Pitchfork configuration
" . m("Let us take a minute to configure this player") . "\n"; else echo "" . m("Configure settings") . "
"; ?>
For lyrics search to work in the directory browser file-names has to be saved with the lyrics, however when you move/delete files from your library this file reference become wrong. This button removes any references to such files.
\n"; } ?>
echo m("Release date:") . " $release_date
$pl = get_playback();
$has_commands = true;
try {
if($pl) {
$commands = $pl->getCommands();
/* these are just some of the needed commands */
$needed = array("outputs", "disableoutput", "enableoutput", "plchangesposid");
$res = array_intersect($needed, $commands);
$has_commands = false;
catch(PEAR_Exception $e) {
$has_commands = false;
echo m("Connect to mpd:"). " ". print_yesno($pl, true) . "
if($pl) {
echo m("MPD commands:")." " . print_yesno($has_commands, true) . "
echo m("Metadata directory:"). " " . print_yesno((file_exists($metadata_dir)&&is_writeable($metadata_dir))
||(!file_exists($metadata_dir)&&is_writeable($config_dir)), true);
"; else echo "error\n"; $mem = ceil(return_bytes(ini_get("memory_limit"))/(1024*1024)); echo m("PHP memory limit:") . " " . $mem . "MB"; ?>
"; echo m("Warning: Magic quotes runtime is on,please use pitchfork.conf or turn
of manually."); echo "\n"; } if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { echo "
echo m("Warning: Magic quotes gpc is on,
please use pitchfork.conf or turn
of manually.");
echo "