`include "ARM_Constants.v" module Decode( input clk, input [31:0] insn, input [31:0] inpc, input [31:0] cps_in, output reg [31:0] op0, output reg [31:0] op1, output reg [31:0] op2, output reg [31:0] cps_out, output [3:0] regsel0, output [3:0] regsel1, output [3:0] regsel2, input [31:0] iregs0, input [31:0] iregs1, input [31:0] iregs2 ); wire [31:0] regs0, regs1, regs2, rpc; wire [31:0] op1_res, new_cps; /* shifter stuff */ wire [31:0] shift_oper; wire [31:0] shift_res; wire shift_cflag_out; assign regs0 = (regsel0 == 4'b1111) ? rpc : iregs0; assign regs1 = (regsel1 == 4'b1111) ? rpc : iregs1; assign regs2 = iregs2; /* use regs2 for things that cannot be r15 */ IHATEARMSHIFT blowme(.insn(insn), .operand(regs1), .reg_amt(regs2), .cflag_in(cps_in[`CPSR_C]), .res(shift_res), .cflag_out(shift_cflag_out)); always @(*) casez (insn) 32'b????000000??????????????1001????, /* Multiply -- must come before ALU, because it pattern matches a specific case of ALU */ // 32'b????00001???????????????1001????, /* Multiply long */ 32'b????00010?001111????000000000000, /* MRS (Transfer PSR to register) */ 32'b????00010?101001111100000000????, /* MSR (Transfer register to PSR) */ 32'b????00?10?1010001111????????????, /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits only) */ 32'b????00010?00????????00001001????, /* Atomic swap */ 32'b????000100101111111111110001????, /* Branch */ 32'b????000??0??????????00001??1????, /* Halfword transfer - register offset */ 32'b????000??1??????????00001??1????, /* Halfword transfer - register offset */ 32'b????011????????????????????1????, /* Undefined. I hate ARM */ 32'b????01??????????????????????????, /* Single data transfer */ 32'b????100?????????????????????????, /* Block data transfer */ 32'b????101?????????????????????????, /* Branch */ 32'b????110?????????????????????????, /* Coprocessor data transfer */ 32'b????1110???????????????????0????, /* Coprocessor data op */ 32'b????1110???????????????????1????, /* Coprocessor register transfer */ 32'b????1111????????????????????????: /* SWI */ rpc = inpc - 8; 32'b????00??????????????????????????: /* ALU */ rpc = inpc - (insn[25] ? 8 : (insn[4] ? 12 : 8)); default: /* X everything else out */ rpc = 32'hxxxxxxxx; endcase always @ (*) begin casez (insn) 32'b????000000??????????????1001????: begin /* Multiply */ regsel0 = insn[15:12]; /* Rn */ regsel1 = insn[3:0]; /* Rm */ regsel2 = insn[11:8]; /* Rs */ op1_res = regs1; new_cps = cps_in; end /* 32'b????00001???????????????1001????: begin * Multiply long * regsel0 = insn[11:8]; * Rn * regsel1 = insn[3:0]; * Rm * regsel2 = 4'b0; * anyus * op1_res = regs1; end */ 32'b????00010?001111????000000000000: begin /* MRS (Transfer PSR to register) */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????00010?101001111100000000????: begin /* MSR (Transfer register to PSR) */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????00?10?1010001111????????????: begin /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits onry) */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????00??????????????????????????: begin /* ALU */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; /* Rn */ regsel1 = insn[3:0]; /* Rm */ regsel2 = insn[11:8]; /* Rs for shift */ if(insn[25]) begin /* the constant case */ new_cps = cps_in; op1_res = ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} >> {insn[11:8], 1'b0}) | ({24'b0, insn[7:0]} << (5'b0 - {insn[11:8], 1'b0})); end else begin new_cps = {cps_in[31:30], shift_cflag_out, cps_in[28:0]}; op1_res = shift_res; end end 32'b????00010?00????????00001001????: begin /* Atomic swap */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; /* Rn */ regsel1 = insn[3:0]; /* Rm */ regsel2 = 4'b0; /* anyus */ op1_res = regs1; end 32'b????000100101111111111110001????: begin /* Branch and exchange */ regsel0 = insn[3:0]; /* Rn */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????000??0??????????00001??1????: begin /* Halfword transfer - register offset */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; regsel1 = insn[3:0]; regsel2 = 4'b0; op1_res = regs1; new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????000??1??????????00001??1????: begin /* Halfword transfer - immediate offset */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; regsel1 = insn[3:0]; op1_res = {24'b0, insn[11:8], insn[3:0]}; new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????011????????????????????1????: begin /* Undefined. I hate ARM */ /* eat shit */ end 32'b????01??????????????????????????: begin /* Single data transfer */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; /* Rn */ regsel1 = insn[3:0]; /* Rm */ if(insn[25]) begin op1_res = {20'b0, insn[11:0]}; new_cps = cps_in; end else begin op1_res = shift_res; new_cps = {cps_in[31:30], shift_cflag_out, cps_in[28:0]}; end end 32'b????100?????????????????????????: begin /* Block data transfer */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; op1_res = {16'b0, insn[15:0]}; new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????101?????????????????????????: begin /* Branch */ op1_res = {{6{insn[23]}}, insn[23:0], 2'b0}; new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????110?????????????????????????: begin /* Coprocessor data transfer */ regsel0 = insn[19:16]; op1_res = {24'b0, insn[7:0]}; new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????1110???????????????????0????: begin /* Coprocessor data op */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????1110???????????????????1????: begin /* Coprocessor register transfer */ new_cps = cps_in; end 32'b????1111????????????????????????: begin /* SWI */ new_cps = cps_in; end default: begin end endcase end always @ (posedge clk) begin op0 <= regs0; /* Rn - always */ op1 <= op1_res; /* 'operand 2' - Rm */ op2 <= regs2; /* thirdedge - Rs */ cps_out <= new_cps; end endmodule module IHATEARMSHIFT( input [31:0] insn, input [31:0] operand, input [31:0] reg_amt, input cflag_in, output [31:0] res, output cflag_out ); wire [5:0] shift_amt; wire elanus; /* might want to write our own damn shifter that does arithmetic/logical efficiently and stuff */ always @ (*) begin if(insn[4]) begin shift_amt = {|reg_amt[7:5], reg_amt[4:0]}; elanus = 1'b1; end else begin shift_amt = {insn[11:7] == 5'b0, insn[11:7]}; elanus = 1'b0; end case (insn[6:5]) /* shift type */ `SHIFT_LSL: begin {cflag_out, res} = {cflag_in, operand} << {elanus & shift_amt[5], shift_amt[4:0]}; end `SHIFT_LSR: begin {res, cflag_out} = {operand, cflag_in} >> shift_amt; end `SHIFT_ASR: begin {res, cflag_out} = {operand, cflag_in} >> shift_amt | (operand[31] ? ~(33'h1FFFFFFFF >> shift_amt) : 33'b0); end `SHIFT_ROR: begin if(!elanus && shift_amt[4:0] == 5'b0) begin /* RRX x.x */ res = {cflag_in, operand[31:1]}; cflag_out = operand[0]; end else if(shift_amt == 6'b0) begin res = operand; cflag_out = cflag_in; end else begin res = operand >> shift_amt[4:0] | operand << (5'b0 - shift_amt[4:0]); cflag_out = operand[shift_amt[4:0] - 5'b1]; end end endcase end endmodule