MOVLIT of oper * word |
MOVSYM of oper * Symbol.symbol |
MOVLBL of oper * Label.label |
+ MOVSTR of oper * Stringref.stringref |
LDR of oper * oper |
STO of oper * oper |
MOV of oper * oper |
MOVLIT of oper * word |
MOVSYM of oper * Symbol.symbol |
MOVLBL of oper * Label.label |
+ MOVSTR of oper * Stringref.stringref |
LDR of oper * oper |
STO of oper * oper |
MOV of oper * oper |
| regtonum R10 = 10
| regtonum R11 = 11
| regtonum R12 = 12
- | regtonum SP = 4
- | regtonum _ = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError ("regtonum: Invalid register")
+ | regtonum FR = 13
+ | regtonum SP = 14
+ | regtonum PC = 15
(* gives reg associated with number (color) *)
fun numtoreg 0 = R0
val compare =
- fun pp_oper (REG r) = "%" ^ (regname r)
+ fun pp_oper (REG r) = (regname r)
| pp_oper (TEMP t) = ( t)
| pp_oper (STACKARG i) = "arg#"^Int.toString i
- fun pp_insn pr (MOVLIT (d, w)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", #"^(Word.toString w)^"\n"
+ fun pp_insn pr (MOVLIT (d, w)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", #0x"^(Word.toString w)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (MOVSYM (d, s)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", #"^( s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (MOVLBL (d, l)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", #"^( l)^"\n"
+ | pp_insn pr (MOVSTR (d, s)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", #"^( s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (LDR (d, s)) = "\tldr"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", ["^(pp_oper s)^"]\n"
| pp_insn pr (STO (d, s)) = "\tsto"^pr^" ["^(pp_oper d)^"], "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (MOV (d, s)) = "\tmov"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (NOTS (d, s)) = "\tnots"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (PUSH (d, s)) = "\tpush"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (POP (d, s)) = "\tpop"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
- | pp_insn pr (CALL (d, s, n)) = "\tcall"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^" # ("^(Int.toString n)^" args)\n"
+ | pp_insn pr (CALL (d, s, n)) = "\tcall"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^" @ ("^(Int.toString n)^" args)\n"
| pp_insn pr (SHR (d, s)) = "\tshr"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
| pp_insn pr (SHL (d, s)) = "\tshl"^pr^" "^(pp_oper d)^", "^(pp_oper s)^"\n"
(* pretty prints the asm *)
fun print (DIRECTIVE(str)) = str ^ "\n"
- | print (COMMENT(str)) = "// " ^ str ^ "\n"
+ | print (COMMENT(str)) = "@ " ^ str ^ "\n"
| print (LABEL(l)) = l ^ ":\n"
| print (INSN (pred, insn)) = pp_insn (predname pred) insn
| print (LIVEIGN i) = print i