From: Joshua Wise <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 20:12:26 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: Move aseg-paging to netwatch/

Move aseg-paging to netwatch/

diff --git a/aseg/Makefile b/aseg/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 76eaa45..0000000
--- a/aseg/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS=-I../include -I../include/raw -I../lwip/src/include -I../lwip/src/include/ipv4 -nostdlib -nostdinc -fno-builtin -D__RAW__ -Wall -Werror -pedantic -ansi -std=gnu99
-	../lwip/src/core/dhcp.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/dns.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/init.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/autoip.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/icmp.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/igmp.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/inet.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/inet_chksum.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/ip.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/ip_addr.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/ipv4/ip_frag.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/mem.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/memp.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/netif.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/pbuf.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/raw.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/stats.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/sys.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/tcp.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/tcp_in.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/tcp_out.o \
-	../lwip/src/core/udp.o \
-	../lwip/src/netif/etharp.o \
-	../lwip/src/netif/ethernetif.o
-OBJS=counter.o firstrun.o ../pci/pci-raw.o ../lib/minilib.o ../lib/console.o \
-	../ich2/smram-ich2.o ../ich2/smi.o vga-overlay.o packet.o \
-	../lib/sprintf.o ../lib/doprnt.o ../pci/pci.o ../net/net.o \
-	../ich2/ich2-timer.o ../pci/pci-bother.o ../net/3c90x.o keyboard.o \
-	../lib/serial.o $(LWIP_OBJS)
-all: aseg.elf
-aseg.elf: aseg.o $(OBJS)
-	ld -o aseg.elf -T $(OBJS)
-	rm -f $(OBJS) aseg.elf aseg.bin aseg.o
-%.o: %.asm
-	nasm -o $@.bin $<
-	objcopy -I binary -B i386 -O elf32-i386 $@.bin $@
-	rm -f $@.bin
diff --git a/aseg/aseg.asm b/aseg/aseg.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7380dc0..0000000
--- a/aseg/aseg.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-	org 0xA8000
-[bits 16]
-	mov ax, 0xA800			; Take us out of flat unreal mode,
-	mov ds, ax			; and put us in true real mode.
-	mov es, ax
-	mov fs, ax
-	mov gs, ax
-	mov ss, ax
-	jmp 0xA800:(entry2-0xA8000)	; Long jump to a correct cs.
-	lgdt [(gdtr-0xA8000)]		; Set up a new GDT.
-	mov eax, 0x1
-	mov cr0, eax			; ... and enter pmode!
-	jmp long 0x10:continue		; Now longjmp into the new code.
-[bits 32]
-	mov ax, 0x08			; Set up segment selectors.
-	mov ds, ax
-	mov es, ax
-	mov fs, ax
-	mov gs, ax
-	mov ss, ax
-	mov esp, [dataptr]		; Load stack pointer.
-	mov eax, [dataptr+4]		; Load target jump address
-	call eax			; then jump into C.
-	rsm				; and leave SMM
-	align 0x4
-	db 0x17, 0x00
-	dd gdt
-	align 0x4
-	db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00	; initial null entry
-	db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x93, 0xCF, 0x00	; data segment
-	db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9B, 0xCF, 0x00	; code segment
