+/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+Copyright (c) 2002-2010 ymnk, JCraft,Inc. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package com.jcraft.jsch;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class ChannelSftp extends ChannelSession{
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_INIT= 1;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_VERSION= 2;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_OPEN= 3;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_CLOSE= 4;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_READ= 5;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_WRITE= 6;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_LSTAT= 7;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_FSTAT= 8;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_SETSTAT= 9;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT= 10;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_OPENDIR= 11;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_READDIR= 12;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_REMOVE= 13;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_MKDIR= 14;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_RMDIR= 15;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_REALPATH= 16;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_STAT= 17;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_RENAME= 18;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_READLINK= 19;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_SYMLINK= 20;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_STATUS= 101;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_HANDLE= 102;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_DATA= 103;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_NAME= 104;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_ATTRS= 105;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_EXTENDED= (byte)200;
+ private static final byte SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY= (byte)201;
+ // pflags
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_READ= 0x00000001;
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_WRITE= 0x00000002;
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_APPEND= 0x00000004;
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_CREAT= 0x00000008;
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_TRUNC= 0x00000010;
+ private static final int SSH_FXF_EXCL= 0x00000020;
+ private static final int SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE= 0x00000001;
+ private static final int SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID= 0x00000002;
+ private static final int SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS= 0x00000004;
+ private static final int SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME= 0x00000008;
+ private static final int SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED= 0x80000000;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_OK= 0;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_EOF= 1;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE= 2;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED= 3;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_FAILURE= 4;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE= 5;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_NO_CONNECTION= 6;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_CONNECTION_LOST= 7;
+ public static final int SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED= 8;
+ Indicates successful completion of the operation.
+ indicates end-of-file condition; for SSH_FX_READ it means that no
+ more data is available in the file, and for SSH_FX_READDIR it
+ indicates that no more files are contained in the directory.
+ is returned when a reference is made to a file which should exist
+ but doesn't.
+ is returned when the authenticated user does not have sufficient
+ permissions to perform the operation.
+ is a generic catch-all error message; it should be returned if an
+ error occurs for which there is no more specific error code
+ defined.
+ may be returned if a badly formatted packet or protocol
+ incompatibility is detected.
+ is a pseudo-error which indicates that the client has no
+ connection to the server (it can only be generated locally by the
+ client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ is a pseudo-error which indicates that the connection to the
+ server has been lost (it can only be generated locally by the
+ client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ indicates that an attempt was made to perform an operation which
+ is not supported for the server (it may be generated locally by
+ the client if e.g. the version number exchange indicates that a
+ required feature is not supported by the server, or it may be
+ returned by the server if the server does not implement an
+ operation).
+ private static final int MAX_MSG_LENGTH = 256* 1024;
+ public static final int OVERWRITE=0;
+ public static final int RESUME=1;
+ public static final int APPEND=2;
+ private boolean interactive=false;
+ private int seq=1;
+ private int[] ackid=new int[1];
+ private Buffer buf;
+ private Packet packet=new Packet(buf);
+ private int client_version=3;
+ private int server_version=3;
+ private String version=String.valueOf(client_version);
+ private java.util.Hashtable extensions=null;
+ private InputStream io_in=null;
+10. Changes from previous protocol versions
+ The SSH File Transfer Protocol has changed over time, before it's
+ standardization. The following is a description of the incompatible
+ changes between different versions.
+10.1 Changes between versions 3 and 2
+ o The SSH_FXP_READLINK and SSH_FXP_SYMLINK messages were added.
+ o The SSH_FXP_EXTENDED and SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY messages were added.
+ o The SSH_FXP_STATUS message was changed to include fields `error
+ message' and `language tag'.
+10.2 Changes between versions 2 and 1
+ o The SSH_FXP_RENAME message was added.
+10.3 Changes between versions 1 and 0
+ o Implementation changes, no actual protocol changes.
+ private static final String file_separator=java.io.File.separator;
+ private static final char file_separatorc=java.io.File.separatorChar;
+ private static boolean fs_is_bs=(byte)java.io.File.separatorChar == '\\';
+ private String cwd;
+ private String home;
+ private String lcwd;
+ private static final String UTF8="UTF-8";
+ private String fEncoding=UTF8;
+ private boolean fEncoding_is_utf8=true;
+ void init(){
+ }
+ public void start() throws JSchException{
+ try{
+ PipedOutputStream pos=new PipedOutputStream();
+ io.setOutputStream(pos);
+ PipedInputStream pis=new MyPipedInputStream(pos, 32*1024);
+ io.setInputStream(pis);
+ io_in=io.in;
+ if(io_in==null){
+ throw new JSchException("channel is down");
+ }
+ Request request=new RequestSftp();
+ request.request(getSession(), this);
+ /*
+ System.err.println("lmpsize: "+lmpsize);
