+ structure AU = AstUtils
+ structure T = Type
+ fun typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e =
+ ( case e
+ of A.Var a => (case Symbol.look vars a
+ of NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("variable `"^(Symbol.name a)^"' not declared here") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ | SOME t => t)
+ | A.ConstExp _ => T.Int
+ | A.StringExp _ => T.String
+ | A.OpExp (A.EQ, [a, b]) =>
+ (case (typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark a, typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark b)
+ of (T.Int, T.Int) => T.Int (* You shall pass! *)
+ | (a', b') =>
+ if (T.typeeq (a', T.TNull) andalso T.castable (b', T.TNull)) orelse
+ (T.typeeq (b', T.TNull) andalso T.castable (a', T.TNull)) orelse
+ (T.typeeq (a', b'))
+ then T.Int
+ else (ErrorMsg.error mark ("incorrect types for equality opexp:" ^ T.Print.pp_type a' ^ ", " ^ T.Print.pp_type b') ; raise ErrorMsg.Error ))
+ | A.OpExp (A.NEQ, el) => typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark (A.OpExp (A.EQ, el))
+ | A.OpExp (_, el) => (List.app
+ (fn e =>
+ (case (typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e)
+ of T.Int => ()
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("incorrect type for opexp; needed int") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)))
+ el ; T.Int)
+ | A.Marked e => typeof (tds, funcs) vars (Mark.ext e) (Mark.data e)
+ | A.FuncCall (i, exps) =>
+ let
+ val func = (case Symbol.look funcs i
+ of NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("function `"^(Symbol.name i)^"' not declared") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ | SOME f => f)
+ val funcmark = AU.Function.mark func
+ val (ftype, fparams) = (AU.Function.returntype func, AU.Function.params func)
+ val exptypes = List.map (fn znt => typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark znt) exps
+ val () = if (length exptypes = length fparams) then ()
+ else (ErrorMsg.error mark ("call to function `"^(Symbol.name i)^"' has incorrect parameter count [you must construct additional tycons]") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val () = List.app
+ (fn (t, (i, t')) =>
+ if not (T.castable (t', t))
+ then (ErrorMsg.error mark ("parameter `"^(Symbol.name i)^"' in function call has wrong type [you must construct additional tycons]") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ else ())
+ (ListPair.zip (exptypes, fparams))
+ in
+ ftype
+ end
+ | A.Member (e, i) =>
+ let
+ val t = typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e
+ val name = case t
+ of (T.Typedef i) => i
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("member operation only exists for struct types") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val s = case Symbol.look tds name
+ of SOME s => s
+ | NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("undefined structure `"^(Symbol.name name)^"' in type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val (s, smark) = (T.defdata s, T.defmark s)
+ val vl = case s
+ of T.Struct vl => vl
+ | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "mark of marked typedef?"
+ val t = case (List.find (fn (i', t) => (Symbol.name i = Symbol.name i')) vl)
+ of SOME (_, t) => t
+ | NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("undefined member `"^(Symbol.name i)^"' in struct") ; ErrorMsg.error smark ("struct `"^(Symbol.name name)^"' defined here") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ in
+ t
+ end
+ | A.DerefMember (e, i) =>
+ let
+ val t = typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e
+ val name = case t
+ of (T.Pointer (T.Typedef i)) => i
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("dereference and member operation only exists for struct pointer types") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val s = case Symbol.look tds name
+ of SOME s => s
+ | NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("undefined structure `"^(Symbol.name name)^"' in type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val (s, smark) = case s
+ of T.Struct vl => (s, NONE)
+ | T.MarkedTypedef m => (Mark.data m, Mark.ext m)
+ val vl = case s
+ of T.Struct vl => vl
+ | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "mark of marked typedef?"
+ val t = case (List.find (fn (i', t) => (Symbol.name i = Symbol.name i')) vl)
+ of SOME (_, t) => t
+ | NONE => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("undefined member `"^(Symbol.name i)^"' in struct") ; ErrorMsg.error smark ("struct `"^(Symbol.name name)^"' defined here") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ in
+ t
+ end
+ | A.Dereference e =>
+ (case typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e
+ of (T.Pointer e') => e'
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("cannot deference non-pointer type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error))
+ | A.ArrIndex (e, i) =>
+ (case (typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e, typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark i)
+ of (T.Array e', T.Int) => e'
+ | (_, T.Int) => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("cannot index non-array type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("cannot index using non-int type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error))
+ | A.New (t) => T.Pointer t
+ | A.NewArr (t, s) =>
+ (case typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark s
+ of T.Int => (T.Array t)
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("cannot specify non-int array dimension") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error))
+ | A.Null => T.TNull
+ | A.Conditional (q, e1, e2) =>
+ let
+ val _ = case typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark q
+ of T.Int => ()
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error mark ("ternary condition not of Int type") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ val t1 = typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e1
+ val t2 = typeof (tds, funcs) vars mark e2
+ in
+ if (T.typeeq (t1, t2) orelse T.castable (t1, t2))
+ then t1
+ else if (T.castable (t2, t1))
+ then t2
+ else (ErrorMsg.error mark ("ternary types do not agree [you must construct additional tycons]") ; raise ErrorMsg.Error)
+ end
+ )