-	; 4 bytes of stack top
-	; 4 bytes of C entry point
-	; These show up 
diff --git a/aseg/ b/aseg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c104d..0000000
--- a/aseg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
-	. = 0xA8000;
-	.aseg : {
-		_start = .;
-		aseg.o
-		LONG(_stacktop);
-		LONG(smi_entry);
-		*(.data);
-		*(.rodata);
-		. = 0x8000;
-		*(.text);
-	}
-	. = 0x1FF80000;
-	.bss : {
-		_bss = .;
-		*(.bss);
-		_bssend = .;
-	}
-	.stack : { 
-		. = . + 0x10000;
-		. = ALIGN(0x10);
-		_stacktop = .;
-	}
-	. = 0x10000;
-	.info : {
-		_start = .;
-		LONG(0x5754454E);
-		LONG(__firstrun_start);
-	}
diff --git a/aseg/counter.c b/aseg/counter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ab200c1..0000000
--- a/aseg/counter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#include <io.h>
-#include <smram.h>
-#include <video_defines.h>
-#include <minilib.h>
-#include <smi.h>
-#include <pci-bother.h>
-#include "../net/net.h"
-#include "vga-overlay.h"
-#include "packet.h"
-#include "keyboard.h"
-unsigned int counter = 0;
-unsigned int lastctr = 0;
-unsigned long pcisave;
-unsigned char vgasave;
-static int curdev = 0;	/* 0 if kbd, 1 if mouse */
-static void cause_kbd_irq()
-	outl(0x844, 0x0);
-	outl(0x848, 0x0);
-	while (inb(0x64) & 0x1)
-		inb(0x60);
-	outb(0x60, 0xee);	/* Cause an IRQ. */
-	while (inb(0x60) != 0xEE)
-		;
-void pci_dump() {
-	unsigned long cts;
-	cts = inl(0x84C);
-	outl(0x840, 0x0);
-	outl(0x848, 0x0);
-	switch(cts&0xF0000)
-	{
-	case 0x20000:
-	{
-		unsigned char b;
-		switch (cts & 0xFFFF)
-		{
-		case 0x64:
-			/* Read the real hardware and mask in our OBF if need be. */
-			b = inb(0x64);
-			if (kbd_has_injected_scancode())
-			{
-				dologf("OS wants to know; we have data");
-				lastctr = counter;
-				b |= 0x01;
-				b &= ~0x20;	/* no mouse for you! */
-				curdev = 0;
-			} else 
-				curdev = (b & 0x20) ? 1 : 0;
-			*(unsigned char*)0xAFFD0 /* EAX */ = b;
-			break;
-		case 0x60:
-			if (kbd_has_injected_scancode())
-			{
-				b = kbd_get_injected_scancode();
-				lastctr = counter;
-				while (inb(0x64) & 0x1)
-					inb(0x60);
-			} else
-				b = inb(0x60);
-			if ((curdev == 0) && (b == 0x01)) {	/* Escape */
-				outb(0xCF9, 0x4);	/* Reboot */
-				return;
-			}
-			/* If there is more nus to come, generate another IRQ. */
-			if (kbd_has_injected_scancode())
-				cause_kbd_irq();
-			*(unsigned char*)0xAFFD0 /* EAX */ = b;
-			break;
-		}
-		*(unsigned char*)0xAFFD0 /* EAX */ = b;
-		break;
-	}
-	case 0x30000:
-	{
-		unsigned char b;
-		b = *(unsigned char*)0xAFFD0 /* EAX */;
-		dologf("WRITE: %08x (%02x)", cts, b);
-		outb(cts & 0xFFFF, b);
-		break;
-	}
-	default:
-		dolog("Unhandled PCI cycle");
-	}
-	outl(0x840, 0x0);
-	outl(0x844, 0x1000);
-	outl(0x848, 0x1000);
-void timer_handler(smi_event_t ev)
-	static unsigned int ticks = 0;
-	smi_disable_event(SMI_EVENT_FAST_TIMER);
-	smi_enable_event(SMI_EVENT_FAST_TIMER);
-	if (kbd_has_injected_scancode() && (counter > (lastctr + 2)))
-	{
-		smi_disable_event(SMI_EVENT_DEVTRAP_KBC);
-		dolog("Kicking timer");
-		cause_kbd_irq();
-		smi_enable_event(SMI_EVENT_DEVTRAP_KBC);
-	}
-	outb(0x80, (ticks++) & 0xFF);
-	outlog();
-void kbc_handler(smi_event_t ev)
-	pci_dump();
-void gbl_rls_handler(smi_event_t ev)
-	unsigned long ecx;
-	ecx = *(unsigned long*)0xAFFD4;
-	packet_t * packet = check_packet(ecx);
-	if (!packet)
-	{
-		dologf("WARN: bad packet at %08x", ecx);
-		return;
-	}
-	dologf("Got packet: type %08x", packet->type);
-	if (packet->type == 42) {
