]> Joshua Wise's Git repositories - snipe.git/blame_incremental - codegen/liveness.sml
Initial import of l3c
[snipe.git] / codegen / liveness.sml
... / ...
1(* L3 Compiler
2 * Turns pseudoasm into liveness-annotated pseudoasm
3 * Author: Chris Lu <czl@andrew.cmu.edu>
4 * Author: Joshua Wise <jwise@andrew.cmu.edu>
5 *)
7signature LIVENESS =
9 structure OperSet : ORD_SET
10 where type Key.ord_key = x86.oper;
11 structure LiveMap : ORD_MAP
12 where type Key.ord_key = int;
14 type live = int * OperSet.set
15 type pseudoasm = x86.insn list
16 type livenesses = OperSet.set LiveMap.map
18 type ident = int
19 datatype pred = DEF of x86.oper | USE of x86.oper | SUCC of ident | ISMOVE
21 type predicates = pred list LiveMap.map
23 val uses : pred list -> x86.oper list
24 val succs : pred list -> ident list
25 val defs : pred list -> x86.oper list
26 val ismove : pred list -> bool
28 val liveness : pseudoasm -> predicates * livenesses
29 val listify : livenesses -> OperSet.set list
30 val prettyprint : OperSet.set -> string
33structure Liveness :> LIVENESS =
35 structure T = Temp
36 structure X = x86
38 structure OperSet = x86.OperSet
39 structure LiveMap = x86.LiveMap
41 type live = int * OperSet.set
42 type pseudoasm = X.insn list
43 type numasm = X.insn LiveMap.map
44 type livenesses = OperSet.set LiveMap.map
46 type ident = int
47 datatype pred = DEF of X.oper | USE of X.oper | SUCC of ident | ISMOVE
49 type predicates = pred list LiveMap.map
51 (* val number : pseudoasm -> numasm
52 * numbers the instructions!
53 *)
55 fun number instrs =
56 let
57 val nums = List.tabulate (List.length instrs, (fn i => i))
58 in
59 foldr
60 LiveMap.insert'
61 LiveMap.empty
62 (ListPair.zip (nums,instrs))
63 end
65 (* val defusesucc : numasm -> (ident * pred list) list
66 * generates def/use/succ predicates according to rules
67 *)
69 fun defusesucc l =
70 let
71 fun findlabel (lb) =
72 Option.valOf
73 (LiveMap.foldri (fn (n, X.LABEL lb', NONE) => if (Label.compare (lb, lb') = EQUAL) then SOME n else NONE
74 | (_, _, old) => old) NONE l)
76 (* val defhit/usehit : X.oper -> pred list
77 * helper functions to discard constant operands *)
78 fun defhit (X.REG a) = [DEF(X.REG a)]
79 | defhit (X.TEMP a) = [DEF(X.TEMP a)]
80 | defhit (_) = nil
82 fun usehit (X.REG a) = [USE(X.REG a)]
83 | usehit (X.TEMP a) = [USE(X.TEMP a)]
84 | usehit (_) = nil
86 fun callhit 0 = nil
87 | callhit 1 = USE(X.REG(X.EDI))::(callhit 0)
88 | callhit 2 = USE(X.REG(X.ESI))::(callhit 1)
89 | callhit 3 = USE(X.REG(X.EDX))::(callhit 2)
90 | callhit 4 = USE(X.REG(X.ECX))::(callhit 3)
91 | callhit 5 = USE(X.REG(X.R8D))::(callhit 4)
92 | callhit 6 = USE(X.REG(X.R9D))::(callhit 5)
93 | callhit _ = callhit 6
95 (* val gendef : ident * X.insn -> ident * pred list
96 * generates the def/use/succ predicates for a single insn
97 *)
98 fun gendef (n, X.DIRECTIVE(_)) = (nil)
99 | gendef (n, X.COMMENT(_)) = (nil)
100 | gendef (n, X.LIVEIGN (_)) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
101 | gendef (n, X.SIZE(_, i)) = gendef (n,i)
102 | gendef (n, X.MOV(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1), ISMOVE])
103 | gendef (n, X.SUB(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
104 | gendef (n, X.IMUL(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
105 | gendef (n, X.IMUL3(dest, src, _)) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
106 | gendef (n, X.ADD(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
107 | gendef (n, X.IDIV(src)) = (usehit src @ [DEF(X.REG(X.EAX)), DEF(X.REG(X.EDX)),
109 SUCC(n+1)])
110 | gendef (n, X.CLTD) = ([USE(X.REG(X.EAX)), DEF(X.REG(X.EDX)), SUCC(n+1)])
111 | gendef (n, X.SAL(dest, shft)) = (defhit dest @ usehit shft @ usehit dest @ [SUCC(n+1)])
112 | gendef (n, X.SAR(dest, shft)) = (defhit dest @ usehit shft @ usehit dest @ [SUCC(n+1)])
113 | gendef (n, X.NEG(src)) = (defhit src @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
114 | gendef (n, X.NOT(src)) = (defhit src @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
115 | gendef (n, X.AND(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
116 | gendef (n, X.OR(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
117 | gendef (n, X.XOR(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
118 | gendef (n, X.CMP(dest, src)) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
119 | gendef (n, X.TEST(dest, src)) = (usehit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
120 | gendef (n, X.SETcc(_,dest)) = (defhit dest @ [SUCC(n+1)])
121 | gendef (n, X.CALL(_, a)) = (callhit a @ [DEF(X.REG(X.EAX)), DEF(X.REG(X.ECX)), DEF(X.REG(X.EDX)),
123 DEF(X.REG(X.R9D)), DEF(X.REG(X.R10D)), DEF(X.REG(X.R11D)), SUCC(n+1)])
124 | gendef (n, X.MOVZB(dest, src)) = (defhit dest @ usehit src @ [SUCC(n+1)])