+ System.err.println("lwsize: "+lwsize);
+ System.err.println("rmpsize: "+rmpsize);
+ System.err.println("rwsize: "+rwsize);
+ */
+ buf=new Buffer(rmpsize);
+ packet=new Packet(buf);
+ int i=0;
+ int length;
+ int type;
+ byte[] str;
+ // send SSH_FXP_INIT
+ sendINIT();
+ // receive SSH_FXP_VERSION
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ length=header.length;
+ if(length > MAX_MSG_LENGTH){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "Received message is too long: " + length);
+ }
+ type=header.type; // 2 -> SSH_FXP_VERSION
+ server_version=header.rid;
+ //System.err.println("SFTP protocol server-version="+server_version);
+ if(length>0){
+ extensions=new java.util.Hashtable();
+ // extension data
+ fill(buf, length);
+ byte[] extension_name=null;
+ byte[] extension_data=null;
+ while(length>0){
+ extension_name=buf.getString();
+ length-=(4+extension_name.length);
+ extension_data=buf.getString();
+ length-=(4+extension_data.length);
+ extensions.put(Util.byte2str(extension_name),
+ Util.byte2str(extension_data));
+ }
+ }
+ lcwd=new File(".").getCanonicalPath();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ //System.err.println(e);
+ if(e instanceof JSchException) throw (JSchException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new JSchException(e.toString(), (Throwable)e);
+ throw new JSchException(e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void quit(){ disconnect();}
+ public void exit(){ disconnect();}
+ public void lcd(String path) throws SftpException{
+ path=localAbsolutePath(path);
+ if((new File(path)).isDirectory()){
+ try{
+ path=(new File(path)).getCanonicalPath();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){}
+ lcwd=path;
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE, "No such directory");
+ }
+ public void cd(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ path=isUnique(path);
+ byte[] str=_realpath(path);
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(str);
+ if((attr.getFlags()&SftpATTRS.SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS)==0){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "Can't change directory: "+path);
+ }
+ if(!attr.isDir()){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "Can't change directory: "+path);
+ }
+ setCwd(Util.byte2str(str, fEncoding));
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void put(String src, String dst) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, null, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void put(String src, String dst, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, null, mode);
+ }
+ public void put(String src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, monitor, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void put(String src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ src=localAbsolutePath(src);
+ dst=remoteAbsolutePath(dst);
+ try{
+ Vector v=glob_remote(dst);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ if(vsize!=1){
+ if(vsize==0){
+ if(isPattern(dst))
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, dst);
+ else
+ dst=Util.unquote(dst);
+ }
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, v.toString());
+ }
+ else{
+ dst=(String)(v.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ boolean isRemoteDir=isRemoteDir(dst);
+ v=glob_local(src);
+ vsize=v.size();
+ StringBuffer dstsb=null;
+ if(isRemoteDir){
+ if(!dst.endsWith("/")){
+ dst+="/";
+ }
+ dstsb=new StringBuffer(dst);
+ }
+ else if(vsize>1){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "Copying multiple files, but the destination is missing or a file.");
+ }
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ String _src=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ String _dst=null;
+ if(isRemoteDir){
+ int i=_src.lastIndexOf(file_separatorc);
+ if(fs_is_bs){
+ int ii=_src.lastIndexOf('/');
+ if(ii!=-1 && ii>i)
+ i=ii;
+ }
+ if(i==-1) dstsb.append(_src);
+ else dstsb.append(_src.substring(i + 1));
+ _dst=dstsb.toString();
+ dstsb.delete(dst.length(), _dst.length());
+ }
+ else{
+ _dst=dst;
+ }
+ //System.err.println("_dst "+_dst);
+ long size_of_dst=0;
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ try{
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(_dst);
+ size_of_dst=attr.getSize();
+ }
+ catch(Exception eee){
+ //System.err.println(eee);
+ }
+ long size_of_src=new File(_src).length();
+ if(size_of_src<size_of_dst){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "failed to resume for "+_dst);
+ }
+ if(size_of_src==size_of_dst){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ monitor.init(SftpProgressMonitor.PUT, _src, _dst,
+ (new File(_src)).length());
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ monitor.count(size_of_dst);
+ }
+ }
+ FileInputStream fis=null;
+ try{
+ fis=new FileInputStream(_src);
+ _put(fis, _dst, monitor, mode);
+ }
+ finally{
+ if(fis!=null) {
+ fis.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString(), (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void put(InputStream src, String dst) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, null, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void put(InputStream src, String dst, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, null, mode);
+ }
+ public void put(InputStream src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor) throws SftpException{
+ put(src, dst, monitor, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void put(InputStream src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ dst=remoteAbsolutePath(dst);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(dst);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ if(vsize!=1){
+ if(vsize==0){
+ if(isPattern(dst))
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, dst);
+ else
+ dst=Util.unquote(dst);
+ }
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, v.toString());
+ }
+ else{
+ dst=(String)(v.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ if(isRemoteDir(dst)){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, dst+" is a directory");
+ }
+ _put(src, dst, monitor, mode);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString(), (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void _put(InputStream src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ byte[] dstb=Util.str2byte(dst, fEncoding);
+ long skip=0;
+ if(mode==RESUME || mode==APPEND){
+ try{
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(dstb);
+ skip=attr.getSize();
+ }
+ catch(Exception eee){
+ //System.err.println(eee);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mode==RESUME && skip>0){
+ long skipped=src.skip(skip);
+ if(skipped<skip){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "failed to resume for "+dst);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mode==OVERWRITE){ sendOPENW(dstb); }
+ else{ sendOPENA(dstb); }
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "invalid type="+type);
