fun newline () = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "\n")
exception EXIT
+ val alloptimizations =
+ [(*ConstantFold.optimizer,
+ StupidFunctionElim.optimizer,
+ FeckfulnessAnalysis.optimizer,
+ ConstantFold.optimizer,
+ LabelCoalescing.optimizer,
+ Peephole.optimizer*)] : Optimizer.optimization list
+ val uniqopts =
+ foldr
+ (fn (opt : Optimizer.optimization, l) =>
+ if (List.exists (fn (x : Optimizer.optimization) => (#shortname opt) = (#shortname x)) l)
+ then l
+ else opt :: l)
+ []
+ alloptimizations
- (* see flag explanations below *)
- val flag_verbose = Flag.flag "verbose"
- val flag_liveness = Flag.flag "liveness"
- val flag_ast = Flag.flag "ast"
- val flag_ir = Flag.flag "ir"
- val flag_assem = Flag.flag "assem"
- val flag_color = Flag.flag "color"
- fun reset_flags () =
- Flag.unset [flag_verbose, flag_ast,
- flag_ir, flag_assem, flag_liveness];
+ val enabledopts = ref alloptimizations
val options = [{short = "v", long=["verbose"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_verbose),
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set Flags.verbose),
help="verbose messages"},
{short = "a", long=["dump-ast"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_ast),
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set Flags.ast),
help="pretty print the AST"},
{short = "i", long=["dump-ir"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_ir),
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set,
help="pretty print the IR"},
{short = "l", long=["dump-liveness"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_liveness),
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set Flags.liveness),
help="pretty print the liveness results"},
{short = "s", long=["dump-assem"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_assem),
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set Flags.assem),
help="pretty print the assembly before register allocaction"},
{short = "c", long=["dump-color"],
- desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set flag_color),
- help="pretty print the allocated regs"}
- ]
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set Flags.color),
+ help="pretty print the allocated regs"},
+ {short = "", long=["safe"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.set,
+ help="enable memory-safety"},
+ {short = "", long=["unsafe"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => Flag.unset,
+ help="disable memory-safety"},
+ {short = "", long = ["disable-all"],
+ desc=G.NoArg (fn () => enabledopts := nil),
+ help="disable all optimizations"}
+ ] @
+ map
+ (fn (opt : Optimizer.optimization) =>
+ { short = "", long=["disable-" ^ (#shortname opt)],
+ desc = G.NoArg (* This is nasty. *)
+ (fn () => enabledopts := List.filter (fn x => (#shortname x) <> (#shortname opt)) (!enabledopts)),
+ help = "disable optimization: " ^ (#description opt) })
+ uniqopts
fun stem s =
fun processir externs (Tree.FUNCTION (id, ir)) =
- val name = "_l3_" ^ ( id)
+ val name = "_l5_" ^ ( id)
fun realname s = if (List.exists (fn n => s = n) externs)
then s
- else "_l3_" ^ s
+ else "_l5_" ^ s
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say ("Processing function: " ^ name)
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say ("Processing function: " ^ name)
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Generating proto-x86_64 code..."
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Generating proto-x86_64 code..."
val assem = Codegen.codegen ir
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_assem
- (fn () => (TextIO.print o (x86.prettyprint x86.Long)) assem) ()
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.assem
+ (fn () => (TextIO.print o (Blarg.print)) assem) ()
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Analyzing liveness..."
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Optimizing pre-liveness..."
+ val assem = Optimizer.optimize_preliveness (!enabledopts) assem
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Analyzing liveness..."
val (preds, liveness) = Liveness.liveness assem;
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_liveness
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.liveness
(fn () =>
(fn (asm, liv) =>
TextIO.print (
- val xpp = x86.prettyprint x86.Long asm
+ val xpp = Blarg.print asm
val xpp = String.extract (xpp, 0, SOME (size xpp - 1))
val spaces = implode (List.tabulate (40 - size xpp, fn _ => #" ")) handle size => ""
val lpp = Liveness.prettyprint liv
( (assem, Liveness.listify liveness))) ()
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Graphing..."
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Graphing..."
val (igraph,temps) = Igraph.gengraph (preds, liveness)
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Ordering..."
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Ordering..."
val order = ColorOrder.colororder (igraph,temps)
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Coloring..."