125 | gendef (n, X.RET) = ([USE (X.REG X.EAX)])
126 | gendef (n, X.LABEL l) = ([SUCC (n+1)])
127 | gendef (n, X.JMP l) = ([SUCC (findlabel l)])
128 | gendef (n, X.Jcc (_,l)) = ([SUCC (n+1), SUCC (findlabel l)])
129 in
130 LiveMap.mapi gendef l
131 end
133 (* val uselive : (int * pred list) list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map
134 * generates liveness for 'use' rules to get the iterative analyzer started
135 *)
136 fun uselive preds =
137 LiveMap.mapi
138 (fn (n, pl) =>
139 foldr
140 (fn (USE (l), set) => OperSet.add (set, l)
141 | (_, set) => set)
142 OperSet.empty
143 pl
144 )
145 preds
147 (* val subsetlive : OperSet.set LiveMap.map * OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> bool
148 * true if first is subset of second
149 *)
151 fun subsetlive (l1,l2) =
152 LiveMap.foldri
153 (fn (_, _, false) => false
154 | (n, set1, _) => case LiveMap.find (l2, n)
155 of NONE => false
156 | SOME set2 => OperSet.isSubset (set1, set2))
157 true
158 l1
160 (* val succs : pred list -> int list
161 * generates a list of lines that succeed a line given the predicates
162 * for that line
163 *)
164 fun succs (SUCC(a)::l') = a::(succs l')
165 | succs (_::l') = succs l'
166 | succs nil = nil
168 fun defs (DEF(a)::l) = a::(defs l)
169 | defs (_::l) = defs l
170 | defs nil = nil
172 fun uses (USE(a)::l) = a::(defs l)
173 | uses (_::l) = defs l
174 | uses nil = nil
176 fun ismove l = List.exists (fn ISMOVE => true | _ => false) l
178 (* val liveiter : OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> (int * pred list) list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map
179 * iteratively generates livenesses from def/use/succ rules
180 * it must be fed a liveness list generated from the use rule as it only
181 * processes the second rule :
182 *
183 * use(l',x)
184 * !def(l,x)
185 * succ(l,l')
186 * --------------
187 * live(l,x)
188 *)
190 fun liveiter livemap preds =
191 let
195 (* val lives : int list -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> OperSet.set
196 * scans l for live variables in succeeding lines *)
197 fun lives l' idents =
198 let
199 val lines = List.mapPartial (fn a => LiveMap.find (l', a)) idents
200 in
201 foldr
202 (fn (set', set) => OperSet.union (set', set))
203 OperSet.empty
204 lines
205 end
207 (* val isndef : X.oper -> pred list -> bool
208 * checks to see if x is defined in a predicate list *)
209 fun isndef (X.STACKARG(_)) _ = false
210 | isndef x (DEF(y)::l') = not (X.opereq (x,y)) andalso isndef x l'
211 | isndef x (a::l') = isndef x l'
212 | isndef x nil = true
214 (* val liveadd : live -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map -> OperSet.set LiveMap.map *)
215 fun liveadd (n,oper) map = case LiveMap.find (map, n)
216 of SOME(x) => LiveMap.insert (map, n, OperSet.add (x, oper))
217 | NONE => LiveMap.insert (map, n, OperSet.singleton oper)
219 (* this does the dirty work!
220 * for each line, checks if the live variables in succeeding lines are
221 * not defined here; if so, it accumulates them onto the inital list
222 *
223 * changing the first foldr to a foldl slows down liveness by a factor
224 * of at least 100 on cedar-anastulate.l2
225 *)
226 val newl = LiveMap.foldri
227 (fn (n, a, b) => OperSet.foldr
228 (fn (a',b') => if (isndef a' a) then liveadd (n, a') b' else b')
229 b
230 (lives b (succs a))
231 )
232 livemap
233 preds
234 in
235 if subsetlive (newl, livemap)
236 then livemap
237 else liveiter newl preds
238 end
240 fun dustostring (DEF(a)) = "DEF(" ^ X.prettyprint_oper X.Long a ^ ")"
241 | dustostring (USE(a)) = "USE(" ^ X.prettyprint_oper X.Long a ^ ")"
242 | dustostring (SUCC(a)) = "SUCC(" ^ Int.toString a ^ ")"
243 | dustostring ISMOVE = "ISMOVE"
245 (* val liveness : pseudoasm -> livenesses
246 * analyzes liveness of variables in the given pseudo-asm
247 *)
249 fun liveness instrs =
250 let
251 val preds = defusesucc (number instrs)
252(* val (_,l) = ListPair.unzip preds
253 val () = print (
254 String.concatWith "\n" (
255 List.map
256 (fn a => String.concatWith ", " (List.map dustostring a))
257 l
258 )
259 )*)
260 val init = uselive preds
261 val initmap = LiveMap.foldri (fn (n,a,b) => LiveMap.insert (b, n, a)) LiveMap.empty init
262 in
263 (preds, liveiter initmap preds)
264 end
266 fun prettyprint (set) =
267 OperSet.foldr
268 (fn (oper, s) => (X.prettyprint_oper X.Long oper) ^ ", " ^ s)
269 "-\n"
270 set
272 fun listify map =
273 let
274 val maxln = LiveMap.foldri (fn (a, _, b) => Int.max (a, b)) 0 map
275 val nums = List.tabulate (maxln+1, fn x => x)
276 in
277 List.map (fn num => valOf (LiveMap.find (map, num)) handle Option => OperSet.empty) nums
278 end
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