-(* L1 Compiler
- * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+(* L3 Compiler
* Turns pseudoasm into liveness-annotated pseudoasm
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew.cmu.edu>
* Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
signature LIVENESS =
- type tiberium = x86.insn list
- type rockets = x86.oper list list
+ structure OperSet : ORD_SET
+ where type Key.ord_key = Blarg.oper;
+ structure LiveMap : ORD_MAP
+ where type Key.ord_key = int;
- val liveness : tiberium -> rockets
+ type live = int * OperSet.set
+ type pseudoasm = Blarg.insn list
+ type livenesses = OperSet.set LiveMap.map
+ type ident = int
+ datatype pred = DEF of Blarg.oper | USE of Blarg.oper | SUCC of ident | ISMOVE
+ type predicates = pred list LiveMap.map
+ val uses : pred list -> Blarg.oper list
+ val succs : pred list -> ident list
+ val defs : pred list -> Blarg.oper list
+ val ismove : pred list -> bool
+ val liveness : pseudoasm -> predicates * livenesses
+ val listify : livenesses -> OperSet.set list
+ val prettyprint : OperSet.set -> string
structure Liveness :> LIVENESS =
structure T = Temp
- structure X = x86
+ structure X = Blarg
- type tiberium = x86.insn list
- type rockets = x86.oper list list
+ structure OperSet = Blarg.OperSet
+ structure LiveMap = Blarg.LiveMap
+ structure LabelMap = SplayMapFn(struct
+ type ord_key = Label.label
+ val compare = Label.compare
+ end)
+ type live = int * OperSet.set
+ type pseudoasm = X.insn list
+ type numasm = X.insn LiveMap.map
+ type livenesses = OperSet.set LiveMap.map
+ type ident = int
+ datatype pred = DEF of X.oper | USE of X.oper | SUCC of ident | ISMOVE
- (* This does not 'follow the rules'.
+ type predicates = pred list LiveMap.map
+ (* val number : pseudoasm -> numasm
+ * numbers the instructions!
+ *)
+ fun number instrs =
+ let
+ val nums = List.tabulate (List.length instrs, (fn i => i))
+ in
+ foldr
+ LiveMap.insert'
+ LiveMap.empty
+ (ListPair.zip (nums,instrs))
+ end
+ (* val defusesucc : numasm -> (ident * pred list) list
+ * generates def/use/succ predicates according to rules
+ *)
+ fun defusesucc l =
+ let
+ val labelmap = LiveMap.foldri
+ (fn (n, a, b) => LabelMap.insert(b, a, n))
+ (LabelMap.empty)
+ (LiveMap.mapPartial (fn (X.LABEL lb) => SOME(lb) | _ => NONE) l)
+ fun findlabel (lb) = valOf (LabelMap.find (labelmap, lb))
+ (* val defhit/usehit : X.oper -> pred list
+ * helper functions to discard constant operands *)
+ fun defhit (X.REG X.PC) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "cannot define PC"
+ | defhit (X.REG a) = [DEF(X.REG a)]
+ | defhit (X.TEMP a) = [DEF(X.TEMP a)]
+ | defhit (_) = nil
+ and usehit (X.REG a) = [USE(X.REG a)]
+ | usehit (X.TEMP a) = [USE(X.TEMP a)]
+ | usehit (_) = nil
+ fun callhit 0 = nil
+ | callhit 1 = USE(X.REG(X.R0))::(callhit 0)
+ | callhit 2 = USE(X.REG(X.R1))::(callhit 1)
+ | callhit 3 = USE(X.REG(X.R2))::(callhit 2)
+ | callhit 4 = USE(X.REG(X.R3))::(callhit 3)
+ | callhit _ = callhit 4
+ (* val gendef : ident * X.insn -> ident * pred list
+ * generates the def/use/succ predicates for a single insn
+ *)
+ fun gendef (n, X.DIRECTIVE(_)) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.COMMENT(_)) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.LIVEIGN (_)) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.LABEL l) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(X.NV, _)) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOVLIT(dest, _))) = (defhit dest @ [SUCC(n+1), ISMOVE])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOVSYM(dest, sym))) = (defhit dest @ [SUCC(n+1), ISMOVE])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(X.AL, X.MOVLBL(X.REG X.PC, l))) = ([SUCC (findlabel l)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOVLBL(X.REG X.PC, l))) = ([SUCC (n+1), SUCC (findlabel l)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOVLBL(_, _))) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "MOVLBL with target neq PC"
