signature TYPE =
type ident = Symbol.symbol
- datatype vtype = Int | Typedef of ident | Pointer of vtype | Array of vtype | TNull
+ datatype vtype = Int | String | Typedef of ident | Pointer of vtype | Array of vtype | TNull
type variable = ident * vtype
datatype typedef = MarkedTypedef of typedef Mark.marked | Struct of variable list
structure Type :> TYPE =
type ident = Symbol.symbol
- datatype vtype = Int | Typedef of ident | Pointer of vtype | Array of vtype | TNull
+ datatype vtype = Int | String | Typedef of ident | Pointer of vtype | Array of vtype | TNull
type variable = ident * vtype
datatype typedef = MarkedTypedef of typedef Mark.marked | Struct of variable list
- fun size (Int) = 4
- | size (Pointer _) = 8
- | size (Array _) = 8
- | size (TNull) = 8
+ fun size (Int) = 1
+ | size (String) = 1
+ | size (Pointer _) = 1
+ | size (Array _) = 1
+ | size (TNull) = 1
| size _ = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Type.size on non-small type..."
(* determine size of items *)
fun sizeof_reset () = ( size_memotable := Symbol.empty )
fun alignment_reset () = ( align_memotable := Symbol.empty )
- fun sizeof _ (Int) = 4
- | sizeof _ (Pointer _) = 8
- | sizeof _ (Array _) = 8
+ fun sizeof _ (Int) = 1
+ | sizeof _ (String) = 1
+ | sizeof _ (Pointer _) = 1
+ | sizeof _ (Array _) = 1
| sizeof _ (TNull) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Type.sizeof on TNull?"
| sizeof d (Typedef id) =
(case (Symbol.look (!size_memotable) id)
| sizeof_s d (MarkedTypedef(a)) = sizeof_s d ( a)
(* determine alignment of items *)
- and alignment _ (Int) = 4
- | alignment _ (Pointer _) = 8
- | alignment _ (Array _) = 8
+ and alignment _ (Int) = 1
+ | alignment _ (String) = 1
+ | alignment _ (Pointer _) = 1
+ | alignment _ (Array _) = 1
| alignment d (Typedef id) =
(case Symbol.look (!align_memotable) id
of SOME(r) => r
fun issmall (Int) = true
+ | issmall (String) = true
| issmall (Pointer _) = true
| issmall (Array _) = true
| issmall (TNull) = true
| issmall _ = false
fun typeeq (Int, Int) = true
+ | typeeq (String, String) = true
| typeeq (Typedef a, Typedef b) = ( a) = ( b)
| typeeq (Pointer a, Pointer b) = typeeq (a, b)
| typeeq (Array a, Array b) = typeeq (a, b)
fun pp_ident i = i
fun pp_type (Int) = "int"
+ | pp_type (String) = "string"
| pp_type (Pointer t) = pp_type t ^ "*"
| pp_type (Array t) = pp_type t ^ "[]"
| pp_type (TNull) = "{NULL type}"