]> Joshua Wise's Git repositories - fpgaboy.git/blame_incremental - core/GBZ80Core.v
fix tests 9 and 10
[fpgaboy.git] / core / GBZ80Core.v
... / ...
1`define REG_A 0
2`define REG_B 1
3`define REG_C 2
4`define REG_D 3
5`define REG_E 4
6`define REG_F 5
7`define REG_H 6
8`define REG_L 7
9`define REG_SPH 8
10`define REG_SPL 9
11`define REG_PCH 10
12`define REG_PCL 11
14`define _A registers[`REG_A]
15`define _B registers[`REG_B]
16`define _C registers[`REG_C]
17`define _D registers[`REG_D]
18`define _E registers[`REG_E]
19`define _F registers[`REG_F]
20`define _H registers[`REG_H]
21`define _L registers[`REG_L]
22`define _SPH registers[`REG_SPH]
23`define _SPL registers[`REG_SPL]
24`define _PCH registers[`REG_PCH]
25`define _PCL registers[`REG_PCL]
26`define _AF {`_A, `_F}
27`define _BC {`_B, `_C}
28`define _DE {`_D, `_E}
29`define _HL {`_H, `_L}
30`define _SP {`_SPH, `_SPL}
31`define _PC {`_PCH, `_PCL}
33`define FLAG_Z 8'b10000000
34`define FLAG_N 8'b01000000
35`define FLAG_H 8'b00100000
36`define FLAG_C 8'b00010000
38`define STATE_FETCH 2'h0
39`define STATE_DECODE 2'h1
40`define STATE_EXECUTE 2'h2
41`define STATE_WRITEBACK 2'h3
43`define INSN_VOP_INTR 9'b011111100 // 0xFC is grabbed by the fetch if there is an interrupt pending.
44`define INSN_RES 9'b110xxxxxx
45`define INSN_SET 9'b111xxxxxx
47`define INSN_cc_NZ 2'b00
48`define INSN_cc_Z 2'b01
49`define INSN_cc_NC 2'b10
50`define INSN_cc_C 2'b11
52`define INSN_reg_A 3'b111
53`define INSN_reg_B 3'b000
54`define INSN_reg_C 3'b001
55`define INSN_reg_D 3'b010
56`define INSN_reg_E 3'b011
57`define INSN_reg_H 3'b100
58`define INSN_reg_L 3'b101
59`define INSN_reg_dHL 3'b110
60`define INSN_reg16_BC 2'b00
61`define INSN_reg16_DE 2'b01
62`define INSN_reg16_HL 2'b10
63`define INSN_reg16_SP 2'b11
64`define INSN_stack_AF 2'b11
65`define INSN_stack_BC 2'b00
66`define INSN_stack_DE 2'b01
67`define INSN_stack_HL 2'b10
68`define INSN_alu_ADD 3'b000
69`define INSN_alu_ADC 3'b001
70`define INSN_alu_SUB 3'b010
71`define INSN_alu_SBC 3'b011
72`define INSN_alu_AND 3'b100
73`define INSN_alu_XOR 3'b101
74`define INSN_alu_OR 3'b110
75`define INSN_alu_CP 3'b111 // Oh lawd, is dat some CP?
76`define INSN_alu_RLC 3'b000
77`define INSN_alu_RRC 3'b001
78`define INSN_alu_RL 3'b010
79`define INSN_alu_RR 3'b011
80`define INSN_alu_DA_SLA 3'b100
81`define INSN_alu_CPL_SRA 3'b101
82`define INSN_alu_SCF_SWAP 3'b110
83`define INSN_alu_CCF_SRL 3'b111
85`define EXEC_INC_PC `_PC <= `_PC + 1;
86`define EXEC_NEXTADDR_PCINC address <= `_PC + 1;
87`define EXEC_NEWCYCLE begin newcycle <= 1; rd <= 1; wr <= 0; end
88`define EXEC_NEWCYCLE_TWOBYTE begin newcycle <= 1; rd <= 1; wr <= 0; twobyte <= 1; end
89`ifdef isim
90 `define EXEC_WRITE(ad, da) begin address <= (ad); wdata <= (da); wr <= 1; end
91 `define EXEC_READ(ad) begin address <= (ad); rd <= 1; end
93 /* Work around XST's retarded bugs :\ */
94 `define EXEC_WRITE(ad, da) begin address <= (ad); wdata <= (da); wr <= 1; end end
95 `define EXEC_READ(ad) begin address <= (ad); rd <= 1; end end
98module GBZ80Core(
99 input clk,
100 inout [15:0] bus0address, /* BUS_* is latched on STATE_FETCH. */
101 inout [7:0] bus0data,
102 inout bus0wr, bus0rd,
103 inout [15:0] bus1address, /* BUS_* is latched on STATE_FETCH. */
104 inout [7:0] bus1data,
105 inout bus1wr, bus1rd,
106 input irq, output reg irqack, input [7:0] jaddr,
107 output reg [1:0] state);
109// reg [1:0] state; /* State within this bus cycle (see STATE_*). */
110 reg [2:0] cycle; /* Cycle for instructions. */
112 reg [7:0] registers[11:0];
114 reg [15:0] address; /* Address for the next bus operation. */
116 reg [8:0] opcode; /* Opcode from the current machine cycle. */
118 reg [7:0] rdata, wdata; /* Read data from this bus cycle, or write data for the next. */