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // handle
+ byte[] data=null;
+ boolean dontcopy=true;
+ if(!dontcopy){
+ data=new byte[buf.buffer.length
+ -(5+13+21+handle.length
+ +32 +20 // padding and mac
+ )
+ ];
+ }
+ long offset=0;
+ if(mode==RESUME || mode==APPEND){
+ offset+=skip;
+ }
+ int startid=seq;
+ int _ackid=seq;
+ int ackcount=0;
+ while(true){
+ int nread=0;
+ int s=0;
+ int datalen=0;
+ int count=0;
+ if(!dontcopy){
+ datalen=data.length-s;
+ }
+ else{
+ data=buf.buffer;
+ s=5+13+21+handle.length;
+ datalen=buf.buffer.length -s
+ -32 -20; // padding and mac
+ }
+ do{
+ nread=src.read(data, s, datalen);
+ if(nread>0){
+ s+=nread;
+ datalen-=nread;
+ count+=nread;
+ }
+ }
+ while(datalen>0 && nread>0);
+ if(count<=0)break;
+ int _i=count;
+ while(_i>0){
+ _i-=sendWRITE(handle, offset, data, 0, _i);
+ if((seq-1)==startid ||
+ io_in.available()>=1024){
+ while(io_in.available()>0){
+ if(checkStatus(ackid, header)){
+ _ackid=ackid[0];
+ if(startid>_ackid || _ackid>seq-1){
+ if(_ackid==seq){
+ System.err.println("ack error: startid="+startid+" seq="+seq+" _ackid="+_ackid);
+ }
+ else{
+ //throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "ack error:");
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "ack error: startid="+startid+" seq="+seq+" _ackid="+_ackid);
+ }
+ }
+ ackcount++;
+ }
+ else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset+=count;
+ if(monitor!=null && !monitor.count(count)){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int _ackcount=seq-startid;
+ while(_ackcount>ackcount){
+ if(!checkStatus(null, header)){
+ break;
+ }
+ ackcount++;
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null)monitor.end();
+ _sendCLOSE(handle, header);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString(), (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public OutputStream put(String dst) throws SftpException{
+ return put(dst, (SftpProgressMonitor)null, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public OutputStream put(String dst, final int mode) throws SftpException{
+ return put(dst, (SftpProgressMonitor)null, mode);
+ }
+ public OutputStream put(String dst, final SftpProgressMonitor monitor, final int mode) throws SftpException{
+ return put(dst, monitor, mode, 0);
+ }
+ public OutputStream put(String dst, final SftpProgressMonitor monitor, final int mode, long offset) throws SftpException{
+ dst=remoteAbsolutePath(dst);
+ try{
+ dst=isUnique(dst);
+ if(isRemoteDir(dst)){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, dst+" is a directory");
+ }
+ byte[] dstb=Util.str2byte(dst, fEncoding);
+ long skip=0;
+ if(mode==RESUME || mode==APPEND){
+ try{
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(dstb);
+ skip=attr.getSize();
+ }
+ catch(Exception eee){
+ //System.err.println(eee);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mode==OVERWRITE){ sendOPENW(dstb); }
+ else{ sendOPENA(dstb); }
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ final byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // handle
+ if(mode==RESUME || mode==APPEND){
+ offset+=skip;
+ }
+ final long[] _offset=new long[1];
+ _offset[0]=offset;
+ OutputStream out = new OutputStream(){
+ private boolean init=true;
+ private boolean isClosed=false;
+ private int[] ackid=new int[1];
+ private int startid=0;
+ private int _ackid=0;
+ private int ackcount=0;
+ private int writecount=0;
+ private Header header=new Header();
+ public void write(byte[] d) throws java.io.IOException{
+ write(d, 0, d.length);
+ }
+ public void write(byte[] d, int s, int len) throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(init){
+ startid=seq;
+ _ackid=seq;
+ init=false;
+ }
+ if(isClosed){
+ throw new IOException("stream already closed");
+ }
+ try{
+ int _len=len;
+ while(_len>0){
+ int sent=sendWRITE(handle, _offset[0], d, s, _len);
+ writecount++;
+ _offset[0]+=sent;
+ s+=sent;
+ _len-=sent;
+ if((seq-1)==startid ||
+ io_in.available()>=1024){
+ while(io_in.available()>0){
+ if(checkStatus(ackid, header)){
+ _ackid=ackid[0];
+ if(startid>_ackid || _ackid>seq-1){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ ackcount++;
+ }
+ else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null && !monitor.count(len)){
+ close();
+ throw new IOException("canceled");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){ throw e; }
+ catch(Exception e){ throw new IOException(e.toString()); }
+ }
+ byte[] _data=new byte[1];
+ public void write(int foo) throws java.io.IOException{
+ _data[0]=(byte)foo;
+ write(_data, 0, 1);
+ }
+ public void flush() throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(isClosed){
+ throw new IOException("stream already closed");
+ }
+ if(!init){
+ try{
+ while(writecount>ackcount){
+ if(!checkStatus(null, header)){
+ break;
+ }
+ ackcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(SftpException e){
+ throw new IOException(e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void close() throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(isClosed){
+ return;
+ }
+ flush();
+ if(monitor!=null)monitor.end();
+ try{ _sendCLOSE(handle, header); }
+ catch(IOException e){ throw e; }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ throw new IOException(e.toString());
+ }
+ isClosed=true;
+ }
+ };
+ return out;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void get(String src, String dst) throws SftpException{
+ get(src, dst, null, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void get(String src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor) throws SftpException{
+ get(src, dst, monitor, OVERWRITE);
+ }
+ public void get(String src, String dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ // System.out.println("get: "+src+" "+dst);
+ src=remoteAbsolutePath(src);
+ dst=localAbsolutePath(dst);
+ try{
+ Vector v=glob_remote(src);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ if(vsize==0){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE, "No such file");
+ }
+ File dstFile=new File(dst);
+ boolean isDstDir=dstFile.isDirectory();
+ StringBuffer dstsb=null;
+ if(isDstDir){
+ if(!dst.endsWith(file_separator)){
+ dst+=file_separator;
+ }
+ dstsb=new StringBuffer(dst);
+ }
+ else if(vsize>1){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "Copying multiple files, but destination is missing or a file.");
+ }
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ String _src=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(_src);
+ if(attr.isDir()){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "not supported to get directory "+_src);
+ }
+ String _dst=null;
+ if(isDstDir){
+ int i=_src.lastIndexOf('/');
+ if(i==-1) dstsb.append(_src);
+ else dstsb.append(_src.substring(i + 1));
+ _dst=dstsb.toString();
+ dstsb.delete(dst.length(), _dst.length());
+ }
+ else{
+ _dst=dst;
+ }
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ long size_of_src=attr.getSize();
+ long size_of_dst=new File(_dst).length();
