`include "ARM_Constants.v" module Issue( input clk, input Nrst, /* XXX not used yet */ input stall, /* pipeline control */ input flush, /* XXX not used yet */ input inbubble, /* stage inputs */ input [31:0] insn, input [31:0] inpc, input [31:0] cpsr, output reg outstall = 0, /* stage outputs */ output reg outbubble = 1, output reg [31:0] outpc = 0, output reg [31:0] outinsn = 0 /* XXX other? */ ); `ifdef COPY_PASTA_FODDER /* from page 2 of ARM7TDMIvE2.pdf */ casex (insn) `DECODE_ALU_MULT: /* Multiply -- must come before ALU, because it pattern matches a specific case of ALU */ // `DECODE_ALU_MUL_LONG: /* Multiply long */ `DECODE_ALU_MRS: /* MRS (Transfer PSR to register) */ `DECODE_ALU_MSR: /* MSR (Transfer register to PSR) */ `DECODE_ALU_MSR_FLAGS: /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits only) */ `DECODE_ALU_SWP: /* Atomic swap */ `DECODE_ALU_BX: /* Branch */ `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG: /* Halfword transfer - register offset */ `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: /* Halfword transfer - immediate offset */ `DECODE_ALU: /* ALU */ `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: /* Undefined. I hate ARM */ `DECODE_LDRSTR: /* Single data transfer */ `DECODE_LDMSTM: /* Block data transfer */ `DECODE_BRANCH: /* Branch */ `DECODE_LDCSTC: /* Coprocessor data transfer */ `DECODE_CDP: /* Coprocessor data op */ `DECODE_MRCMCR: /* Coprocessor register transfer */ `DECODE_SWI: /* SWI */ default: /* X everything else out */ endcase `endif /* Flag setting */ reg use_cpsr; reg [15:0] use_regs; reg def_cpsr; reg [15:0] def_regs; function [15:0] idxbit; input [3:0] r; if (r == 15) idxbit = 0; else idxbit = (16'b1) << r; endfunction wire [3:0] rn = insn[19:16]; wire [3:0] rd = insn[15:12]; wire [3:0] rs = insn[11:8]; wire [3:0] rm = insn[3:0]; wire [3:0] cond = insn[31:28]; wire [3:0] rd_mul = insn[19:16]; wire [3:0] rn_mul = insn[15:12]; wire [3:0] rs_mul = insn[11:8]; wire [3:0] alu_opc = insn[24:21]; function alu_is_logical; input [3:0] op; case (op) `ALU_AND,`ALU_EOR,`ALU_TST,`ALU_TEQ,`ALU_ORR,`ALU_MOV,`ALU_BIC,`ALU_MVN: alu_is_logical = 1; default: alu_is_logical = 0; endcase endfunction function alu_flags_only; input [3:0] op; case (op) `ALU_TST,`ALU_TEQ,`ALU_CMP,`ALU_CMN: alu_flags_only = 1; default: alu_flags_only = 0; endcase endfunction function shift_requires_carry; input [7:0] shift; case(shift[1:0]) `SHIFT_LSL: shift_requires_carry = (shift[7:2] == 0); `SHIFT_LSR: shift_requires_carry = 0; `SHIFT_ASR: shift_requires_carry = 0; `SHIFT_ROR: shift_requires_carry = (shift[7:2] == 0); endcase endfunction always @(*) casez (insn) `DECODE_ALU_MULT: /* Multiply -- must come before ALU, because it pattern matches a specific case of ALU */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = (insn[21] /* accum */ ? idxbit(rn_mul) : 0) | idxbit(rs_mul) | idxbit(rm); def_cpsr = insn[20] /* setcc */; def_regs = idxbit(rd_mul); end // `DECODE_ALU_MUL_LONG: /* Multiply long */ `DECODE_ALU_MRS: /* MRS (Transfer PSR to register) */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond) || (insn[22] == 0) /* Source = CPSR */; use_regs = 0; def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = idxbit(rd); end `DECODE_ALU_MSR: /* MSR (Transfer register to PSR) */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rm); def_cpsr = 1; def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_ALU_MSR_FLAGS: /* MSR (Transfer register or immediate to PSR, flag bits only) */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = insn[25] ? 0 : idxbit(rm); def_cpsr = 1; def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_ALU: /* ALU */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond) | (!insn[25] /* I */ && shift_requires_carry(insn[11:4])); use_regs = (insn[25] /* I */ ? 0 : (insn[4] /* shift by reg */ ? (idxbit(rs) | idxbit(rm)) : (idxbit(rm)))) | (((alu_opc != `ALU_MOV) && (alu_opc != `ALU_MVN)) ? idxbit(rn) : 0); def_cpsr = insn[20] /* S */ | alu_is_logical(alu_opc); def_regs = alu_flags_only(alu_opc) ? 0 : idxbit(rd); end `DECODE_ALU_SWP: /* Atomic swap */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn) | idxbit(rm); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = idxbit(rd); end `DECODE_ALU_BX: /* Branch */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rm); def_cpsr = 0; // don't care, we'll never get there def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG: /* Halfword transfer - register offset */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn) | idxbit(rm) | (insn[20] /* L */ ? 