119 reg rd, wr, newcycle, twobyte;
121 reg [7:0] tmp, tmp2; /* Generic temporary regs. */
123 reg [7:0] buswdata;
124 wire [7:0] busdata;
126 reg [15:0] busaddress;
127 reg buswr, busrd;
129 reg bootstrap_enb;
131 wire bus = ((busaddress[15:8] == 8'h00) && bootstrap_enb) || ((busaddress[15:7] == 9'b111111111) && (busaddress != 16'hFFFF)) /* 0 or 1 depending on which bus */
132 `ifdef isim
133 || (busaddress === 16'hxxxx) /* To avoid simulator glomulation. */
134 `endif
135 ;
137 assign bus0address = (bus == 0) ? busaddress : 16'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz;
138 assign bus1address = (bus == 1) ? busaddress : 16'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz;
139 assign bus0data = ((bus == 0) && buswr) ? buswdata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
140 assign bus1data = ((bus == 1) && buswr) ? buswdata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
141 assign busdata = (bus == 0) ? bus0data : bus1data;
142 assign bus0rd = (bus == 0) ? busrd : 1'b0;
143 assign bus1rd = (bus == 1) ? busrd : 1'b0;
144 assign bus0wr = (bus == 0) ? buswr : 1'b0;
145 assign bus1wr = (bus == 1) ? buswr : 1'b0;
147 reg ie, iedelay;
149`define LOCALWIRES
150`include "allinsns.v"
151`undef LOCALWIRES
153 initial begin
154 `_A <= 0;
155 `_B <= 0;
156 `_C <= 0;
157 `_D <= 0;
158 `_E <= 0;
159 `_F <= 0;
160 `_H <= 0;
161 `_L <= 0;
162 `_PCH <= 0;
163 `_PCL <= 0;
164 `_SPH <= 0;
165 `_SPL <= 0;
166 rd <= 1;
167 wr <= 0;
168 newcycle <= 1;
169 state <= 0;
170 cycle <= 0;
171 busrd <= 0;
172 buswr <= 0;
173 busaddress <= 0;
174 ie <= 0;
175 iedelay <= 0;
176 opcode <= 0;
177 state <= `STATE_WRITEBACK;
178 cycle <= 0;
179 twobyte <= 0;
180 bootstrap_enb <= 1;
181 irqack <= 0;
182 end
184 always @(negedge clk) /* Set things up at the negedge to prepare for the posedge. */
185 case (state)
186 `STATE_FETCH: begin
187 if (newcycle) begin
188 busaddress <= `_PC;
189 buswr <= 0;
190 busrd <= 1;
191 end else begin
192 busaddress <= address;
193 buswr <= wr;
194 busrd <= rd;
195 if (wr) begin
196 buswdata <= wdata;
197 if (address == 16'hFF50)
198 bootstrap_enb <= 0;
199 end
200 end
201 end
202 `STATE_DECODE: begin /* Make sure this only happens for one clock. */
203 buswr <= 0;
204 busrd <= 0;
205 end
206 endcase
208 always @(posedge clk)
209 case (state)
210 `STATE_FETCH: begin
211 /* Things are set up in negedge so that something looking on posedge will get his shit. */
212 state <= `STATE_DECODE;
213 end
214 `STATE_DECODE: begin
215 if (newcycle) begin
216 if (twobyte) begin
217 opcode <= {1'b1,busdata};
218 twobyte <= 0;
219 end else if (ie && irq)
220 opcode <= `INSN_VOP_INTR;
221 else
222 opcode <= {1'b0,busdata};
223 newcycle <= 0;
224 rdata <= busdata;
225 cycle <= 0;
226 end else begin
227 if (rd) rdata <= busdata; /* Still valid because peripherals are now expected to keep it held valid. */
228 cycle <= cycle + 1;
229 end
230 if (iedelay) begin
231 ie <= 1;
232 iedelay <= 0;
233 end
234 wr <= 0;
235 rd <= 0;
236 address <= 16'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; // Make it obvious if something of type has happened.
237 wdata <= 8'bxxxxxxxx;
238 state <= `STATE_EXECUTE;
239 end
240 `STATE_EXECUTE: begin
241 `ifdef isim
242 if (opcode[7:0] === 8'bxxxxxxxx)
243 $stop;
244 `endif
245 casex (opcode)
246 `define EXECUTE
247 `include "allinsns.v"
248 `undef EXECUTE
249 default:
250 $stop;
251 endcase
252 state <= `STATE_WRITEBACK;
253 end
255 casex (opcode)
256 `define WRITEBACK
257 `include "allinsns.v"
258 `undef WRITEBACK
259 default:
260 $stop;
261 endcase
262 state <= `STATE_FETCH;
263 end
264 endcase
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