+ if(size_of_dst>size_of_src){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "failed to resume for "+_dst);
+ }
+ if(size_of_dst==size_of_src){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ monitor.init(SftpProgressMonitor.GET, _src, _dst, attr.getSize());
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ monitor.count(new File(_dst).length());
+ }
+ }
+ FileOutputStream fos=null;
+ try{
+ if(mode==OVERWRITE){
+ fos=new FileOutputStream(_dst);
+ }
+ else{
+ fos=new FileOutputStream(_dst, true); // append
+ }
+ // System.err.println("_get: "+_src+", "+_dst);
+ _get(_src, fos, monitor, mode, new File(_dst).length());
+ }
+ finally{
+ if(fos!=null){
+ fos.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void get(String src, OutputStream dst) throws SftpException{
+ get(src, dst, null, OVERWRITE, 0);
+ }
+ public void get(String src, OutputStream dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor) throws SftpException{
+ get(src, dst, monitor, OVERWRITE, 0);
+ }
+ public void get(String src, OutputStream dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode, long skip) throws SftpException{
+//System.err.println("get: "+src+", "+dst);
+ try{
+ src=remoteAbsolutePath(src);
+ src=isUnique(src);
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(src);
+ monitor.init(SftpProgressMonitor.GET, src, "??", attr.getSize());
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ monitor.count(skip);
+ }
+ }
+ _get(src, dst, monitor, mode, skip);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ private void _get(String src, OutputStream dst,
+ SftpProgressMonitor monitor, int mode, long skip) throws SftpException{
+ //System.err.println("_get: "+src+", "+dst);
+ byte[] srcb=Util.str2byte(src, fEncoding);
+ try{
+ sendOPENR(srcb);
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // filename
+ long offset=0;
+ if(mode==RESUME){
+ offset+=skip;
+ }
+ int request_len=0;
+ loop:
+ while(true){
+ request_len=buf.buffer.length-13;
+ if(server_version==0){ request_len=1024; }
+ sendREAD(handle, offset, request_len);
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ length=header.length;
+ type=header.type;
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ fill(buf, length);
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i==SSH_FX_EOF){
+ break loop;
+ }
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_DATA){
+ break loop;
+ }
+ buf.rewind();
+ fill(buf.buffer, 0, 4); length-=4;
+ int i=buf.getInt(); // length of data
+ int foo=i;
+ while(foo>0){
+ int bar=foo;
+ if(bar>buf.buffer.length){
+ bar=buf.buffer.length;
+ }
+ i=io_in.read(buf.buffer, 0, bar);
+ if(i<0){
+ break loop;
+ }
+ int data_len=i;
+ dst.write(buf.buffer, 0, data_len);
+ offset+=data_len;
+ foo-=data_len;
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ if(!monitor.count(data_len)){
+ while(foo>0){
+ i=io_in.read(buf.buffer,
+ 0,
+ (buf.buffer.length<foo?buf.buffer.length:foo));
+ if(i<=0) break;
+ foo-=i;
+ }
+ break loop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //System.err.println("length: "+length); // length should be 0
+ }
+ dst.flush();
+ if(monitor!=null)monitor.end();
+ _sendCLOSE(handle, header);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public InputStream get(String src) throws SftpException{
+ return get(src, null, 0L);
+ }
+ public InputStream get(String src, SftpProgressMonitor monitor) throws SftpException{
+ return get(src, monitor, 0L);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This method will be deleted in the future.
+ */
+ public InputStream get(String src, int mode) throws SftpException{
+ return get(src, null, 0L);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This method will be deleted in the future.
+ */
+ public InputStream get(String src, final SftpProgressMonitor monitor, final int mode) throws SftpException{
+ return get(src, monitor, 0L);
+ }
+ public InputStream get(String src, final SftpProgressMonitor monitor, final long skip) throws SftpException{
+ src=remoteAbsolutePath(src);
+ try{
+ src=isUnique(src);
+ byte[] srcb=Util.str2byte(src, fEncoding);
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(srcb);
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ monitor.init(SftpProgressMonitor.GET, src, "??", attr.getSize());
+ }
+ sendOPENR(srcb);
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ final byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // handle
+ java.io.InputStream in=new java.io.InputStream(){
+ long offset=skip;
+ boolean closed=false;
+ int rest_length=0;
+ byte[] _data=new byte[1];
+ byte[] rest_byte=new byte[1024];
+ Header header=new Header();
+ public int read() throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(closed)return -1;
+ int i=read(_data, 0, 1);
+ if (i==-1) { return -1; }
+ else {
+ return _data[0]&0xff;
+ }
+ }
+ public int read(byte[] d) throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(closed)return -1;
+ return read(d, 0, d.length);
+ }
+ public int read(byte[] d, int s, int len) throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(closed)return -1;
+ if(d==null){throw new NullPointerException();}
+ if(s<0 || len <0 || s+len>d.length){
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ if(len==0){ return 0; }
+ if(rest_length>0){
+ int foo=rest_length;
+ if(foo>len) foo=len;
+ System.arraycopy(rest_byte, 0, d, s, foo);
+ if(foo!=rest_length){
+ System.arraycopy(rest_byte, foo,
+ rest_byte, 0, rest_length-foo);
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ if(!monitor.count(foo)){
+ close();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ rest_length-=foo;
+ return foo;
+ }
+ if(buf.buffer.length-13<len){
+ len=buf.buffer.length-13;
+ }
+ if(server_version==0 && len>1024){
+ len=1024;
+ }
+ try{sendREAD(handle, offset, len);}
+ catch(Exception e){ throw new IOException("error"); }
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ rest_length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ int id=header.rid;
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_DATA){
+ throw new IOException("error");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ fill(buf, rest_length);
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ rest_length=0;
+ if(i==SSH_FX_EOF){
+ close();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ throw new IOException("error");
+ }
+ buf.rewind();
+ fill(buf.buffer, 0, 4);
+ int i=buf.getInt(); rest_length-=4;
+ offset+=rest_length;
+ int foo=i;
+ if(foo>0){
+ int bar=rest_length;
+ if(bar>len){
+ bar=len;
+ }
+ i=io_in.read(d, s, bar);
+ if(i<0){
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rest_length-=i;
+ if(rest_length>0){
+ if(rest_byte.length<rest_length){
+ rest_byte=new byte[rest_length];
+ }
+ int _s=0;
+ int _len=rest_length;
+ int j;
+ while(_len>0){
+ j=io_in.read(rest_byte, _s, _len);
+ if(j<=0)break;
+ _s+=j;
+ _len-=j;
+ }
+ }
+ if(monitor!=null){
+ if(!monitor.count(i)){
+ close();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ return 0; // ??