-		dump_log((char *)packet->data);
-		*(unsigned long*)0xAFFD4 = 42;
-	} else if (packet->type == 0xAA) {
-		kbd_inject_key('A');
-	} else {
-		*(unsigned long*)0xAFFD4 = 0x2BADD00D;
-	}
-void smi_entry(void)
-	char statstr[512];
-	pcisave = inl(0xCF8);
-	vgasave = inb(0x3D4);
-	pci_unbother_all();
-	counter++;
-	sprintf(statstr, "15-412! %08x %08x", smi_status(), counter);
-	strblit(statstr, 0, 0);
-	eth_poll();
-	if (inl(0x840) & 0x1000)
-	{
-		pci_dump();
-		outl(0x840, 0x1100);
-		outl(0x840, 0x0100);
-	}
-	smi_poll();
-	pci_bother_all();
-	outl(0xCF8, pcisave);
-	outb(0x3D4, vgasave);
diff --git a/aseg/firstrun.c b/aseg/firstrun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3cd16f..0000000
--- a/aseg/firstrun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#include <io.h>
-#include <smi.h>
-#include <pci.h>
-#include <reg-82801b.h>
-#include <output.h>
-#include "vga-overlay.h"
-#include <smram.h>
-#include "../net/net.h"
-extern int _bss, _bssend;
-extern void timer_handler(smi_event_t ev);
-extern void kbc_handler(smi_event_t ev);
-extern void gbl_rls_handler(smi_event_t ev);
-void __firstrun_start() {
-	unsigned char *bp;
-	smram_state_t smram;
-	smram = smram_save_state();
-	smram_tseg_set_state(SMRAM_TSEG_OPEN);
-	for (bp = (void *)&_bss; (void *)bp < (void *)&_bssend; bp++)
-		*bp = 0;
-	vga_flush_imm(0);
-	outputf("NetWatch running");
-	/* Try really hard to shut up USB_LEGKEY. */
-	pci_write16(0, 31, 2, 0xC0, pci_read16(0, 31, 2, 0xC0));
-	pci_write16(0, 31, 2, 0xC0, 0);
-	pci_write16(0, 31, 4, 0xC0, pci_read16(0, 31, 4, 0xC0));
-	pci_write16(0, 31, 4, 0xC0, 0);
-	/* Turn on the SMIs we want */
-	smi_disable();
-	eth_init();
-	smi_register_handler(SMI_EVENT_FAST_TIMER, timer_handler);
-	smi_enable_event(SMI_EVENT_FAST_TIMER);
-	smi_register_handler(SMI_EVENT_DEVTRAP_KBC, kbc_handler);
-	smi_enable_event(SMI_EVENT_DEVTRAP_KBC);
-	smi_register_handler(SMI_EVENT_GBL_RLS, gbl_rls_handler);
-	smi_enable_event(SMI_EVENT_GBL_RLS);
-	smi_enable();
-	vga_flush_imm(1);
-	smram_restore_state(smram);
diff --git a/aseg/keyboard.c b/aseg/keyboard.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b84b4f..0000000
--- a/aseg/keyboard.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#include "keyboard.h"
-#include <output.h>
-static unsigned char kbd_inj_buffer[128];
-static int kbd_inj_start = 0;
-static int kbd_inj_end = 0;
-int kbd_mode = 1;
-static const char scancodes2[][8] = {
-	['a'] = "\x1c\xf0\x1c",
-	['b'] = "\x32\xf0\x32",
-	['c'] = "\x21\xf0\x21",
-	['d'] = "\x23\xf0\x23",
-	['e'] = "\x24\xf0\x24",
-	['f'] = "\x2b\xf0\x2b",
-	['g'] = "\x34\xf0\x34",
-	['h'] = "\x33\xf0\x33",
-	['i'] = "\x43\xf0\x43",
-	['j'] = "\x3b\xf0\x3b",
-	['k'] = "\x42\xf0\x42",
-	['l'] = "\x4b\xf0\x4b",
-	['m'] = "\x3a\xf0\x3a",
-	['n'] = "\x31\xf0\x31",
-	['o'] = "\x44\xf0\x44",
-	['p'] = "\x4d\xf0\x4d",
-	['q'] = "\x15\xf0\x15",
-	['r'] = "\x2d\xf0\x2d",
-	['s'] = "\x1b\xf0\x1b",
-	['t'] = "\x2c\xf0\x2c",
-	['u'] = "\x3c\xf0\x3c",
-	['v'] = "\x2a\xf0\x2a",
-	['w'] = "\x1d\xf0\x1d",
-	['x'] = "\x22\xf0\x22",
-	['y'] = "\x35\xf0\x35",
-	['z'] = "\x1a\xf0\x1a",
-	['A'] = "\x12\x1c\xf0\x1c\xf0\x12",
-	['B'] = "\x12\x32\xf0\x32\xf0\x12",
-	['C'] = "\x12\x21\xf0\x21\xf0\x12",
-	['D'] = "\x12\x23\xf0\x23\xf0\x12",
-	['E'] = "\x12\x24\xf0\x24\xf0\x12",
-	['F'] = "\x12\x2b\xf0\x2b\xf0\x12",
-	['G'] = "\x12\x34\xf0\x34\xf0\x12",
-	['H'] = "\x12\x33\xf0\x33\xf0\x12",
-	['I'] = "\x12\x43\xf0\x43\xf0\x12",
-	['J'] = "\x12\x3b\xf0\x3b\xf0\x12",
-	['K'] = "\x12\x42\xf0\x42\xf0\x12",
