`include "ARM_Constants.v" `define SWP_READING 2'b01 `define SWP_WRITING 2'b10 `define LSRH_MEMIO 3'b001 `define LSRH_BASEWB 3'b010 `define LSRH_WBFLUSH 3'b100 `define LSR_MEMIO 4'b0001 `define LSR_STRB_WR 4'b0010 `define LSR_BASEWB 4'b0100 `define LSR_WBFLUSH 4'b1000 `define LSM_SETUP 4'b0001 `define LSM_MEMIO 4'b0010 `define LSM_BASEWB 4'b0100 `define LSM_WBFLUSH 4'b1000 module Memory( input clk, input Nrst, input flush, /* bus interface */ output reg [31:0] busaddr, output reg rd_req, output reg wr_req, input rw_wait, output reg [31:0] wr_data, input [31:0] rd_data, output reg [2:0] data_size, /* regfile interface */ output reg [3:0] st_read, input [31:0] st_data, /* Coprocessor interface */ output reg cp_req, input cp_ack, input cp_busy, output reg cp_rnw, /* 1 = read from CP, 0 = write to CP */ input [31:0] cp_read, output reg [31:0] cp_write, /* stage inputs */ input inbubble, input [31:0] pc, input [31:0] insn, input [31:0] op0, input [31:0] op1, input [31:0] op2, input [31:0] spsr, input [31:0] cpsr, input cpsrup, input write_reg, input [3:0] write_num, input [31:0] write_data, /* outputs */ output reg outstall, output reg outbubble, output reg [31:0] outpc, output reg [31:0] outinsn, output reg out_write_reg = 1'b0, output reg [3:0] out_write_num = 4'bxxxx, output reg [31:0] out_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx, output reg [31:0] outspsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx, output reg [31:0] outcpsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx, output reg outcpsrup = 1'hx ); reg [31:0] addr, raddr, prev_raddr, next_regdata, next_outcpsr; reg next_outcpsrup; reg [31:0] prevaddr; reg [3:0] next_regsel, cur_reg, prev_reg; reg next_writeback; reg next_outbubble; reg next_write_reg; reg [3:0] next_write_num; reg [31:0] next_write_data; reg [3:0] lsr_state = 4'b0001, next_lsr_state; reg [31:0] align_s1, align_s2, align_rddata; reg [2:0] lsrh_state = 3'b001, next_lsrh_state; reg [31:0] lsrh_rddata; reg [15:0] lsrh_rddata_s1; reg [7:0] lsrh_rddata_s2; reg [15:0] regs, next_regs; reg [3:0] lsm_state = 4'b0001, next_lsm_state; reg [5:0] offset, prev_offset, offset_sel; reg [31:0] swp_oldval, next_swp_oldval; reg [1:0] swp_state = 2'b01, next_swp_state; reg do_rd_data_latch; reg [31:0] rd_data_latch = 32'hxxxxxxxx; always @(posedge clk) begin outpc <= pc; outinsn <= insn; outbubble <= next_outbubble; out_write_reg <= next_write_reg; out_write_num <= next_write_num; out_write_data <= next_write_data; if (!rw_wait) prev_offset <= offset; prev_raddr <= raddr; outcpsr <= next_outcpsr; outspsr <= spsr; outcpsrup <= next_outcpsrup; swp_state <= next_swp_state; lsm_state <= next_lsm_state; lsr_state <= next_lsr_state; lsrh_state <= next_lsrh_state; if (do_rd_data_latch) rd_data_latch <= rd_data; prevaddr <= addr; end reg delayedflush = 0; always @(posedge clk) if (flush && outstall /* halp! I can't do it now, maybe later? */) delayedflush <= 1; else if (!outstall /* anything has been handled this time around */) delayedflush <= 0; /* Drive the state machines and stall. */ always @(*) begin outstall = 1'b0; next_lsm_state = lsm_state; next_lsr_state = lsr_state; next_lsrh_state = lsrh_state; next_swp_state = swp_state; casez(insn) `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if(!inbubble) begin case(swp_state) `SWP_READING: begin outstall = 1'b1; if (!rw_wait) next_swp_state = `SWP_WRITING; $display("SWP: read stage"); end `SWP_WRITING: begin outstall = rw_wait; if(!rw_wait) next_swp_state = `SWP_READING; $display("SWP: write stage"); end default: begin outstall = 1'bx; next_swp_state = 