+ }
+ public void close() throws IOException{
+ if(closed)return;
+ closed=true;
+ if(monitor!=null)monitor.end();
+ try{_sendCLOSE(handle, header);}
+ catch(Exception e){throw new IOException("error");}
+ }
+ };
+ return in;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public java.util.Vector ls(String path) throws SftpException{
+ //System.out.println("ls: "+path);
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ byte[] pattern=null;
+ java.util.Vector v=new java.util.Vector();
+ int foo=path.lastIndexOf('/');
+ String dir=path.substring(0, ((foo==0)?1:foo));
+ String _pattern=path.substring(foo+1);
+ dir=Util.unquote(dir);
+ // If pattern has included '*' or '?', we need to convert
+ // to UTF-8 string before globbing.
+ byte[][] _pattern_utf8=new byte[1][];
+ boolean pattern_has_wildcard=isPattern(_pattern, _pattern_utf8);
+ if(pattern_has_wildcard){
+ pattern=_pattern_utf8[0];
+ }
+ else{
+ String upath=Util.unquote(path);
+ //SftpATTRS attr=_lstat(upath);
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(upath);
+ if(attr.isDir()){
+ pattern=null;
+ dir=upath;
+ }
+ else{
+ /*
+ // If we can generage longname by ourself,
+ // we don't have to use openDIR.
+ String filename=Util.unquote(_pattern);
+ String longname=...
+ v.addElement(new LsEntry(filename, longname, attr));
+ return v;
+ */
+ if(fEncoding_is_utf8){
+ pattern=_pattern_utf8[0];
+ pattern=Util.unquote(pattern);
+ }
+ else{
+ _pattern=Util.unquote(_pattern);
+ pattern=Util.str2byte(_pattern, fEncoding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sendOPENDIR(Util.str2byte(dir, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // handle
+ while(true){
+ sendREADDIR(handle);
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ length=header.length;
+ type=header.type;
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_NAME){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ fill(buf, length);
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i==SSH_FX_EOF)
+ break;
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ buf.rewind();
+ fill(buf.buffer, 0, 4); length-=4;
+ int count=buf.getInt();
+ byte[] str;
+ int flags;
+ buf.reset();
+ while(count>0){
+ if(length>0){
+ buf.shift();
+ int j=(buf.buffer.length>(buf.index+length)) ?
+ length :
+ (buf.buffer.length-buf.index);
+ int i=fill(buf.buffer, buf.index, j);
+ buf.index+=i;
+ length-=i;
+ }
+ byte[] filename=buf.getString();
+ byte[] longname=null;
+ if(server_version<=3){
+ longname=buf.getString();
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attrs=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ boolean find=false;
+ String f=null;
+ if(pattern==null){
+ find=true;
+ }
+ else if(!pattern_has_wildcard){
+ find=Util.array_equals(pattern, filename);
+ }
+ else{
+ byte[] _filename=filename;
+ if(!fEncoding_is_utf8){
+ f=Util.byte2str(_filename, fEncoding);
+ _filename=Util.str2byte(f, UTF8);
+ }
+ find=Util.glob(pattern, _filename);
+ }
+ if(find){
+ if(f==null){
+ f=Util.byte2str(filename, fEncoding);
+ }
+ String l=null;
+ if(longname==null){
+ // TODO: we need to generate long name from attrs
+ // for the sftp protocol 4(and later).
+ l=attrs.toString()+" "+f;
+ }
+ else{
+ l=Util.byte2str(longname, fEncoding);
+ }
+ v.addElement(new LsEntry(f, l, attrs));
+ }
+ count--;
+ }
+ }
+ _sendCLOSE(handle, header);
+ /*
+ if(v.size()==1 && pattern_has_wildcard){
+ LsEntry le=(LsEntry)v.elementAt(0);
+ if(le.getAttrs().isDir()){
+ String f=le.getFilename();
+ if(isPattern(f)){
+ f=Util.quote(f);
+ }
+ if(!dir.endsWith("/")){
+ dir+="/";
+ }
+ v=null;
+ return ls(dir+f);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ return v;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public String readlink(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ if(server_version<3){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED,
+ "The remote sshd is too old to support symlink operation.");
+ }
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ path=isUnique(path);
+ sendREADLINK(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_NAME){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_NAME){
+ int count=buf.getInt(); // count
+ byte[] filename=null;
+ for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
+ filename=buf.getString();
+ if(server_version<=3){
+ byte[] longname=buf.getString();
+ }
+ SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ }
+ return Util.byte2str(filename, fEncoding);
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void symlink(String oldpath, String newpath) throws SftpException{
+ if(server_version<3){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED,
+ "The remote sshd is too old to support symlink operation.");
+ }
+ try{
+ oldpath=remoteAbsolutePath(oldpath);
+ newpath=remoteAbsolutePath(newpath);
+ oldpath=isUnique(oldpath);
+ if(isPattern(newpath)){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, newpath);
+ }
+ newpath=Util.unquote(newpath);
+ sendSYMLINK(Util.str2byte(oldpath, fEncoding),
+ Util.str2byte(newpath, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i==SSH_FX_OK) return;
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void rename(String oldpath, String newpath) throws SftpException{
+ if(server_version<2){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED,
+ "The remote sshd is too old to support rename operation.");
+ }
+ try{
+ oldpath=remoteAbsolutePath(oldpath);
+ newpath=remoteAbsolutePath(newpath);
+ oldpath=isUnique(oldpath);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(newpath);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ if(vsize>=2){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, v.toString());
+ }
+ if(vsize==1){
+ newpath=(String)(v.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ else{ // vsize==0
+ if(isPattern(newpath))
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, newpath);
+ newpath=Util.unquote(newpath);
+ }
+ sendRENAME(Util.str2byte(oldpath, fEncoding),
+ Util.str2byte(newpath, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i==SSH_FX_OK) return;
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void rm(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ Header header=new Header();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ sendREMOVE(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i!=SSH_FX_OK){
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean isRemoteDir(String path){
+ try{
+ sendSTAT(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_ATTRS){
+ return false;
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attr=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ return attr.isDir();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){}