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.LDR(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1), ISMOVE])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.STO(dest, src))) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOV(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1), ISMOVE])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.MOVS(dest, src))) = (usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.ADD(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.ADDS(dest, src))) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.SUB(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.SUBS(dest, src))) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.AND(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.ANDS(dest, src))) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.NOT(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.NOTS(dest, src))) = (usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.PUSH(X.REG X.SP, src))) = (usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.PUSH(_, _))) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "PUSH with sp != SP"
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(X.AL, X.POP(X.REG X.SP, X.REG X.PC))) = ([USE (X.REG X.R0)]) (* kind of like 'ret' *)
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.POP(X.REG X.SP, X.REG X.PC))) = ([USE (X.REG X.R0), SUCC(n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.POP(X.REG X.SP, src))) = (defhit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.POP(_, _))) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "POP with sp != SP"
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.CALL(X.REG X.SP, src, a))) = (callhit a @
+ usehit src @
+ [DEF(X.REG(X.R0)), DEF(X.REG(X.R1)), DEF(X.REG(X.R2)), DEF(X.REG(X.R3)),
+ DEF(X.REG(X.R4)), DEF(X.REG(X.R5)),
+ SUCC(n+1)]
+ )
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.CALL(_, _, _))) = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "CALL with sp != SP"
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.SHR(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ | gendef (n, X.INSN(_, X.SHL(dest, src))) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC (n+1)])
+ in
+ LiveMap.mapi gendef l
+ end
+ (* val uselive : (int * pred list) list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map
+ * generates liveness for 'use' rules to get the iterative analyzer started
+ *)
+ fun uselive preds =
+ LiveMap.mapi
+ (fn (n, pl) =>
+ foldr
+ (fn (USE (l), set) => OperSet.add (set, l)
+ | (_, set) => set)
+ OperSet.empty
+ pl
+ )
+ preds
+ (* val subsetlive : OperSet.set LiveMap.map * OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> bool
+ * true if first is subset of second
+ *)
+ fun subsetlive (l1,l2) =
+ LiveMap.foldri
+ (fn (_, _, false) => false
+ | (n, set1, _) => case LiveMap.find (l2, n)
+ of NONE => false
+ | SOME set2 => OperSet.isSubset (set1, set2))
+ true
+ l1
+ (* val succs : pred list -> int list
+ * generates a list of lines that succeed a line given the predicates
+ * for that line
+ *)
+ fun succs (SUCC(a)::l') = a::(succs l')
+ | succs (_::l') = succs l'
+ | succs nil = nil
+ fun defs (DEF(a)::l) = a::(defs l)
+ | defs (_::l) = defs l
+ | defs nil = nil
+ fun uses (USE(a)::l) = a::(defs l)
+ | uses (_::l) = defs l
+ | uses nil = nil
+ fun ismove l = List.exists (fn ISMOVE => true | _ => false) l
+ (* val liveiter : OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> (int * pred list) list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map
+ * iteratively generates livenesses from def/use/succ rules
+ * it must be fed a liveness list generated from the use rule as it only
+ * processes the second rule :
- * Since this is a straight line, we can just fold starting at the right,
- * and accumulate variables. Thus, the accumulator has two parts: one to
- * represent all of the line / liveness pairs that we've accumulated so far;
- * and one to represent what was live at the previous line.
+ * use(l',x)
+ * !def(l,x)
+ * succ(l,l')
+ * --------------
+ * live(l,x)
- fun mashinstr ((instr : x86.insn), (curtemps, output) : x86.oper list * rockets) : x86.oper list * rockets =
+ fun liveiter livemap preds =
- (* Removes an element from a list. *)
- fun blast (X.TEMP(elt)) l =
- List.filter (fn a => case a of X.TEMP(b) => (T.compare (b, elt)) <> EQUAL | _ => true) l
- | blast (X.REG(reg)) l =
- List.filter (fn a => case a of X.REG(b) => b <> reg | _ => true) l
- | blast _ l = raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Why have we declared a CONST as live?"