2'bxx; end endcase end `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin case(lsrh_state) `LSRH_MEMIO: begin outstall = rw_wait; if(insn[21] | !insn[24]) begin outstall = 1'b1; if(!rw_wait) next_lsrh_state = `LSRH_BASEWB; end if (flush) /* special case! */ begin outstall = 1'b0; next_lsrh_state = `LSRH_MEMIO; end $display("ALU_LDRSTRH: rd_req %d, wr_req %d", rd_req, wr_req); end `LSRH_BASEWB: begin outstall = 1'b1; next_lsrh_state = `LSRH_WBFLUSH; end `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin outstall = 1'b0; next_lsrh_state = `LSRH_MEMIO; end default: begin outstall = 1'bx; next_lsrh_state = 3'bxxx; end endcase end `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: begin end `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin outstall = rw_wait; case(lsr_state) `LSR_MEMIO: begin outstall = rw_wait; next_lsr_state = `LSR_MEMIO; if (insn[22] /* B */ && !insn[20] /* L */) begin /* i.e., strb */ outstall = 1'b1; if (!rw_wait) next_lsr_state = `LSR_STRB_WR; end else if (insn[21] /* W */ || !insn[24] /* P */) begin /* writeback needed */ outstall = 1'b1; if (!rw_wait) next_lsr_state = `LSR_BASEWB; end if (flush) begin outstall = 1'b0; next_lsr_state = `LSR_MEMIO; end $display("LDRSTR: rd_req %d, wr_req %d, raddr %08x, wait %d", rd_req, wr_req, raddr, rw_wait); end `LSR_STRB_WR: begin outstall = 1; if(insn[21] /* W */ | !insn[24] /* P */) begin if(!rw_wait) next_lsr_state = `LSR_BASEWB; end else if (!rw_wait) next_lsr_state = `LSR_WBFLUSH; $display("LDRSTR: Handling STRB"); end `LSR_BASEWB: begin outstall = 1; next_lsr_state = `LSR_WBFLUSH; end `LSR_WBFLUSH: begin outstall = 0; next_lsr_state = `LSR_MEMIO; end default: begin outstall = 1'bx; next_lsr_state = 4'bxxxx; end endcase $display("LDRSTR: Decoded, bubble %d, insn %08x, lsm state %b -> %b, stall %d", inbubble, insn, lsr_state, next_lsr_state, outstall); end `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin outstall = rw_wait; case(lsm_state) `LSM_SETUP: begin outstall = 1'b1; next_lsm_state = `LSM_MEMIO; if (flush) begin outstall = 1'b0; next_lsm_state = `LSM_SETUP; end $display("LDMSTM: Round 1: base register: %08x, reg list %b", op0, op1[15:0]); end `LSM_MEMIO: begin outstall = 1'b1; if(next_regs == 16'b0) begin next_lsm_state = `LSM_BASEWB; end $display("LDMSTM: Stage 2: Writing: regs %b, next_regs %b, reg %d, wr_data %08x, addr %08x", regs, next_regs, cur_reg, st_data, busaddr); end `LSM_BASEWB: begin outstall = 1; next_lsm_state = `LSM_WBFLUSH; $display("LDMSTM: Stage 3: Writing back"); end `LSM_WBFLUSH: begin outstall = 0; next_lsm_state = `LSM_SETUP; end default: begin outstall = 1'bx; next_lsm_state = 4'bxxxx; end endcase $display("LDMSTM: Decoded, bubble %d, insn %08x, lsm state %b -> %b, stall %d", inbubble, insn, lsm_state, next_lsm_state, outstall); end `DECODE_LDCSTC: if(!inbubble) begin $display("WARNING: Unimplemented LDCSTC"); end `DECODE_CDP: if (!inbubble) begin if (cp_busy) begin outstall = 1; end if (!cp_ack) begin /* XXX undefined instruction trap */ $display("WARNING: Possible CDP undefined instruction"); end end `DECODE_MRCMCR: if (!inbubble) begin if (cp_busy) begin outstall = 1; end if (!cp_ack) begin $display("WARNING: Possible MRCMCR undefined instruction: cp_ack %d, cp_busy %d",cp_ack, cp_busy); end $display("MRCMCR: ack %d, busy %d", cp_ack, cp_busy); end default: begin end endcase end /* Coprocessor input. */ always @(*) begin cp_req = 0; cp_rnw = 1'bx; cp_write = 32'hxxxxxxxx; casez (insn) `DECODE_CDP: if(!inbubble) begin cp_req = 1; end `DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin cp_req = 1; cp_rnw = insn[20] /* L */; if (insn[20] == 0 /* store to coprocessor */) cp_write = op0; end endcase end /* Register output logic. */ always @(*) begin next_write_reg = write_reg; next_write_num = write_num; next_write_data = write_data; next_outcpsr = lsm_state == 4'b0010 ? outcpsr : cpsr; next_outcpsrup = cpsrup; casez(insn) `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if (!inbubble) begin next_write_reg = 1'bx; next_write_num = 4'bxxxx; next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; case(swp_state) `SWP_READING: next_write_reg = 1'b0; `SWP_WRITING: begin next_write_reg = 1'b1; next_write_num = insn[15:12]; next_write_data = insn[22] ? {24'b0, swp_oldval[7:0]} : swp_oldval; end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin next_write_reg = 1'bx; next_write_num = 4'bxxxx; next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; case(lsrh_state) `LSRH_MEMIO: begin next_write_num = insn[15:12]; next_write_data = lsrh_rddata; if(insn[20]) begin next_write_reg = 1'b1; end end `LSRH_BASEWB: begin next_write_reg = 1'b1; next_write_num = insn[19:16]; next_write_data = addr; end `LSRH_WBFLUSH: next_write_reg = 1'b0; default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: begin end `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin next_write_reg = 1'bx; next_write_num = 4'bxxxx; next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; case(lsr_state) `LSR_MEMIO: begin next_write_reg = insn[20] /* L */; next_write_num = insn[15:12]; if(insn[20] /* L */) begin next_write_data = insn[22] /* B */ ? {24'h0, align_rddata[7:0]} : align_rddata; end end `LSR_STRB_WR: next_write_reg = 1'b0; `LSR_BASEWB: begin next_write_reg = 1'b1; next_write_num = insn[19:16]; next_write_data = addr; end `LSR_WBFLUSH: next_write_reg = 1'b0; default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin next_write_reg = 1'bx; next_write_num = 4'bxxxx; next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; case(lsm_state) `LSM_SETUP: next_write_reg = 1'b0; `LSM_MEMIO: begin if(insn[20]) begin next_write_reg = !rw_wait; next_write_num = cur_reg; next_write_data = rd_data; end else next_write_reg = 1'b0; end `LSM_BASEWB: begin next_write_reg = insn[21] /* writeback */; next_write_num = insn[19:16]; next_write_data = insn[23] ? op0 + {26'b0, prev_offset} : op0 - {26'b0, prev_offset}; if(cur_reg == 4'hF && insn[22]) begin next_outcpsr = spsr; next_outcpsrup = 1; end end `LSM_WBFLUSH: next_write_reg = 1'b0; default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin next_write_reg = 1'bx; next_write_num = 4'bxxxx; next_write_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; next_outcpsr = 32'hxxxxxxxx; next_outcpsrup = 1'bx; if (insn[20] == 1 /* load from coprocessor */) if (insn[15:12] != 4'hF /* Fuck you ARM */) begin next_write_reg = 1'b1; next_write_num = insn[15:12]; next_write_data = cp_read; end else begin next_outcpsr = {cp_read[31:28], cpsr[27:0]}; next_outcpsrup = 1; end end endcase end /* Bus/address control logic. */ always @(*) begin rd_req = 1'b0; wr_req = 1'b0; offset = prev_offset; addr = prevaddr; raddr = 32'hxxxxxxxx; busaddr = 32'hxxxxxxxx; data_size = 3'bxxx; casez(insn) `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if(!inbubble) begin busaddr = {op0[31:2], 2'b0}; data_size = insn[22] ? 