module Fetch(
- input clk,
- input Nrst,
- output wire [31:0] rd_addr,
- output wire rd_req,
- input rd_wait,
- input [31:0] rd_data,
- input stall,
- input jmp,
- input [31:0] jmppc,
- output reg bubble = 1,
- output reg [31:0] insn = 0,
- output reg [31:0] pc = 0);
- reg [31:0] prevpc;
- reg [31:0] nextpc;
- initial
- prevpc = 32'hFFFFFFFC; /* ugh... the first pc we request will be this +4 */
- always @(negedge Nrst)
- prevpc <= 32'hFFFFFFFC;
- always @(*)
+ input clk,
+ input Nrst,
+ output wire [31:0] ic__rd_addr_0a,
+ output wire ic__rd_req_0a,
+ input ic__rd_wait_0a,
+ input [31:0] ic__rd_data_1a,
+ input stall_0a,
+ input jmp_0a,
+ input [31:0] jmppc_0a,
+ output reg bubble_1a = 1,
+ output reg [31:0] insn_1a = 0,
+ output reg [31:0] pc_1a = 32'hFFFFFFFC);
+ reg qjmp = 0; /* A jump has been queued up while we were waiting. */
+ reg [31:0] qjmppc;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
if (!Nrst)
- nextpc = 32'hFFFFFFFC;
- else if (stall) /* don't change any internal state */
- nextpc = prevpc;
- else if (jmp)
- nextpc = jmppc;
+ qjmp <= 0;
+ else if ((ic__rd_wait_0a || stall_0a) && jmp_0a)
+ {qjmp,qjmppc} <= {jmp_0a, jmppc_0a};
+ else if (!ic__rd_wait_0a && !stall_0a && qjmp) /* It has already been intoed. */
+ {qjmp,qjmppc} <= {1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx};
+ reg [31:0] reqpc_0a;
+ /* Output latch logic */
+ reg [31:0] insn_2a;
+ reg stall_1a;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
+ if (!Nrst) begin
+ insn_2a <= 32'h00000000;
+ stall_1a <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ insn_2a <= insn_1a;
+ stall_1a <= stall_0a;
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ if (stall_1a)
+ insn_1a = insn_2a;
- nextpc = prevpc + 32'h4;
- assign rd_addr = nextpc;
- assign rd_req = !stall;
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
- if (!rd_wait || !Nrst)
- prevpc <= nextpc;
- if (!stall)
- begin
- bubble <= rd_wait;
- insn <= rd_data;
- pc <= nextpc;
+ insn_1a = ic__rd_data_1a;
+ assign ic__rd_addr_0a = reqpc_0a;
+ assign ic__rd_req_0a = 1;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
+ if (!Nrst) begin
+ bubble_1a <= 1;
+ pc_1a <= 32'h00000000;
+ end else if (!stall_0a) begin
+ bubble_1a <= (jmp_0a || qjmp || ic__rd_wait_0a);
+ pc_1a <= reqpc_0a;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge Nrst)
+ if (!Nrst)
+ reqpc_0a <= 0;
+ else if (!stall_0a && !ic__rd_wait_0a) begin
+ if (qjmp)
+ reqpc_0a <= qjmppc;
+ else if (jmp_0a)
+ reqpc_0a <= jmppc_0a;
+ else
+ reqpc_0a <= reqpc_0a + 4;
- end