- (* Adds an element to a list iff the element doesn't exist already. *)
- fun addonce (X.CONST(_)) l = l
- | addonce oper l = oper :: blast oper l
- val newtemps =
- case instr
- of X.DIRECTIVE(_) => curtemps
- | X.COMMENT(_) => curtemps
- | X.MOVL(dest, src) => addonce src (blast dest curtemps)
- | X.SUBL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
- | X.IMUL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
- | X.IMUL3(dest, src, _) => addonce src (blast dest curtemps)
- | X.ADDL(dest, src) => addonce src (addonce dest curtemps)
- | X.LEAL(dest, src1, src2) => addonce src1 (addonce src2 (blast dest curtemps))
- | X.IDIVL(src) => addonce src (addonce (X.REG X.EAX) (addonce (X.REG X.EDX) curtemps))
- | X.CLTD => blast (X.REG X.EDX) (addonce (X.REG X.EAX) curtemps)
- | X.NEG(src) => (* meh *) curtemps
- | X.RET => addonce (X.REG X.EAX) curtemps
-(* | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Unable to compute liveness for unused instruction form";*)
+ (* val lives : int list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> OperSet.set
+ * scans l for live variables in succeeding lines *)
+ fun lives l' idents =
+ let
+ val lines = List.mapPartial (fn a => LiveMap.find (l', a)) idents
+ in
+ foldr
+ (fn (set', set) => OperSet.union (set', set))
+ OperSet.empty
+ lines
+ end
+ (* val isndef : X.oper -> pred list -> bool
+ * checks to see if x is defined in a predicate list *)
+ fun isndef (X.STACKARG(_)) _ = false
+ | isndef x (DEF(y)::l') = not (X.opereq (x,y)) andalso isndef x l'
+ | isndef x (a::l') = isndef x l'
+ | isndef x nil = true
+ (* val liveadd : live -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map *)
+ fun liveadd (n,oper) map = case LiveMap.find (map, n)
+ of SOME(x) => LiveMap.insert (map, n, OperSet.add (x, oper))
+ | NONE => LiveMap.insert (map, n, OperSet.singleton oper)
+ (* this does the dirty work!
+ * for each line, checks if the live variables in succeeding lines are
+ * not defined here; if so, it accumulates them onto the inital list
+ *
+ * changing the first foldr to a foldl slows down liveness by a factor
+ * of at least 100 on cedar-anastulate.l2
+ *)
+ val newl = LiveMap.foldri
+ (fn (n, a, b) => OperSet.foldr
+ (fn (a',b') => if (isndef a' a) then liveadd (n, a') b' else b')
+ b
+ (lives b (succs a))
+ )
+ livemap
+ preds
+ in
+ if subsetlive (newl, livemap)
+ then livemap
+ else liveiter newl preds
+ end
+ fun dustostring (DEF(a)) = "DEF(" ^ X.pp_oper a ^ ")"
+ | dustostring (USE(a)) = "USE(" ^ X.pp_oper a ^ ")"
+ | dustostring (SUCC(a)) = "SUCC(" ^ Int.toString a ^ ")"
+ | dustostring ISMOVE = "ISMOVE"
+ (* val liveness : pseudoasm -> livenesses
+ * analyzes liveness of variables in the given pseudo-asm
+ *)
+ fun liveness instrs =
+ let
+ val preds = defusesucc (number instrs)
+(* val (_,l) = ListPair.unzip preds
+ val () = print (
+ String.concatWith "\n" (
+ List.map
+ (fn a => String.concatWith ", " (List.map dustostring a))
+ l
+ )
+ )*)
+ val init = uselive preds
+ val initmap = LiveMap.foldri (fn (n,a,b) => LiveMap.insert (b, n, a)) LiveMap.empty init
- (newtemps, newtemps :: output)
+ (preds, liveiter initmap preds)
- fun liveness (instrs : tiberium) : rockets =
+ fun prettyprint (set) =
+ OperSet.foldr
+ (fn (oper, s) => (X.pp_oper oper) ^ ", " ^ s)
+ "-\n"
+ set
+ fun listify map =
- val (_, livelist) = foldr mashinstr (nil, nil) instrs
+ val maxln = LiveMap.foldri (fn (a, _, b) => Int.max (a, b)) 0 map
+ val nums = List.tabulate (maxln+1, fn x => x)
- livelist
+ List.map (fn num => valOf (LiveMap.find (map, num)) handle Option => OperSet.empty) nums