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void chgrp(int gid, String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(path);
+ attr.setFLAGS(0);
+ attr.setUIDGID(attr.uid, gid);
+ _setStat(path, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void chown(int uid, String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(path);
+ attr.setFLAGS(0);
+ attr.setUIDGID(uid, attr.gid);
+ _setStat(path, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void chmod(int permissions, String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(path);
+ attr.setFLAGS(0);
+ attr.setPERMISSIONS(permissions);
+ _setStat(path, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void setMtime(String path, int mtime) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ SftpATTRS attr=_stat(path);
+ attr.setFLAGS(0);
+ attr.setACMODTIME(attr.getATime(), mtime);
+ _setStat(path, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void rmdir(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ Header header=new Header();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ sendRMDIR(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i!=SSH_FX_OK){
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void mkdir(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ sendMKDIR(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding), null);
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i==SSH_FX_OK) return;
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public SftpATTRS stat(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ path=isUnique(path);
+ return _stat(path);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ //return null;
+ }
+ private SftpATTRS _stat(byte[] path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ sendSTAT(path);
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_ATTRS){
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attr=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ return attr;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ //return null;
+ }
+ private SftpATTRS _stat(String path) throws SftpException{
+ return _stat(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ }
+ public SftpATTRS lstat(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ path=isUnique(path);
+ return _lstat(path);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ private SftpATTRS _lstat(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ sendLSTAT(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_ATTRS){
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attr=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ return attr;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ private byte[] _realpath(String path) throws SftpException, IOException, Exception{
+ sendREALPATH(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_NAME){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i;
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ i=buf.getInt(); // count
+ byte[] str=null;
+ while(i-->0){
+ str=buf.getString(); // absolute path;
+ if(server_version<=3){
+ byte[] lname=buf.getString(); // long filename
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attr=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf); // dummy attribute
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ public void setStat(String path, SftpATTRS attr) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ path=remoteAbsolutePath(path);
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ int vsize=v.size();
+ for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
+ path=(String)(v.elementAt(j));
+ _setStat(path, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ private void _setStat(String path, SftpATTRS attr) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ sendSETSTAT(Util.str2byte(path, fEncoding), attr);
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i!=SSH_FX_OK){
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public String pwd() throws SftpException{ return getCwd(); }
+ public String lpwd(){ return lcwd; }
+ public String version(){ return version; }
+ public String getHome() throws SftpException {
+ if(home==null){
+ try{
+ byte[] _home=_realpath("");
+ home=Util.byte2str(_home, fEncoding);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return home;
+ }
+ private String getCwd() throws SftpException{
+ if(cwd==null)
+ cwd=getHome();
+ return cwd;
+ }
+ private void setCwd(String cwd){
+ this.cwd=cwd;
+ }
+ private void read(byte[] buf, int s, int l) throws IOException, SftpException{
+ int i=0;
+ while(l>0){
+ i=io_in.read(buf, s, l);
+ if(i<=0){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ s+=i;
+ l-=i;
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean checkStatus(int[] ackid, Header header) throws IOException, SftpException{
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ if(ackid!=null)
+ ackid[0]=header.rid;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ int i=buf.getInt();
+ if(i!=SSH_FX_OK){
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean _sendCLOSE(byte[] handle, Header header) throws Exception{
+ sendCLOSE(handle);
+ return checkStatus(null, header);
+ }
+ private void sendINIT() throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ buf.putInt(3); // version 3
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 5+4);
+ }
+ private void sendREALPATH(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_REALPATH, path);
+ }
+ private void sendSTAT(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_STAT, path);
+ }
+ private void sendLSTAT(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_LSTAT, path);
+ }
+ private void sendFSTAT(byte[] handle) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_FSTAT, handle);
+ }
+ private void sendSETSTAT(byte[] path, SftpATTRS attr) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(SSH_FXP_SETSTAT, 9+path.length+attr.length());
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(path); // path
+ attr.dump(buf);
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 9+path.length+attr.length()+4);
+ }
+ private void sendREMOVE(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_REMOVE, path);
+ }
+ private void sendMKDIR(byte[] path, SftpATTRS attr) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(SSH_FXP_MKDIR, 9+path.length+(attr!=null?attr.length():4));
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(path); // path
+ if(attr!=null) attr.dump(buf);
+ else buf.putInt(0);
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 9+path.length+(attr!=null?attr.length():4)+4);