- val colors = Colorizer.colorize order igraph;
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_color
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Coloring..."
+ val colors = Colorizer.colorize order igraph
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.color
(fn () => (TextIO.print o
(fn (t, i) =>
( t) ^ " => " ^ (
- if (i <= x86.regtonum x86.R14D)
- then (x86.prettyprint_oper x86.Long (x86.REG (x86.numtoreg i)))
+ if (i <= Blarg.regtonum Blarg.R3)
+ then (Blarg.pp_oper (Blarg.REG (Blarg.numtoreg i)))
- "spill[" ^ Int.toString (i - x86.regtonum x86.R14D) ^ "]")
+ "spill[" ^ Int.toString (i - Blarg.regtonum Blarg.R3) ^ "]")
^ "--"^ Int.toString i ^ "\n"))
colors) ()
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Solidifying x86_64 code..."
- val x86 = Solidify.solidify colors assem;
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Solidifying blargCPU code..."
+ val x86 = Solidify.solidify colors assem
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Peepholing..."
- val x86p = Peephole.peephole x86;
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Optimizing final assembly..."
+ val x86p = Optimizer.optimize_final (!enabledopts) x86
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say " Stringifying..."
- val x86d = [x86.DIRECTIVE(".globl " ^ name),
- x86.DIRECTIVE(name ^ ":")]
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say " Stringifying..."
+ val x86d = [Blarg.DIRECTIVE(".globl " ^ name),
+ Blarg.DIRECTIVE(name ^ ":")]
@ x86p
val code = Stringify.stringify realname x86d
fun errfn msg = (say (msg ^ "\n" ^ usageinfo) ; raise EXIT)
val _ = Temp.reset (); (* reset temp variable counter *)
- val _ = reset_flags (); (* return all flags to default value *)
+ val _ = Flags.reset (); (* return all flags to default value *)
val _ = if List.length args = 0 then
(say usageinfo; raise EXIT)
| [filename] => filename
| _ => errfn "Error: more than one input file"
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say ("Parsing... " ^ source)
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say ("Enabled optimizations: " ^ String.concat (map (fn x => (#shortname x) ^ " ") (!enabledopts)))
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say ("Parsing... " ^ source)
val ast = Parse.parse source
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_ast
+ val (_, funcs) = ast
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.ast
(fn () => say (Ast.Print.pp_program ast)) ()
- val externs = List.mapPartial
- (fn (Ast.Function _) => NONE
- | (Ast.Extern (_, s, _)) => SOME ( s)) ast
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Checking..."
+ val externs = Symbol.mapPartiali
+ (fn (a, b) => case ( b)
+ of Ast.Extern _ => SOME( a)
+ | _ => NONE
+ ) funcs
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say "Checking..."
val ast = TypeChecker.typecheck ast
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say "Translating..."
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say "Translating..."
val ir = Trans.translate ast
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_ir (fn () => say (Tree.Print.pp_program ir)) ()
- val output = foldr (fn (func, code) => (processir externs func) ^ code)
- (".file\t\"" ^ source ^ "\"\n.ident\t\"15-411 L3 compiler by czl@ and jwise@\"\n") ir
+ val _ = Flag.guard (fn () => say (TreeUtils.Print.pp_program ir)) ()
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say "Optimizing whole-program IR..."
+ val ir = Optimizer.optimize_ir (!enabledopts) ir
+ val _ = Flag.guard (fn () => say (TreeUtils.Print.pp_program ir)) ()
+ val output = foldr (fn (func, code) => (processir ("calloc" (* lololololol *) :: (Symbol.elems externs)) func) ^ code)
+ (".file\t\"" ^ source ^ "\"\n.ident\t\"15-411 ASS compiler by czl@ and jwise@\"\n" ^
+ ".ident \"Optimizations enabled: " ^ String.concat (map (fn x => (#shortname x) ^ " ") (!enabledopts)) ^ "\"\n") ir
val afname = stem source ^ ".s"
- val _ = Flag.guard flag_verbose say ("Writing assembly to " ^ afname ^ " ...")
+ val _ = Flag.guard Flags.verbose say ("Writing assembly to " ^ afname ^ " ...")
val _ = SafeIO.withOpenOut afname (fn afstream =>
TextIO.output (afstream, output))