3'b001 : 3'b100; case(swp_state) `SWP_READING: rd_req = 1'b1; `SWP_WRITING: wr_req = 1'b1; default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin addr = insn[23] ? op0 + op1 : op0 - op1; /* up/down select */ raddr = insn[24] ? op0 : addr; /* pre/post increment */ busaddr = raddr; /* rotate to correct position */ case(insn[6:5]) 2'b01: /* unsigned half */ data_size = 3'b010; 2'b10: /* signed byte */ data_size = 3'b001; 2'b11: /* signed half */ data_size = 3'b010; default: begin data_size = 3'bxxx; end endcase case(lsrh_state) `LSRH_MEMIO: begin rd_req = insn[20]; wr_req = ~insn[20]; end `LSRH_BASEWB: begin end `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: begin end `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin addr = insn[23] ? op0 + op1 : op0 - op1; /* up/down select */ raddr = insn[24] ? addr : op0; /* pre/post increment */ busaddr = raddr; data_size = insn[22] ? 3'b001 : 3'b100; case (lsr_state) `LSR_MEMIO: begin rd_req = insn[20] /* L */ || insn[22] /* B */; wr_req = !insn[20] /* L */ && !insn[22]/* B */; end `LSR_STRB_WR: wr_req = 1; `LSR_BASEWB: begin end `LSR_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDMSTM: if (!inbubble) begin data_size = 3'b100; case (lsm_state) `LSM_SETUP: offset = 6'b0; `LSM_MEMIO: begin rd_req = insn[20]; wr_req = ~insn[20]; offset = prev_offset + 6'h4; offset_sel = insn[24] ? offset : prev_offset; raddr = insn[23] ? op0 + {26'b0, offset_sel} : op0 - {26'b0, offset_sel}; busaddr = raddr; end `LSM_BASEWB: begin end `LSM_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDCSTC: begin end `DECODE_CDP: begin end `DECODE_MRCMCR: begin end default: begin end endcase end /* Bus data control logic. */ always @(*) begin wr_data = 32'hxxxxxxxx; casez(insn) `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if(!inbubble) if (swp_state == `SWP_WRITING) wr_data = insn[22] ? {4{op1[7:0]}} : op1; `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) case(insn[6:5]) 2'b01: /* unsigned half */ wr_data = {2{op2[15:0]}}; /* XXX need to store halfword */ 2'b10: /* signed byte */ wr_data = {4{op2[7:0]}}; 2'b11: /* signed half */ wr_data = {2{op2[15:0]}}; default: begin end endcase `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: begin end `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin wr_data = insn[22] ? {24'h0, {op2[7:0]}} : op2; if (lsr_state == `LSR_STRB_WR) case (busaddr[1:0]) 2'b00: wr_data = {rd_data_latch[31:8], op2[7:0]}; 2'b01: wr_data = {rd_data_latch[31:16], op2[7:0], rd_data_latch[7:0]}; 2'b10: wr_data = {rd_data_latch[31:24], op2[7:0], rd_data_latch[15:0]}; 2'b11: wr_data = {op2[7:0], rd_data_latch[23:0]}; endcase end `DECODE_LDMSTM: if (!inbubble) if (lsm_state == `LSM_MEMIO) wr_data = (cur_reg == 4'hF) ? (pc + 12) : st_data; `DECODE_LDCSTC: begin end `DECODE_CDP: begin end `DECODE_MRCMCR: begin end default: begin end endcase end /* LDM/STM register control logic. */ always @(posedge clk) if (!rw_wait || lsm_state != `LSM_MEMIO) begin prev_reg <= cur_reg; regs <= next_regs; end always @(*) begin st_read = 4'hx; cur_reg = prev_reg; next_regs = regs; casez(insn) `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin case(lsm_state) `LSM_SETUP: next_regs = insn[23] /* U */ ? op1[15:0] : {op1[0], op1[1], op1[2], op1[3], op1[4], op1[5], op1[6], op1[7], op1[8], op1[9], op1[10], op1[11], op1[12], op1[13], op1[14], op1[15]}; `LSM_MEMIO: begin casez(regs) 16'b???????????????1: begin cur_reg = 4'h0; next_regs = {regs[15:1], 1'b0}; end 16'b??????????????10: begin cur_reg = 4'h1; next_regs = {regs[15:2], 2'b0}; end 16'b?????????????100: begin cur_reg = 4'h2; next_regs = {regs[15:3], 3'b0}; end 16'b????????????1000: begin cur_reg = 4'h3; next_regs = {regs[15:4], 4'b0}; end 16'b???????????10000: begin cur_reg = 4'h4; next_regs = {regs[15:5], 5'b0}; end 16'b??????????100000: begin cur_reg = 4'h5; next_regs = {regs[15:6], 6'b0}; end 16'b?????????1000000: begin cur_reg = 4'h6; next_regs = {regs[15:7], 7'b0}; end 16'b????????10000000: begin cur_reg = 4'h7; next_regs = {regs[15:8], 8'b0}; end 16'b???????100000000: begin cur_reg = 4'h8; next_regs = {regs[15:9], 9'b0}; end 16'b??????1000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'h9; next_regs = {regs[15:10], 10'b0}; end 16'b?????10000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hA; next_regs = {regs[15:11], 11'b0}; end 16'b????100000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hB; next_regs = {regs[15:12], 12'b0}; end 16'b???1000000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hC; next_regs = {regs[15:13], 13'b0}; end 16'b??10000000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hD; next_regs = {regs[15:14], 14'b0}; end 16'b?100000000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hE; next_regs = {regs[15], 15'b0}; end 16'b1000000000000000: begin cur_reg = 4'hF; next_regs = 16'b0; end default: begin cur_reg = 4'hx; next_regs = 16'b0; end endcase cur_reg = insn[23] ? cur_reg : 4'hF - cur_reg; st_read = cur_reg; end `LSM_BASEWB: begin end `LSM_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end endcase end always @(*) begin do_rd_data_latch = 0; next_outbubble = inbubble; lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx; lsrh_rddata_s1 = 16'hxxxx; lsrh_rddata_s2 = 8'hxx; next_swp_oldval = swp_oldval; /* XXX shit not given about endianness */ casez(insn) `DECODE_ALU_SWP: if(!inbubble) begin next_outbubble = rw_wait; case(swp_state) `SWP_READING: if(!rw_wait) next_swp_oldval = rd_data; `SWP_WRITING: begin end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_ALU_MULT: begin end `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_REG, `DECODE_ALU_HDATA_IMM: if(!inbubble) begin next_outbubble = rw_wait; /* rotate to correct position */ case(insn[6:5]) 2'b01: begin /* unsigned half */ lsrh_rddata = {16'b0, raddr[1] ? rd_data[31:16] : rd_data[15:0]}; end 2'b10: begin /* signed byte */ lsrh_rddata_s1 = raddr[1] ? rd_data[31:16] : rd_data[15:0]; lsrh_rddata_s2 = raddr[0] ? lsrh_rddata_s1[15:8] : lsrh_rddata_s1[7:0]; lsrh_rddata = {{24{lsrh_rddata_s2[7]}}, lsrh_rddata_s2}; end 2'b11: begin /* signed half */ lsrh_rddata = raddr[1] ? {{16{rd_data[31]}}, rd_data[31:16]} : {{16{rd_data[15]}}, rd_data[15:0]}; end default: begin lsrh_rddata = 32'hxxxxxxxx; end endcase case(lsrh_state) `LSRH_MEMIO: begin end `LSRH_BASEWB: next_outbubble = 1'b0; `LSRH_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end `DECODE_LDRSTR_UNDEFINED: begin end `DECODE_LDRSTR: if(!inbubble) begin next_outbubble = rw_wait; /* rotate to correct position */ align_s1 = raddr[1] ? {rd_data[15:0], rd_data[31:16]} : rd_data; align_s2 = raddr[0] ? {align_s1[7:0], align_s1[31:8]} : align_s1; /* select byte or word */ align_rddata = insn[22] ? {24'b0, align_s2[7:0]} : align_s2; case(lsr_state) `LSR_MEMIO: if (insn[22] /* B */ && !insn[20] /* L */) do_rd_data_latch = 1; `LSR_STRB_WR: begin end `LSR_BASEWB: next_outbubble = 0; `LSR_WBFLUSH: begin end default: begin end endcase end /* XXX ldm/stm incorrect in that stupid case where one of the listed regs is the base reg */ `DECODE_LDMSTM: if(!inbubble) begin next_outbubble = rw_wait; case(lsm_state) `LSM_SETUP: begin end `LSM_MEMIO: begin end `LSM_BASEWB: next_outbubble = 0; `LSM_WBFLUSH: begin end default: $stop; endcase end `DECODE_LDCSTC: begin end `DECODE_CDP: if(!inbubble) begin if (cp_busy) begin next_outbubble = 1; end end `DECODE_MRCMCR: if(!inbubble) begin if (cp_busy) begin next_outbubble = 1; end end default: begin end endcase if ((flush || delayedflush) && !outstall) next_outbubble = 1'b1; end endmodule