+ }
+ private void sendRMDIR(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_RMDIR, path);
+ }
+ private void sendSYMLINK(byte[] p1, byte[] p2) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_SYMLINK, p1, p2);
+ }
+ private void sendREADLINK(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_READLINK, path);
+ }
+ private void sendOPENDIR(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_OPENDIR, path);
+ }
+ private void sendREADDIR(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_READDIR, path);
+ }
+ private void sendRENAME(byte[] p1, byte[] p2) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_RENAME, p1, p2);
+ }
+ private void sendCLOSE(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendPacketPath(SSH_FXP_CLOSE, path);
+ }
+ private void sendOPENR(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ sendOPEN(path, SSH_FXF_READ);
+ }
+ private void sendOPENW(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ }
+ private void sendOPENA(byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ }
+ private void sendOPEN(byte[] path, int mode) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(SSH_FXP_OPEN, 17+path.length);
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(path);
+ buf.putInt(mode);
+ buf.putInt(0); // attrs
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 17+path.length+4);
+ }
+ private void sendPacketPath(byte fxp, byte[] path) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(fxp, 9+path.length);
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(path); // path
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 9+path.length+4);
+ }
+ private void sendPacketPath(byte fxp, byte[] p1, byte[] p2) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(fxp, 13+p1.length+p2.length);
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(p1);
+ buf.putString(p2);
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 13+p1.length+p2.length+4);
+ }
+ private int sendWRITE(byte[] handle, long offset,
+ byte[] data, int start, int length) throws Exception{
+ int _length=length;
+ packet.reset();
+ if(buf.buffer.length<buf.index+13+21+handle.length+length
+ +32 +20 // padding and mac
+ _length=buf.buffer.length-(buf.index+13+21+handle.length
+ +32 +20 // padding and mac
+ //System.err.println("_length="+_length+" length="+length);
+ }
+ putHEAD(SSH_FXP_WRITE, 21+handle.length+_length); // 14
+ buf.putInt(seq++); // 4
+ buf.putString(handle); // 4+handle.length
+ buf.putLong(offset); // 8
+ if(buf.buffer!=data){
+ buf.putString(data, start, _length); // 4+_length
+ }
+ else{
+ buf.putInt(_length);
+ buf.skip(_length);
+ }
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 21+handle.length+_length+4);
+ return _length;
+ }
+ private void sendREAD(byte[] handle, long offset, int length) throws Exception{
+ packet.reset();
+ putHEAD(SSH_FXP_READ, 21+handle.length);
+ buf.putInt(seq++);
+ buf.putString(handle);
+ buf.putLong(offset);
+ buf.putInt(length);
+ getSession().write(packet, this, 21+handle.length+4);
+ }
+ private void putHEAD(byte type, int length) throws Exception{
+ buf.putByte((byte)Session.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA);
+ buf.putInt(recipient);
+ buf.putInt(length+4);
+ buf.putInt(length);
+ buf.putByte(type);
+ }
+ private Vector glob_remote(String _path) throws Exception{
+ Vector v=new Vector();
+ int i=0;
+ int foo=_path.lastIndexOf('/');
+ if(foo<0){ // it is not absolute path.
+ v.addElement(Util.unquote(_path));
+ return v;
+ }
+ String dir=_path.substring(0, ((foo==0)?1:foo));
+ String _pattern=_path.substring(foo+1);
+ dir=Util.unquote(dir);
+ byte[] pattern=null;
+ byte[][] _pattern_utf8=new byte[1][];
+ boolean pattern_has_wildcard=isPattern(_pattern, _pattern_utf8);
+ if(!pattern_has_wildcard){
+ if(!dir.equals("/"))
+ dir+="/";
+ v.addElement(dir+Util.unquote(_pattern));
+ return v;
+ }
+ pattern=_pattern_utf8[0];
+ sendOPENDIR(Util.str2byte(dir, fEncoding));
+ Header header=new Header();
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ int length=header.length;
+ int type=header.type;
+ fill(buf, length);
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_HANDLE){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ i=buf.getInt();
+ throwStatusError(buf, i);
+ }
+ byte[] handle=buf.getString(); // filename
+ String pdir=null; // parent directory
+ while(true){
+ sendREADDIR(handle);
+ header=header(buf, header);
+ length=header.length;
+ type=header.type;
+ if(type!=SSH_FXP_STATUS && type!=SSH_FXP_NAME){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ if(type==SSH_FXP_STATUS){
+ fill(buf, length);
+ break;
+ }
+ buf.rewind();
+ fill(buf.buffer, 0, 4); length-=4;
+ int count=buf.getInt();
+ byte[] str;
+ int flags;
+ buf.reset();
+ while(count>0){
+ if(length>0){
+ buf.shift();
+ int j=(buf.buffer.length>(buf.index+length)) ? length : (buf.buffer.length-buf.index);
+ i=io_in.read(buf.buffer, buf.index, j);
+ if(i<=0)break;
+ buf.index+=i;
+ length-=i;
+ }
+ byte[] filename=buf.getString();
+ //System.err.println("filename: "+new String(filename));
+ if(server_version<=3){
+ str=buf.getString(); // longname
+ }
+ SftpATTRS attrs=SftpATTRS.getATTR(buf);
+ byte[] _filename=filename;
+ String f=null;
+ boolean found=false;
+ if(!fEncoding_is_utf8){
+ f=Util.byte2str(filename, fEncoding);
+ _filename=Util.str2byte(f, UTF8);
+ }
+ found=Util.glob(pattern, _filename);
+ if(found){
+ if(f==null){
+ f=Util.byte2str(filename, fEncoding);
+ }
+ if(pdir==null){
+ pdir=dir;
+ if(!pdir.endsWith("/")){
+ pdir+="/";
+ }
+ }
+ v.addElement(pdir+f);
+ }
+ count--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(_sendCLOSE(handle, header))
+ return v;
+ return null;
+ }
+ private boolean isPattern(byte[] path){
+ int i=path.length-1;
+ while(i>=0){
+ if(path[i]=='*' || path[i]=='?'){
+ if(i>0 && path[i-1]=='\\'){
+ i--;
+ if(i>0 && path[i-1]=='\\'){ // \\* or \\?
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ // System.err.println("isPattern: ["+(new String(path))+"] "+(!(i<0)));
+ return !(i<0);
+ }
+ private Vector glob_local(String _path) throws Exception{
+//System.err.println("glob_local: "+_path);
+ Vector v=new Vector();
+ byte[] path=Util.str2byte(_path, UTF8);
+ int i=path.length-1;
+ while(i>=0){
+ if(path[i]!='*' && path[i]!='?'){
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!fs_is_bs &&
+ i>0 && path[i-1]=='\\'){
+ i--;
+ if(i>0 && path[i-1]=='\\'){
+ i--;
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i<0){ v.addElement(fs_is_bs ? _path : Util.unquote(_path)); return v;}
+ while(i>=0){
+ if(path[i]==file_separatorc ||
+ (fs_is_bs && path[i]=='/')){ // On Windows, '/' is also the separator.