0 : idxbit(rd)); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = insn[20] /* L */ ? idxbit(rd) : 0; end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: /* Halfword transfer - immediate offset */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn) | (insn[20] /* L */ ? 0 : idxbit(rd)); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = insn[20] /* L */ ? idxbit(rd) : 0; end `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: /* Undefined. I hate ARM */ begin use_cpsr = 0; use_regs = 0; def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_LDRSTR: begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn) | (insn[20] /* L */ ? 0 : idxbit(rd)); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = insn[20] /* L */ ? idxbit(rd) : 0; end `DECODE_LDMSTM: /* Block data transfer */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn) | (insn[20] /* L */ ? 0 : insn[15:0]); def_cpsr = insn[22]; /* This is a superset of all cases, anyway. */ def_regs = (insn[21] /* W */ ? idxbit(rn) : 0) | (insn[20] /* L */ ? insn[15:0] : 0); end `DECODE_BRANCH: /* Branch */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = 0; def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_LDCSTC: /* Coprocessor data transfer */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = idxbit(rn); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = insn[21] /* W */ ? idxbit(rn) : 0; end `DECODE_CDP: /* Coprocessor data op */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = 0; def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = 0; end `DECODE_MRCMCR: /* Coprocessor register transfer */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = insn[20] /* L */ ? 0 : idxbit(rd); def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = insn[20] /* L */ ? idxbit(rd) : 0; end `DECODE_SWI: /* SWI */ begin use_cpsr = `COND_MATTERS(cond); use_regs = 0; def_cpsr = 0; def_regs = 0; end default: /* X everything else out */ begin use_cpsr = 1'bx; use_regs = 16'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; def_cpsr = 1'bx; def_regs = 16'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; end endcase /* Condition checking logic */ reg condition_met; always @(*) casez(insn[31:28]) `COND_EQ: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_Z]; `COND_NE: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_Z]; `COND_CS: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_C]; `COND_CC: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_C]; `COND_MI: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_N]; `COND_PL: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_N]; `COND_VS: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_V]; `COND_VC: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_V]; `COND_HI: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_C] && !cpsr[`CPSR_Z]; `COND_LS: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_C] || cpsr[`CPSR_Z]; `COND_GE: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_N] == cpsr[`CPSR_V]; `COND_LT: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_N] != cpsr[`CPSR_V]; `COND_GT: condition_met = !cpsr[`CPSR_Z] && (cpsr[`CPSR_N] == cpsr[`CPSR_V]); `COND_LE: condition_met = cpsr[`CPSR_Z] || (cpsr[`CPSR_N] != cpsr[`CPSR_V]); `COND_AL: condition_met = 1; `COND_NV: condition_met = 0; default: condition_met = 1'bx; endcase /* Issue logic */ `define STAGE_EXECUTE 0 `define STAGE_MEMORY 1 /* Once it's hit writeback, it's essentially hit the regfile so you're done. */ reg cpsr_inflight [1:0]; reg [15:0] regs_inflight [1:0]; reg waiting_cpsr; reg waiting_regs; wire waiting = waiting_cpsr | waiting_regs; initial begin cpsr_inflight[0] = 0; cpsr_inflight[1] = 0; regs_inflight[0] = 0; regs_inflight[1] = 0; end always @(*) begin waiting_cpsr = use_cpsr & (cpsr_inflight[0] | cpsr_inflight[1]); waiting_regs = |(use_regs & (regs_inflight[0] | regs_inflight[1])); outstall = waiting && !inbubble; /* Happens in an always @*, because it is an exception. */ end /* Actually do the issue. */ always @(posedge clk) begin cpsr_inflight[0] <= cpsr_inflight[1]; /* I'm not sure how well selects work with arrays, and that seems like a dumb thing to get anusulated by. */ cpsr_inflight[1] <= (waiting || inbubble || !condition_met) ? 0 : def_cpsr; regs_inflight[0] <= regs_inflight[1]; regs_inflight[1] <= (waiting || inbubble || !condition_met) ? 0 : def_regs; if (waiting) begin $display("ISSUE: Stalling instruction %08x because %d/%d", insn, waiting_cpsr, waiting_regs); end outbubble <= inbubble | waiting | !condition_met; outpc <= inpc; outinsn <= insn; end endmodule