`define INSN_RST 8'b11xxx111
`define INSN_RET 8'b110x1001 // 1 = RETI, 0 = RET
`define INSN_CALL 8'b11001101
+`define INSN_JP_imm 8'b11000011
+`define INSN_JPCC_imm 8'b110xx010
+`define INSN_cc_NZ 2'b00
+`define INSN_cc_Z 2'b01
+`define INSN_cc_NC 2'b10
+`define INSN_cc_C 2'b11
`define INSN_reg_A 3'b111
`define INSN_reg_B 3'b000
+ `INSN_JP_imm,`INSN_JPCC_imm: begin
+ case (cycle)
+ 0: begin
+ rd <= 1;
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ rd <= 1;
+ end
+ 2: begin
+ if (!opcode[0]) begin // i.e., JP cc,nn
+ /* We need to check the condition code to bail out. */
+ case (opcode[4:3])
+ `INSN_cc_NZ: if (registers[`REG_F][7]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_Z: if (!registers[`REG_F][7]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_NC: if (registers[`REG_F][4]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ `INSN_cc_C: if (!registers[`REG_F][4]) begin `EXEC_NEWCYCLE; end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ 3: begin
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ `INSN_JP_imm,`INSN_JPCC_imm: begin
+ case (cycle)
+ 0: begin /* type F */ end
+ 1: tmp <= rdata; // tmp contains newpcl
+ 2: tmp2 <= rdata; // tmp2 contains newpch
+ 3: {registers[`REG_PCH],registers[`REG_PCL]} <=
+ {tmp2,tmp};
+ endcase
+ end
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module ROM(
- input [15:0] address,
- inout [7:0] data,
- input clk,
- input wr, rd);
- reg [7:0] rom [2047:0];
- initial $readmemh("rom.hex", rom);
- wire decode = address[15:13] == 0;
- wire [7:0] odata = rom[address[11:0]];
- assign data = (rd && decode) ? odata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
- //assign data = rd ? odata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
-module InternalRAM(
- input [15:0] address,
- inout [7:0] data,
- input clk,
- input wr, rd);
- reg [7:0] ram [8191:0];
- wire decode = (address >= 16'hC000) && (address < 16'hFE00);
- reg [7:0] odata;
- wire idata = data;
- assign data = (rd && decode) ? odata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
- always @(negedge clk)
- begin
- if (decode && rd)
- odata <= ram[address[12:0]];
- else if (decode && wr)
- ram[address[12:0]] <= data;
- end
-module Switches(
- input [15:0] address,
- inout [7:0] data,
- input clk,
- input wr, rd,
- input [7:0] switches,
- output reg [7:0] ledout);
- wire decode = address == 16'hFF51;
- reg [7:0] odata;
- wire idata = data;
- assign data = (rd && decode) ? odata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
- always @(negedge clk)
- begin
- if (decode && rd)
- odata <= switches;
- else if (decode && wr)
- ledout <= data;
- end
-module CoreTop(
- input xtal,
- input [1:0] switches,
- output wire [7:0] leds,
- output serio,
- output wire [3:0] digits,
- output wire [7:0] seven);
- wire clk;
- //IBUFG ibuf (.O(clk), .I(iclk));
- CPUDCM dcm (.CLKIN_IN(xtal), .CLKFX_OUT(clk));
- wire [15:0] addr;
- wire [7:0] data;
- wire wr, rd;
- wire [7:0] ledout;
- assign leds = switches[1] ? (switches[0]?{rd,wr,addr[5:0]}:data[7:0])
- : ledout;
- GBZ80Core core(
- .clk(clk),
- .busaddress(addr),
- .busdata(data),
- .buswr(wr),
- .busrd(rd));
- ROM rom(
- .address(addr),
- .data(data),
- .clk(clk),
- .wr(wr),
- .rd(rd));
- AddrMon amon(
- .addr(addr),
- .clk(clk),
- .digit(digits),
- .out(seven)
- );
- Switches sw(
- .address(addr),
- .data(data),
- .clk(clk),
- .wr(wr),
- .rd(rd),
- .ledout(ledout),
- .switches(0)
- );
- UART nouart (
- .clk(clk),
- .wr(wr),
- .rd(rd),
- .addr(addr),
- .data(data),
- .serial(serio)
- );
-module TestBench();
- reg clk = 0;
- wire [15:0] addr;
- wire [7:0] data;
- wire wr, rd;
-// wire [7:0] leds;
-// wire [7:0] switches;
- always #10 clk <= ~clk;
- GBZ80Core core(
- .clk(clk),
- .busaddress(addr),
- .busdata(data),
- .buswr(wr),
- .busrd(rd));
- ROM rom(
- .clk(clk),
- .address(addr),
- .data(data),
- .wr(wr),
- .rd(rd));
-// InternalRAM ram(
-// .address(addr),
-// .data(data),
-// .clk(clk),
-// .wr(wr),
-// .rd(rd));
-// wire serio;
-// UART uart(
-// .addr(addr),
-// .data(data),
-// .clk(clk),
-// .wr(wr),
-// .rd(rd),
-// .serial(serio));
-// Switches sw(
-// .clk(clk),
-// .address(addr),
-// .data(data),
-// .wr(wr),
-// .rd(rd),
-// .switches(switches),
-// .leds(leds));