+ break;
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ if(i<0){ v.addElement(fs_is_bs ? _path : Util.unquote(_path)); return v;}
+ byte[] dir;
+ if(i==0){dir=new byte[]{(byte)file_separatorc};}
+ else{
+ dir=new byte[i];
+ System.arraycopy(path, 0, dir, 0, i);
+ }
+ byte[] pattern=new byte[path.length-i-1];
+ System.arraycopy(path, i+1, pattern, 0, pattern.length);
+//System.err.println("dir: "+new String(dir)+" pattern: "+new String(pattern));
+ try{
+ String[] children=(new File(Util.byte2str(dir, UTF8))).list();
+ String pdir=Util.byte2str(dir)+file_separator;
+ for(int j=0; j<children.length; j++){
+//System.err.println("children: "+children[j]);
+ if(Util.glob(pattern, Util.str2byte(children[j], UTF8))){
+ v.addElement(pdir+children[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ private void throwStatusError(Buffer buf, int i) throws SftpException{
+ if(server_version>=3 && // WindRiver's sftp will send invalid
+ buf.getLength()>=4){ // SSH_FXP_STATUS packet.
+ byte[] str=buf.getString();
+ //byte[] tag=buf.getString();
+ throw new SftpException(i, Util.byte2str(str, UTF8));
+ }
+ else{
+ throw new SftpException(i, "Failure");
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean isLocalAbsolutePath(String path){
+ return (new File(path)).isAbsolute();
+ }
+ public void disconnect(){
+ super.disconnect();
+ }
+ private boolean isPattern(String path, byte[][] utf8){
+ byte[] _path=Util.str2byte(path, UTF8);
+ if(utf8!=null)
+ utf8[0]=_path;
+ return isPattern(_path);
+ }
+ private boolean isPattern(String path){
+ return isPattern(path, null);
+ }
+ private void fill(Buffer buf, int len) throws IOException{
+ buf.reset();
+ fill(buf.buffer, 0, len);
+ buf.skip(len);
+ }
+ private int fill(byte[] buf, int s, int len) throws IOException{
+ int i=0;
+ int foo=s;
+ while(len>0){
+ i=io_in.read(buf, s, len);
+ if(i<=0){
+ throw new IOException("inputstream is closed");
+ //return (s-foo)==0 ? i : s-foo;
+ }
+ s+=i;
+ len-=i;
+ }
+ return s-foo;
+ }
+ private void skip(long foo) throws IOException{
+ while(foo>0){
+ long bar=io_in.skip(foo);
+ if(bar<=0)
+ break;
+ foo-=bar;
+ }
+ }
+ class Header{
+ int length;
+ int type;
+ int rid;
+ }
+ private Header header(Buffer buf, Header header) throws IOException{
+ buf.rewind();
+ int i=fill(buf.buffer, 0, 9);
+ header.length=buf.getInt()-5;
+ header.type=buf.getByte()&0xff;
+ header.rid=buf.getInt();
+ return header;
+ }
+ private String remoteAbsolutePath(String path) throws SftpException{
+ if(path.charAt(0)=='/') return path;
+ String cwd=getCwd();
+// if(cwd.equals(getHome())) return path;
+ if(cwd.endsWith("/")) return cwd+path;
+ return cwd+"/"+path;
+ }
+ private String localAbsolutePath(String path){
+ if(isLocalAbsolutePath(path)) return path;
+ if(lcwd.endsWith(file_separator)) return lcwd+path;
+ return lcwd+file_separator+path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will check if the given string can be expanded to the
+ * unique string. If it can be expanded to mutiple files, SftpException
+ * will be thrown.
+ * @return the returned string is unquoted.
+ */
+ private String isUnique(String path) throws SftpException, Exception{
+ Vector v=glob_remote(path);
+ if(v.size()!=1){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, path+" is not unique: "+v.toString());
+ }
+ return (String)(v.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ public int getServerVersion() throws SftpException{
+ if(!isConnected()){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "The channel is not connected.");
+ }
+ return server_version;
+ }
+ public void setFilenameEncoding(String encoding) throws SftpException{
+ int sversion=getServerVersion();
+ if(sversion > 3 &&
+ !encoding.equals(UTF8)){
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE,
+ "The encoding can not be changed for this sftp server.");
+ }
+ if(encoding.equals(UTF8)){
+ encoding=UTF8;
+ }
+ fEncoding=encoding;
+ fEncoding_is_utf8=fEncoding.equals(UTF8);
+ }
+ public String getExtension(String key){
+ if(extensions==null)
+ return null;
+ return (String)extensions.get(key);
+ }
+ public String realpath(String path) throws SftpException{
+ try{
+ byte[] _path=_realpath(remoteAbsolutePath(path));
+ return Util.byte2str(_path, fEncoding);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ if(e instanceof SftpException) throw (SftpException)e;
+ if(e instanceof Throwable)
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "", (Throwable)e);
+ throw new SftpException(SSH_FX_FAILURE, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public class LsEntry implements Comparable{
+ private String filename;
+ private String longname;
+ private SftpATTRS attrs;
+ LsEntry(String filename, String longname, SftpATTRS attrs){
+ setFilename(filename);
+ setLongname(longname);
+ setAttrs(attrs);
+ }
+ public String getFilename(){return filename;};
+ void setFilename(String filename){this.filename = filename;};
+ public String getLongname(){return longname;};
+ void setLongname(String longname){this.longname = longname;};
+ public SftpATTRS getAttrs(){return attrs;};
+ void setAttrs(SftpATTRS attrs) {this.attrs = attrs;};
+ public String toString(){ return longname; }
+ public int compareTo(Object o) throws ClassCastException{
+ if(o instanceof LsEntry){
+ return filename.compareTo(((LsEntry)o).getFilename());
+ }
+ throw new ClassCastException("a decendent of LsEntry must be given.");
+ }
+ }