shift_res;
wire shift_cflag_out;
+ wire [31:0] rotate_res;
assign regs0 = (read_0 == 4'b1111) ? rpc : rdata_0;
assign regs1 = (read_1 == 4'b1111) ? rpc : rdata_1;
+ SuckLessRotator whirr(.oper({24'b0, insn[7:0]}),
+ .amt(insn[11:8]),
+ .res(rotate_res));
always @(*)
casez (insn)
32'b????000000??????????????1001????, /* Multiply -- must come before ALU, because it pattern matches a specific case of ALU */
32'b????00?10?1010001111????????????: begin /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits only) */
if(insn[25]) begin /* the constant case */
- op0_out = ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} >> {insn[11:8], 1'b0}) | ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} << (5'b0 - {insn[11:8], 1'b0}));
+ op0_out = rotate_res;
end else begin
op0_out = regs0;
op0_out = regs0;
if(insn[25]) begin /* the constant case */
carry_out = incpsr[`CPSR_C];
- op1_out = ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} >> {insn[11:8], 1'b0}) | ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} << (5'b0 - {insn[11:8], 1'b0}));
+ op1_out = rotate_res;
end else begin
carry_out = shift_cflag_out;
op1_out = shift_res;
input [31:0] operand,
input [31:0] reg_amt,
input cflag_in,
- output [31:0] res,
- output cflag_out
+ output reg [31:0] res,
+ output reg cflag_out
wire [5:0] shift_amt;
- wire rshift_cout, is_arith, is_rot;
+ reg is_arith, is_rot;
+ wire rshift_cout;
wire [31:0] rshift_res;
assign shift_amt = insn[4] ? {|reg_amt[7:5], reg_amt[4:0]} /* reg-specified shift */
input [5:0] amt,
input is_arith,
input is_rot,
- output [31:0] res,
- output carryout
+ output wire [31:0] res,
+ output wire carryout
wire [32:0] stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4, stage5;
/* do a barrel shift */
assign stage1 = amt[5] ? {is_rot ? oper : {32{pushbits}}, oper[31]} : {oper, carryin};
- assign stage2 = amt[4] ? {is_rot ? stage1[15:0] : {16{pushbits}}, stage1[31:16], stage1[15]} : stage1;
- assign stage3 = amt[3] ? {is_rot ? stage2[7:0] : {8{pushbits}}, stage2[31:8], stage2[7]} : stage2;
- assign stage4 = amt[2] ? {is_rot ? stage3[3:0] : {4{pushbits}}, stage3[31:4], stage3[3]} : stage3;
- assign stage5 = amt[1] ? {is_rot ? stage4[1:0] : {2{pushbits}}, stage4[31:2], stage4[1]} : stage4;
- assign {res, carryout} = amt[0] ? {is_rot ? stage5[0] : pushbits, stage5[31:1], stage5[0]} : stage5;
+ assign stage2 = amt[4] ? {is_rot ? stage1[16:1] : {16{pushbits}}, stage1[32:17], stage1[16]} : stage1;
+ assign stage3 = amt[3] ? {is_rot ? stage2[8:1] : {8{pushbits}}, stage2[32:9], stage2[8]} : stage2;
+ assign stage4 = amt[2] ? {is_rot ? stage3[4:1] : {4{pushbits}}, stage3[32:5], stage3[4]} : stage3;
+ assign stage5 = amt[1] ? {is_rot ? stage4[2:1] : {2{pushbits}}, stage4[32:3], stage4[2]} : stage4;
+ assign {res, carryout} = amt[0] ? {is_rot ? stage5[1] : pushbits, stage5[32:2], stage5[1]} : stage5;
+module SuckLessRotator(
+ input [31:0] oper,
+ input [3:0] amt,
+ output wire [31:0] res
+ wire [31:0] stage1, stage2, stage3;
+ assign stage1 = amt[3] ? {oper[15:0], oper[31:16]} : oper;
+ assign stage2 = amt[2] ? {stage1[7:0], stage1[31:8]} : stage1;
+ assign stage3 = amt[1] ? {stage2[3:0], stage2[31:4]} : stage2;
+ assign res = amt[0] ? {stage3[1:0], stage3[31:2]} : stage3;