-(* L1 Compiler
- * Gathers tiberium, fires rockets
+(* L3 Compiler
* Takes a interference graph and generates an ordering for coloring
* Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
+ * Author: Chris Lu <czl@aundrew.cmu.edu>
signature COLORORDER =
- type tiberium = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
- type rockets = Temp.temp list
+ structure OperSet : ORD_SET
+ where type Key.ord_key = Blarg.oper
+ structure LiveMap : ORD_MAP
+ where type Key.ord_key = int
+ structure TempMap : ORD_MAP
+ where type Key.ord_key = Temp.temp
+ type igraph = OperSet.set TempMap.map
+ type ordering = Temp.temp list
- val colororder : tiberium -> rockets
+ val colororder : Igraph.graph * Temp.temp list -> ordering
structure ColorOrder :> COLORORDER =
structure T = Temp
- structure X = x86
+ structure X = Blarg
+ structure OperSet = Igraph.OperSet
+ structure LiveMap = Igraph.LiveMap
+ structure TempMap = Igraph.TempMap
- type tiberium = (Temp.temp * x86.oper list) list
- type rockets = Temp.temp list
+ type igraph = OperSet.set TempMap.map
+ type ordering = Temp.temp list
- fun colororder (graph : tiberium) : rockets =
+ fun colororder (graph,temps) =
- val () = print ("Ordering colors...\n");
- val initialWeights = map (fn (t, _) => (t, 0)) graph
- fun sortWeights weights = (* Sort the weights such that the largest is at left, ready to be grabbed. *)
- ListMergeSort.sort (fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => a < b) weights
+ val initialWeights = TempMap.mapi (fn (t, _) => (t, 0)) graph
(* Chooses one temporary to pick, and updates the weights. *)
fun orderOne (weights : (Temp.temp * int) list) : Temp.temp * (Temp.temp * int) list =
- val sorted = sortWeights weights
- val (chosen, w) = List.hd sorted (* Grab the temp with the highest weight. *)
- val () = print (" Chose "^(Temp.name chosen)^" with weight "^(Int.toString w)^"\n");
- val remaining = List.tl sorted
- val neighbors = (* Grab all the neighbors for some given temp. *)
- List.hd
- (List.map (fn (_, neighbors) => neighbors)
- (List.filter (fn (t, _) => T.compare (t, chosen) = EQUAL) graph))
- val () = List.app
- (fn (X.TEMP t) => (print (" Neighbor "^(Temp.name t)^"\n"))
- | (X.REG X.EAX) => (print " Fixed color EAX\n")
- | (X.REG X.EDX) => (print " Fixed color EDX\n")
- | _ => raise ErrorMsg.InternalError "Unknown neighbor type -- const?"
- ) neighbors;
+ val (chosen, w) =
+ foldr
+ (fn ((t1, w1), (t2, w2)) =>
+ if (w2 > w1)
+ then (t2, w2)
+ else (t1, w1))
+ (Temp.new "emarnus", ~9999)
+ weights
+ fun ditchOne f nil = nil (* Special case of filter, which bails out after it removes one. *)
+ | ditchOne f (h::l) =
+ if f h
+ then l
+ else h::(ditchOne f l)
+ val remaining = ditchOne (fn (t, w) => Temp.eq (t, chosen)) weights
+ val neighbors = (* Grab all the neighbors for some given temp. *)
+ (OperSet.listItems
+ (valOf (TempMap.find (graph, chosen))))
val newWeights =
(fn (t, wt) =>
if (List.exists
- (fn X.TEMP t' => (T.compare (t, t') = EQUAL)
+ (fn X.TEMP t' => (T.eq (t, t'))
| _ => false)
then (wt + 1)
chosen :: (keepOrdering newWeights)
+ val ordered = keepOrdering (TempMap.listItems initialWeights)
- (keepOrdering initialWeights)
+ ordered @ (List.filter (fn a => not (List.exists (fn b => Temp.eq (a,b)) ordered)) temps)