-	['L'] = "\x12\x4b\xf0\x4b\xf0\x12",
-	['M'] = "\x12\x3a\xf0\x3a\xf0\x12",
-	['N'] = "\x12\x31\xf0\x31\xf0\x12",
-	['O'] = "\x12\x44\xf0\x44\xf0\x12",
-	['P'] = "\x12\x4d\xf0\x4d\xf0\x12",
-	['Q'] = "\x12\x15\xf0\x15\xf0\x12",
-	['R'] = "\x12\x2d\xf0\x2d\xf0\x12",
-	['S'] = "\x12\x1b\xf0\x1b\xf0\x12",
-	['T'] = "\x12\x2c\xf0\x2c\xf0\x12",
-	['U'] = "\x12\x3c\xf0\x3c\xf0\x12",
-	['V'] = "\x12\x2a\xf0\x2a\xf0\x12",
-	['W'] = "\x12\x1d\xf0\x1d\xf0\x12",
-	['X'] = "\x12\x22\xf0\x22\xf0\x12",
-	['Y'] = "\x12\x35\xf0\x35\xf0\x12",
-	['Z'] = "\x12\x1a\xf0\x1a\xf0\x12",
-	['`'] = "\x0e\xf0\x0e",
-	['~'] = "\x12\x0e\xf0\x0e\xf0\x12",
-	['1'] = "\x16\xf0\x16",
-	['!'] = "\x12\x16\xf0\x16\xf0\x12",
-	['2'] = "\x1e\xf0\x1e",
-	['@'] = "\x12\x1e\xf0\x1e\xf0\x12",
-	['3'] = "\x26\xf0\x26",
-	['#'] = "\x12\x26\xf0\x26\xf0\x12",
-	['4'] = "\x25\xf0\x25",
-	['$'] = "\x12\x25\xf0\x25\xf0\x12",
-	['5'] = "\x2e\xf0\x2e",
-	['%'] = "\x12\x2e\xf0\x2e\xf0\x12",
-	['6'] = "\x36\xf0\x36",
-	['^'] = "\x12\x36\xf0\x36\xf0\x12",
-	['7'] = "\x3d\xf0\x3d",
-	['&'] = "\x12\x3d\xf0\x3d\xf0\x12",
-	['8'] = "\x3e\xf0\x3e",
-	['*'] = "\x12\x3e\xf0\x3e\xf0\x12",
-	['9'] = "\x46\xf0\x46",
-	['('] = "\x12\x46\xf0\x46\xf0\x12",
-	['0'] = "\x45\xf0\x45",
-	[')'] = "\x12\x45\xf0\x45\xf0\x12",
-	['-'] = "\x4e\xf0\x4e",
-	['_'] = "\x12\x4e\xf0\x4e\xf0\x12",
-	['='] = "\x55\xf0\x55",
-	['+'] = "\x12\x55\xf0\x55\xf0\x12",
-	['['] = "\x54\xf0\x54",
-	['{'] = "\x12\x54\xf0\x54\xf0\x12",
-	[']'] = "\x5b\xf0\x5b",
-	['}'] = "\x12\x5b\xf0\x5b\xf0\x12",
-	['\\'] = "\x5d\xf0\x5d",
-	['|'] = "\x12\x5d\xf0\x5d\xf0\x12",
-	[';'] = "\x4c\xf0\x4c",
-	[':'] = "\x12\x4c\xf0\x4c\xf0\x12",
-	['\''] = "\x52\xf0\x52",
-	['"'] = "\x12\x52\xf0\x52\xf0\x12",
-	[','] = "\x41\xf0\x41",
-	['<'] = "\x12\x41\xf0\x41\xf0\x12",
-	['.'] = "\x49\xf0\x49",
-	['>'] = "\x12\x49\xf0\x49\xf0\x12",
-	['/'] = "\x4a\xf0\x4a",
-	['?'] = "\x12\x4a\xf0\x4a\xf0\x12",
-	['\n'] = "\x5a\xf0\x5a",
-	['\t'] = "\x0d\xf0\x0d",
-	['\b'] = "\x66\xf0\x66",
-	[' '] = "\x29\xf0\x29",
-        [0x82] = "\xE0\x75\xE0\xF0\x75",
-        [0x83] = "\xE0\x72\xE0\xF0\x72",
-        [0x84] = "\xE0\x6B\xE0\xF0\x6B",
-        [0x85] = "\xE0\x74\xE0\xF0\x74"
-const unsigned char convert_table[] = {
-	0xff, 0x43, 0x41, 0x3f, 0x3d, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x58, 0x64, 0x44, 0x42, 0x40, 0x3e, 0x0f, 0x29, 0x59,
-	0x65, 0x38, 0x2a, 0x70, 0x1d, 0x10, 0x02, 0x5a, 0x66, 0x71, 0x2c, 0x1f, 0x1e, 0x11, 0x03, 0x5b,
-	0x67, 0x2e, 0x2d, 0x20, 0x12, 0x05, 0x04, 0x5c, 0x68, 0x39, 0x2f, 0x21, 0x14, 0x13, 0x06, 0x5d,
-	0x69, 0x31, 0x30, 0x23, 0x22, 0x15, 0x07, 0x5e, 0x6a, 0x72, 0x32, 0x24, 0x16, 0x08, 0x09, 0x5f,
-	0x6b, 0x33, 0x25, 0x17, 0x18, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x60, 0x6c, 0x34, 0x35, 0x26, 0x27, 0x19, 0x0c, 0x61,
-	0x6d, 0x73, 0x28, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0x62, 0x6e, 0x3a, 0x36, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x75, 0x2b, 0x63, 0x76,
-	0x55, 0x56, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x0e, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x4f, 0x7d, 0x4b, 0x47, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x6f,
-	0x52, 0x53, 0x50, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x48, 0x01, 0x45, 0x57, 0x4e, 0x51, 0x4a, 0x37, 0x49, 0x46, 0x54,
-	0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x41, 0x54, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
-	0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
