db %11111100
db %00000000
+ db %01111100
+ db %11000110
+ db %11000010
+ db %11000000
+ db %11000010
+ db %11000110
+ db %01111100
+ db %00000000
+ db %11111100
+ db %11000110
+ db %11000110
+ db %11000110
+ db %11000110
+ db %11000110
+ db %11111100
+ db %00000000
; Wait for vblank
call .vblwait
ld hl, $8000 ; Copy two tiles.
ld de, tiles
- ld c, $10
-.cloop: push hl
- ld h, d
- ld l, e
- ld a, [hl]
+ ld c, $20
+.cloop: ld a, [de]
inc de
- pop hl
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
dec c
.vloop: call .vblwait
ld c, $40
ld b, 0
-.loop: inc b
- ld a, b
- and $01
+.loop: ld a, b
+ inc b
+ and $03
ld [hli], a
ld a, h
cp $9C