-	0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
-	0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
-	0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
-	0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
-	0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
-	0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
-unsigned char sc_convert_1(unsigned char in)
-	static int shifted = 0;
-	if (shifted)
-	{
-		shifted = 0;
-		return convert_table[in] | 0x80;
-	}
-	if (in == 0xF0)
-	{
-		shifted = 1;
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		return convert_table[in];
-	} 
-void kbd_inject_scancode (unsigned char sc)
-	outputf("Buffering %02x", sc);
-	kbd_inj_buffer[kbd_inj_end] = sc;
-	kbd_inj_end += 1;
-	kbd_inj_end %= sizeof(kbd_inj_buffer);
-void kbd_inject_key(unsigned char k)
-	const char * c;
-	if (kbd_mode == 1) {
-		c = scancodes2[k];
-		if (!c) return;
-		while (*c) {
-			char cconv = sc_convert_1(*c);
-			if (cconv) kbd_inject_scancode(cconv);
-			c++;
-		}
-	} else {
-		c = scancodes2[k];
-		if (!c) return;
-		while (*c) {
-			kbd_inject_scancode(*c);
-			c++;
-		}
-	}
-unsigned char kbd_get_injected_scancode()
-	unsigned char b;
-	if (kbd_inj_end != kbd_inj_start)
-	{
-		b = kbd_inj_buffer[kbd_inj_start];
-		kbd_inj_start += 1;
-		kbd_inj_start %= sizeof(kbd_inj_buffer);
-		outputf("Injecting %02x", b);
-		return b;
-	} else {
-		outputf("Not injecting");
-		return 0;
-	}
-int kbd_has_injected_scancode()
-	if (kbd_inj_end != kbd_inj_start)
-	{
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-		return 0;
-	}
diff --git a/aseg/keyboard.h b/aseg/keyboard.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f66867..0000000
--- a/aseg/keyboard.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef KEYBOARD_H
-#define KEYBOARD_H
-void kbd_inject_key(unsigned char k);
-unsigned char kbd_get_injected_scancode();
-int kbd_has_injected_scancode();
-extern int kbd_mode;
diff --git a/aseg/vga-overlay.c b/aseg/vga-overlay.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d107d7..0000000
--- a/aseg/vga-overlay.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include <io.h>
-#include <smram.h>
-#include <video_defines.h>
-#include <minilib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <output.h>
-#define LOGLEN 96
-#define LOG_ONSCREEN 4
-static char logents[LOGLEN][41] = {{0}};
-static int prodptr = 0;
-static int flush_imm = 0;
-#define VRAM_BASE		0xA0000UL
-#define TEXT_CONSOLE_OFFSET	0x18000UL 
-#define COLOR			0x1F
-void vga_flush_imm(int imm)
-	flush_imm = imm;
-static unsigned char vga_read(unsigned char idx)
-	outb(CRTC_IDX_REG, idx);
-	return inb(CRTC_DATA_REG);
-static char * vga_base()
-	return (char *) (
-		+ (((unsigned int) vga_read(CRTC_START_ADDR_MSB_IDX)) << 9)
-		+ (((unsigned int) vga_read(CRTC_START_ADDR_LSB_IDX)) << 1)
-	);
-void strblit(char *src, int row, int col)
-	char *destp = vga_base() + row * 80 * 2 + col * 2;
-	smram_state_t old_state = smram_save_state();
-	smram_aseg_set_state(SMRAM_ASEG_SMMCODE);
-	while (*src)
-	{
-		*(destp++) = *(src++);
-		*(destp++) = COLOR;
-	}
-	smram_restore_state(old_state);
-void outlog()
-	int y, x;
-	char *basep = vga_base();
-	smram_state_t old_state = smram_save_state();
-	smram_aseg_set_state(SMRAM_ASEG_SMMCODE);
-	for (y = 0; y < LOG_ONSCREEN; y++)
-		for (x = 40; x < 80; x++)
-		{
-			basep[y*80*2+x*2] = ' ';
-			basep[y*80*2+x*2+1] = 0x1F;
-		}
-	smram_restore_state(old_state);
-	for (y = -LOG_ONSCREEN; y < 0; y++)
-		strblit(logents[(y + prodptr) % LOGLEN], y + LOG_ONSCREEN, 40);
-void dolog(const char *s)
-	strcpy(logents[prodptr], s);
-	prodptr = (prodptr + 1) % LOGLEN;
-	if (flush_imm)
-		outlog();
-void (*output)(const char *s) = dolog;
-void dologf(const char *fmt, ...)
-	va_list va;
-	va_start(va, fmt);
-	vsnprintf(logents[prodptr], 40, fmt, va);
-	va_end(va);
-	prodptr = (prodptr + 1) % LOGLEN;
-	if (flush_imm)
-		outlog();
-void (*outputf)(const char *s, ...) = dologf;
-void dump_log (char * target) {
-	memcpy(target, logents, sizeof(logents));
diff --git a/aseg-paging/keyboard.h b/include/keyboard.h
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/keyboard.h
rename to include/keyboard.h
diff --git a/net/rfb.c b/net/rfb.c
index e88890b..276f724 100644
--- a/net/rfb.c
+++ b/net/rfb.c
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 #include <minilib.h>
 #include <output.h>
 #include <fb.h>
-#include "../aseg-paging/keyboard.h"
+#include <keyboard.h>
 #include "lwip/tcp.h"
 #include "lwip/stats.h"
diff --git a/aseg-paging/Makefile b/netwatch/Makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/Makefile
rename to netwatch/Makefile
diff --git a/aseg-paging/ b/netwatch/
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/
rename to netwatch/
diff --git a/aseg-paging/drivers.c b/netwatch/drivers.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/drivers.c
rename to netwatch/drivers.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/entry.asm b/netwatch/entry.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/entry.asm
rename to netwatch/entry.asm
diff --git a/aseg-paging/firstrun.c b/netwatch/firstrun.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/firstrun.c
rename to netwatch/firstrun.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/keyboard.c b/netwatch/keyboard.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/keyboard.c
rename to netwatch/keyboard.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/main.c b/netwatch/main.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/main.c
rename to netwatch/main.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/packet.c b/netwatch/packet.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/packet.c
rename to netwatch/packet.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/packet.h b/netwatch/packet.h
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/packet.h
rename to netwatch/packet.h
diff --git a/aseg-paging/pagingstub-asm.s b/netwatch/pagingstub-asm.s
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/pagingstub-asm.s
rename to netwatch/pagingstub-asm.s
diff --git a/aseg-paging/pagingstub.c b/netwatch/pagingstub.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/pagingstub.c
rename to netwatch/pagingstub.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/smi.c b/netwatch/smi.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/smi.c
rename to netwatch/smi.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/traps.c b/netwatch/traps.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/traps.c
rename to netwatch/traps.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/traps.h b/netwatch/traps.h
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/traps.h
rename to netwatch/traps.h
diff --git a/aseg-paging/vga-overlay.c b/netwatch/vga-overlay.c
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/vga-overlay.c
rename to netwatch/vga-overlay.c
diff --git a/aseg-paging/vm_flags.h b/netwatch/vm_flags.h
similarity index 100%
rename from aseg-paging/vm_flags.h
rename to netwatch/vm_flags.h